Poems (Campbell)/Starlight
For works with similar titles, see Starlight.

Ye lovely orbs, that in your courses roll, Spangling the firmament with living light, In countless millions spread from pole to pole, And streaming through the shadows of the night,—How can my ravish'd soul, in love and wonder lost,Enough adore the hand that form'd your glitt'ring host!
Oft, through the silence of the starlight hour, When other eyes are clos'd in gentle sleep, When I, a stranger to her healing pow'r, O'er the dim lamp my midnight vigils keep;Sick of the gloomy scene, and the pale quivering light,That saddens all my soul, and tires my aching sight—
Softly I steal me to the open air, To breathe awhile the balmy breath of heav'n, Look round that world, supported by his care, And all the various blessings widely giv'n:Rapt with the glorious view, my soul essaysHosannas to his name, his mighty name to raise!