Passages from the Life of a Philosopher/Adverts
39 Paternoster Row, E.C.
London, June 1864.
Arts, Manufactures, &c. | 11 | |
Astronomy, Meteorology, Popular Geography &c. | 7 | |
Biography and Memoirs | 3 | |
Chemistry, Medicine, Surgery, and the Allied Sciences | 9 | |
Commerce, Navigation, and Mercantile Affairs | 19 | |
Criticism, Philology, &c. | 4 | |
Fine Arts and Illustrated Editions | 11 | |
General and School Atlases | 20 | |
Historical Works | 1 | |
Index | 21-24 | |
Miscellaneous and Popular Metaphysical Works | 6 | |
Natural History and Popular Science | 8 | |
Periodical Publications | 20 | |
Poetry and the Drama | 17 | |
Religious Works | 13 |
Historical Works.
The History of England from the Fall of Wolsey to the Death of Elizabeth. By James Anthony Froude, M.A. late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford.
Vols. I. to IV. the Reign of Henry VIII. Second Edition, 54s.
Vols. V. and VI. the Reigns of Edward VI. and Mary. Second Edition, 28s.
Vols. VII. and VIII. the Reign of Elizabeth, Vols. I. and II. Third Edition, 28s.
The History of England from the Accession of James II. By Lord Macaulay. Three Editions, as follows.
Library Edition, 5 vols. 8vo. £4.
Cabinet Edition, 8 vols. post 8vo. 48s.
People's Edition, 4 vols. crown 8vo. 16s. History of Civilization. By Hbmky TuollAB BucKLB. 2 vols. £1 17«.
Vol. L JSn^d mm! Framett Fouith Edition, 2U
Vol. II. Spain and Scotland Second Edition, 16«.
Democracy in America. By Alrzis
Db ToGQUEViLLK. Translated by HiorRT Bbbvs, with an Introductory Notice by the Translator. 2 rob. 9ro, 2it.
The Spanish Conquest in America, and its Relation to the History of Slavery and to the Government of Colonies. By Arthur Helps. 4 vols. 8vo. £8. VoiA I. & 11. 28». Vous. III. & IV. 16s. each.
History of the Reformation in Europe in the Time of Calvin. By J. H. Hbrls D'Aubiokb, D. D. Vol. I. and II. 8vo. 28«. and Vol. III. 12s.
Library History of France, in 6 vols 8vo. By Eyrb Evahb Cbows. Vol. I. 14s. Vol. II. 16s. Vol. UL 18s. Vol. IV. nearly ready.
Lectures on the History of France. By the late Sir James Stephen, LL. D. 2 vols. 8vo. 24s.
The History of Greece. By CTuiRLWALL, D. D. Lord Bishop of St. David's. 8 vols. 8vo. £3; or in 8 vols fcp. 28s.
The Tale of the Great Persian War, from the Histories of Herodotut, By the Bev. G. W. Cox, M. A. late Scholar of Trin. Coll. Oxon. Fcp. 8vo. 7s. od.
Ancient History of Egypt, As-i^yria, and Babylonia. By the Author of
- Amy Herbert' Fcp. 8vo. os.
Critical History of the Language and Literature of Ancient Greece. By William Mure, of CaldweGL 5 vols. 8vo. £3 9s.
History of the Literature of Ancient Greece. By Professor K. O. Mu llkb. Translated by the Bight Hon. Sir George CORHEWALL Lswis, Bart, and by J. W. DosALDBOir, D. D. 8 vols. 8vo. 86s.
History of the Bo Tnans under the Empire. By the Bev. Chaslrs MsriyALB, B. D. 7 voll. 8TCk. irith Haps, £5.
The Fall of the Boman Be-public: a Short History of the Last Century of the Commonwealth. By the Rev. Charles Mebiyale, B. D. 12mo. 7s. odL
Critical and Historical Essays contributed to the Edinburgh Review, By the Sight H«a. Lord Macaulay. Library Editiok, 8 vols. 8vo. 36s.
Travbxxxr's £i>moK, in I vol. 2isl In PocKBT Volumes, 8 vols fcp. 2is. People's Editiok, 2 vols, crown 8vo.
The Biographical History of Philosophy, from its Origin in Greece to the Present Day. By Gboroe Hbhby Lewes. Revised and enlarged Edition. 8vo. 16s.
History of the Inductive Sciences. By William Whewell, D. D. F. R. S. Master of Trm. Coll. Camb. Third Edition. 8 vols, crown 8vo. 24s.
Egypt's Place in Universal History; an Historical Investigation. By C. C. J. Butvs Esr, D. D. Translated by C. H. Cottrell, M. A. With many Illustrations. 4 vols. 8vo. £5 8s. Vol. Y. is nearly ready.
