Poems (Campbell)/To ** *****
TO ** ** * * *
Oh! if thy heart is doom'd to knowAught of calamity or woe,If on misfortune's stormy seaA dang'rous path is mark'd for thee,May guardian angels round thee tend,And God and virtue be thy friend:Superior to the ills of life,Above its pleasures, or its strife,May'st thou with equal eye behold,Or glitt'ring heaps of tempting gold—Or the low solitary cell,Where modest worth is doom'd to dwell;And thy own breast a temple prove,Sacred to honour, peace, and love.
Oh! may my prayers ascend to heav'n!And prosp'rous days to thee be giv'n—May every sorrow melt away,As dew beneath the solar ray,And Hope with seraph smiles appear,To welcome in another year:May Heav'n with coming hours restoreWealth, comfort, joy, a plenteous store,Illume thy darken'd path again,And ever shield thy heart from pain.