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Poems (Edwards)/To My Sister Lucy

From Wikisource
4687519Poems — To My Sister LucyMatilda Caroline Smiley Edwards
The day is parting from us,The sun is setting now,I see his last faint glimmerUpon the mountain's brow;The eve is closing round us,And nature's harp is still,And night has pinned her mantleAround our own "Grape Hill;"And on its inmates, Sister,The holy moonbeams shine,I see kind faces round me,But, Sister, where is thine?
I am thinking of thee, Lucy,I am thinking of thee now,And wonder, if the same pure lightIs resting on thy brow; I am thinking of that bright blue eye,And of that cheek so fair,And wondering if the lovely roseOf health is blooming there;And of thy heart, thy pure young heart,O! Sister! is it stillAs light as when you left your home,Your beautiful "Grape Hill?"
When shall we meet thee, Sister;When shall we welcome theeTo thine own native bowers,When shall the meeting be?We miss thee, O! we miss thee much,At morning and at night,We miss thy voice of kindness,Thy smile of love and light;We miss the songs of gladnessThat made our bosoms thrill,When wilt thou come, thou distant star,Of this our own "Grape Hill."
Forget me not, dear Sister,In thy bright and sunny home,Where blossoms sweet are breathingAround thee, rich perfume,When the voice of kindness greets thee,When the eye of love doth shineMost tenderly, dear Sister,Most lovingly in thine;O! let remembrance wander backTo those who love thee still,Back to thy own sweet vine-clad bowers,Thy beautiful "Grape Hill."