Poems (Geisse)/My Love
For works with similar titles, see My Love.
My Love! how much I miss her No heart but hers can know, Earth seems like some strange planet Since she was called to go.
It was here that last we parted, The fields were all in bloom, The daisies were so many They seemed to scarce have room.
The orchards I remember Were gay beneath their load, They now stand bare and desolate Beside the frosty road.
The oak by which we lingered On those fair Summer eves, Is now bent low with crystals Instead of glossy leaves.
The little brook that rippled And sung by yonder hill, Lies now in ice-bound silence, Its banks all bleak and still.
The flowers we used to gather Are hidden neath the mould, No more the soft breeze whispers To bid their buds unfold.
In the dark earth they tarry Till God shall summon them, To rise again in beauty And cheer the hearts of men.
And I, too, wait His summons When I my Love shall meet, Where love and life are endless And joy shall be complete.