Maunder's Historical Treasury; comprising a General Introductory Outline of Universal History, and a Series of Separate Histories. Fcp. 8vo. 10s.
Historical and Chronological En-cyclopssdia, presenting in a brief and convenient form Chronological Notices of all the Great Events of Universal History. By B. B. Woodward, F. S. A. Librarian to the Qaeen. [/n in»prt8».
History of Christian Mismonw; their Agents and their Results. By I. W. M. Marshall. 2 vob. 8yo. 24s.
History of the Early Church, from the First Preaching of the Gospel to the Council of Nicssa, a. d. 825. By the Author of * Amy Herbert. * Fcp. 8vo. 4s. orf.
History of Wesleyan Methodism. By Oboxgb Bkitb, F. A. a New Edition, with Portraits, in course of publication in 81 parts ocL each.
History of Modern Music Edo; a Gomve f Lectares delivered at the Royal Institution. By John Hullah, Professor of Tocal Music in King's College and in Queen's College, London. Post 8vo. os. od.
History of Medicine, from the Earliest Ages to the Present Time. By Edward Merton, M.D. F.G.S. Vol. I. 8vo. 12s. 6d.
Biography and Memoirs.
Sir John Eliot, a Biography: 1690—1682. By John Forster. With 2 Portraits on Steel, from the Originals at Port Eliot. 2 vols, crown 8yo. dOs.
Letters and Life of Francis Bacon, including all his Occasional Works. Collected and edited, with a Commentary, by J. Spedding, Trin. Coll. Cantab. Vols. I. and 11. Sto. 24«.
Life of Robert Stephenson, F.R.S. By J. C. Jeaffrbson, Barrister-at-Law, and William Polb, F.R.S. Memb. Instt Ciy. Eng. With 2 Portraits and many Illustrations. 2 vols. 870. [Just ready.
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Diaries of a Lady of Quality, from 1797 to 1844. Edited, with Notes, by A. Hayward, Q. C. Post 8vo. 10*. odl
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Lord BacoD'8 Works, collected snd edited by R. L. Ellis, M. A., J. Spkddiko, JCA. snd D. D. Hbath. Yols. I. to V.
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Mlfloellaneoiis Bemains from the
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Post 8vo. IJust rtadjf.
Essays on the Administrations of
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Sir G. G. Lewis, Bart. Edited by the Right Hon. Sir £. Hbad, Bart 8vo. with Porllrait, 15s.
By the same Author.
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Analysis of Mr. Mill's System of Logic By W. STBBDuro, M. il Fellow of Worcester College, Oxford. Post 8vo. [Just ready.
Speeches of the Bight Hon. Lord Macaulay, corrected by Himself. 8vo. 12*.
Lord Macaulay's Speeches on Parliamentary Reform in 1831 and 1832. 16mo. If.
A Dictionary of the English Language. By R. G. Latham, M.A. M.D. F.R.S. Founded on that of Dr. Johnson, as edited by the Rev. H. J. Todd, with numeroas Emendations and Additions. Publishing in 36 Parts, price 3«. &/. each, to form 2 vols. 4to.
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Hand-book of the English Language. By the same Author. Fourth Edition. Croif n 8vo. It. ocL
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Heat Considered as a Mode of
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A Treatise on Electricity, in
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The Geological Magazine; or,
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The Comparatiye Anatomy and
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[/» the press.
Homes without Hands: an Accoant
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Manual of Coslenterata. By J. Rsat
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Manual of Protosoa ; with a General Intro- duction on the Principles of Zoology. By the same Author and Editors. Fcp. 8vo. with 16 Woodcuts, ?s.
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Sketches of the Natural History
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�� � INDEX.
