Poems (Angier)/Angel Whispers
Birdie's nest is full of snow,But she left it long ago;How did little birdie know?
Did the watching angels say—Here it is not safe to stay,Gentle birdie, fly away?
Did they tell her storms will come,Laying waste the pleasant home;Making birdie's nest a tomb?
Whispered they of clime more fair,Soft blue sky and balmy air?Birdie sings now sweetly there.
Angel one, that art to be,What do voices say to thee,When thou bowest head and knee?
Banish anxious care and fear,Check the murmur, dry the tear,Be thy watchwords hope and cheer.
Brood not o'er the cold, dead past,In the bright beyond thou hastSummer that shall always last.
Earth-built nests will fill with snow,God's time is the best to go;And the whispering angels know.
Time brings to all cares, sorrows, fears,And private griefs, and secret tears;But God's heart pities, his ear hears,And each life-bark the haven nears!