Poems (Edwards)/To Mr. K***** On his Marriage
'Tis done, 'tis done, and angels bright, Have registered those vows above,They smiled with joy, to find on earth, Two hearts so formed for mutual love;Take her, but let her not regret, That e'er she gave her heart to thee,"Twining around thee like a vine Around its chosen forest tree."
She is thine own through good or ill, Thy happiness or grief to share,"Thy joys to hallow with a smile, Thy grief to soften with a tear;"Thou hast in her a treasure found, A precious gem, a jewel rare,"Richer, by far, than Ophir's gold," Or than ten thousand rubies are.
To thy especial care we give The sacred trust, Oh! guard it well,May fond affection firmly bind Around thy heart its potent spell;Supply a mother's watchful love, Let not unkindness shade her brow,And let not coldness damp the joy That dwells within her bosom now.
Accept a sister's fondest wish For thee, my valued friend and thine,May joys, like garlands, crown thy brow, And round thy heart, like tendrils, twine;And if we meet in after years, May life, from care, be free as now;I would not have thee come again, With altered heart and saddened brow.
Take her, though dear to every heart, She's dearer to thy bosom still,But here she leaves an aching void, "This world can never, never fill;" And hoping 'tis God's holy will, We would not murmur nor repine,Though every heart must deeply feel, We would not give one pang to thine.
A few more days, and we must part, To meet, perchance, no more for years,'Tis anguish to the bursting heart, 'Tis agony too deep for tears;And if it be we may not meet Again on life's tempestuous sea,O! may we meet in Heaven above, To live in bliss eternally.