��AcTON'i Modern Cookery 10
Aftemoonof Life « 14
Alcock's Residence in Japnn 15
Alpine Guide (The) 16
JoomaKThe) 90
A pjoHH's Manual of the Metalloids 8
Araoo*s Biographies of Scientific Men .... 4
' Popular Astronomy 7
Meteorological Essays' 7
A RK0LD*s Manual of English literature. ... 6
A RifOTT*8 Elements of Physics 8
Atherstone Priory 16
Atkinson's Papinian 4
Atrl's Treasury of Bible Knowledge 18
Bacon's Essays, by Wh atrly 4
Life and Letters, by Spbddino. ... S
— Works, by Ellis, Sprodino, and
Hbath 4
Bain on the Emotions and Will 6
on the Senses and Intellect 6
on the Study of Character 6
Bainbs's Explorations in S.W. Africa .... 15
Ball's Guide to the Central Alps 16
Guide to the Western Alps 16
Batldon's Rents and Tillages IS
Bbrlrpsch's Life and Nature in the Alps. . 8
Black's Treatise on Brewing. 19
Blacklbt and Fribdlanobr's German
and English Dictionary 5
Blaikr's RuralSports 18
Blight's Week at the Land's End 16
Bourkr^s Catechism of the Steam Engine. . 13
Treatise on t be Steam Engine. ... 19
Bowolbr's Family Shaksprarr 18
Boyd's Manual for Naval Cadets 10
Bramley-Moorr'sSIx Sistersof the Valleys 17 Brandr's Dictionary of Science, Literature,
Brat 's (C.) Education of the Feelings 7
Philosophy of Necessity 7
(Mrs.) British Empire 7
Brewer's Atlas of History and Geography 20
Brikton on Food and Digestion 19
Bbistow's Glossary of Mineralogy 8
B RO D I k's (Sir C. B.) Psychological I nquiries 7
Works 11
Brown's Demonstrations of Microscopic
Anatomy 10
Browne's Exposition of the 89 Articles .... IS
PenUteuch and Elohistic Psalms 18
Buckle's History of Civilization 9
Bull's Hints to Mothers 19
Maternal Management of Children. . 19
Buksrn*s Analecta Ante-Niciena 14
Ancient Egypt 9
Hippolytusand bis Age 14
��Bunsbn's Philosophy of Universal History U Buntan's Pilgrim's Progress, illustrated by
Bbnnrtt II
Bu rkr's Vicissitudes of Families 4
Butlrr's Atlas of Ancient Geography .... 90 Modern Geography 20.
Cabi net Lawyer 19
Calvrrt's Wife's Manual 14
Cats and Fa r li b's Moral Emblems 11
Chorale Book for England 15'
CoLBNso (Bishop) on Pentateuch and Book
of Joshua 18.
CoLLYNS on Stag-Hunting in Devon and
Somerset 18
Commonplace Philosopher in Town and
Country &
Companions of my Solitude 6
Conington's Handbook of Chemical Ana- lysis a
CoNTANSEAu's Pockct Frcnch sud Euglish
Dictionary 5
Practical ditto
CoNTBEARB Eud Howson's Life and Epistles
ofSt.Paul 14
CopLA ND's Dictionary of Practical Medicine 10
Abridgment of ditto 10
Cotton's Introduction to Confirmation .... 14^
Cox's Tales of the Great Persian War 9.
Tales Upom Greek Mythology 17
Tales of the Gods and Heroes ».. 17
Tales of Thebes and Aigos 17
Crest's Encyclopedia of Civil Engineering 12
Ceowb's History of France 8
D'Aubionb's History of the Reformation in
the time of Calvin 9
Dead Shot (The), by Marksman 18
Dr LA Rivr's Treatise on Electricity 8
Denman's Vine and its Fruit 19-
Db TooauBviLLB's Democracy in America 9
Diaries of a Lady of Quality 8.
Disraeli's Revolutionary Spick 17
Dixon's Ftuli Bboraeeiue* 8
DoBsoH on the Ox 18
DGllinobr's Introduction to History of
Christianity 14
Do vr'b Law of Storms 7
Do ylb's Chronicle of England V
Edinburgh Review (The) 90
Ellice,a Tale 16
Ellicott's Broad and Narrow Way 1 St
Commentary on Epbesians .... IS
Destiny of the Creature 13.
Lectures on Life of Christ IS.
�� � 22
��Lllicott*s CommenUiy on GalatUna .... IS
Pastoral fipiat. IS
Phiiippians,Scc. IS
ThetMloniaoa 1 S
EMays and Reviews 14
Esaa>s on Religion and Literature, edited by
Manning U
£s6.iys written in the Internals of Buainees 6
Fairbairn*s Application of Caat and
Wrouicht Iron to Building 12
— Information for Engineers .. IS
Treatise on Mills k MUIwork 12
First Friendship 16
FiTz AoY's Weather Book 7
FousTBR*8 Life of Sir John Bliot 8
Fowlkr's Collieries and Colliers 19
Fraser's Magazine 20
FRBSHriBLD*s Alpine Byways 16
Tour in the Grisons 16
Friends ill CouMcil 6
From MatdT to Spirit 6
Fjioudb's History of England. 1
Garratt^s Marvels andMysteries of Instinct 9
Geological Magazine 8, 90
GiLBERTRud Churchill's Dolomite Moun- tains 15
GooDBVB's Elements of Mechanism 11
Gorlb's Questions on Browne's Exposition
of the 39 Articles IS
Gray*8 Anatomy 10
Gabbn b*s Manual of Coelententa 8
Manual of Protozoa 8
Grovb on Correlation of Physical Forces .. 8
Gryll Grange 16
GwiLT's Eucyclopsdia of Architecture .... 11
Handbook of AngUngi by Ephbmbra 18
HARTwia'a Sea and its Living Wonders. ... 9
Tropical World 9
Ha ssall's Adulterations Detected 19
. British Freshwater Algr 9
Hawker's Instructions to Toung Sports- men t 18
H baton's Notes on Rifle Shooting is
Helps's Spanish Conquest in America .... 2 Hbrschel's Essays from the Edinburgh and
Quarterly Reviews 9
Outlines of Astronomy 7
Hbwitt on the Diseases of Women 10
HiNCHLirp's South American Sketches. . .. 16
Hind's Canadian Exploring Expeditions .. 16
Explorations In JUbrador 15
Hints on Etiquette 19
Holland's Chapters on Mental Physiology 6
Essay son Scientific Subjects.. 9
— Medical Notes and Reflections 11
Holmes's System of Surgery 10
Hooker and Walebb-Arnott's British
Flora 9
Hooper's Medical Dictionary li
Horn b*s Introduction to the Scriptures .... IS
Compendium of ditto 13
Hosetns's Talpa 12
HowiTT*s History of the Supernatural .... 6
Rural Life of England 16
Visits to Remarkable Places .... 16
��HowsoN 's Hulsean Lectures on St. Paul. ... IS UuGHBS'a (E.) Atlas of Physical, PoliUcal,
and Commercial Geography 26
(W.) Geography of British His- tory 7
Manual of Geography 7
Hullah's History of Modern Music s
Hymns firom Lyra O^rmoHieo is
Inoelow's Poems 17
jAMBsoif'a Legends of the Siints and Mar- tyrs n
Legends of the Madonna II
— >-— Legends of tite Mtmastic Orders i 1
Jameson and Eastlakb's History of Our
Lord n
JoH Ns's Home Walks and Holiday Rambles 9
JoHNSON*8 Patentee's Manual 19
Practical DnughttmBn ....... IS
Johnston's Gaxetteer, or Geographical Dic- tionary 7
JoNE8*8 Cliristtanity and Common Sense . . 7
Kalisch's Commentary on the Old Testa- ment 5
— Hebrew Grammar S
Kbm ble's Plays 18
Kennedy's Hymnologfa Christiana IS
Ki RB Y and Spbm cb's Entomology 9
Lady's Tour round Monte Rosa 16
LAN don's (L. B. L.) Poetical Works 17
Late Laurels IC
Latham's Comparative Philology 5
English Dictionary 5
■ Handbook of the English Lan>
guage 5
— — Work on the English Language 5
Leisure Hours in Town €
Lbwbs's Biograpbical.History of Philosophy 3
Lewis on the Astronomy of the Ancients . . 4
on the Credibility of Early Roman
History 4
Dialogue on Government 4
on Egyptological Method 4
' Essays on AdminiBtrationi 4
— — Fablesof Babriits 4
on Foreign Jurisdiction 4
•« on Irish Disturbances 4
on Observation and Reasoning in
Politics 4
on Political Terms 4
on the Romance Languages 4
LiooELLandScoTT's Greek-English Lexicon S
Abridged ditto 5
LrNDLET and Moore's Treasury of Botany. 9
Lister's Physico- Prophetical Essays 14
Longman's Lectures on the History of Eng- land 1
Loo don's Bncyclopsdia of Agriculture .... 12
Cottage, Farm,
and Villa Architecture 19
Gardenmg .... 12
Plants 9
. Trees and Shrubs 9
LowN DBS*! Engineer's Handbook II
��Lyra 1>ome8tica 15
EttcharisticA 15
Germanica 11» 15
Mesalanica 15
Mystica * 15
Sacra 15
Magaulay's (Lord) Eaaays 3
History of RoglRttd 1
Lays of Ancient Rome 17
= MiBcellaneoas WritiDgt 6
Speeches 5
Speeches on Parliamentary
Reform 5
Macbrair's AAricans at Home 8
If acdouqall's Theory of War 12
McLbod'b Hiddle-Ciass Atlas of General
Geography 20
Physical Atlaa of Great Britain
and Ireland 20
McCulloch's Dictionary of Ckimmerce. ... 19
Geofpraphical Dictionary .... 7
If a«uirb'8 Life of Father M athew ........ S
Rome and its Rulera S
Malino's Indoor Gardener. 9
Maps from Peaks, Passes, and Glaciers .... 16
Marshall's History of Christian Missions 2
Massby's History of England 1
Maundbr's Biographical Treasury 4
— Geographical Treasury 8
Historical Ti^asury 2
Scientific and Literary Treasu ry 9
Treasury of Knowledge 20
Treasury of Natural History . . 9
Maury's Physical Geography 7
May's Constitutional History of England . . 1
Mbltillb's Digby Grand 17
— General Bounce 17
Gladiators 17
Good for Nothing 17
Holmby House 17
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