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Poems (Gifford)/"Another Comforter"

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4685837Poems — "Another Comforter"Elizabeth Gifford
"ANOTHER COMFORTER." (John xiv. 16-26.)
Oh God, the Holy Spirit!Oh Legacy of Christ!Oh Gift of God the Father!Oh Blessedness unpriced!Oh Spring of life eternal!Oh living, loving, Dower!Oh heavenly Inspiration!Show forth in us Thy power.
Oh Herald of salvation!Oh Harbinger of rest!Oh Earnest of redemption,Sealing us God-possessed!Oh gracious Hope-instiller!Oh Comforter unique!Oh Liberty-bestower!Thine influence we seek.
Oh sanctifying Spirit!Oh Fount of righteousness!Oh God, the sole BegetterOf love, and joy, and peace!Oh Root of all longsuffering,Gentleness, goodness, faith!Oh Source of meekness, temperance!Transform us by Thy breath.
Oh infinite Revealer!Oh Witness of the Lord!Oh bountiful DispenserOf the all glorious Word!Oh true, unerring Teacher!Remembrancer and Guide!Oh urgent Intercessor!In us for aye abide.
Oh Light all-penetrating!Oh Flame unquenchable!Oh, Wind unseen, but forceful!Oh Strength invincible!Oh Minister of glory!Work in us all Thy will,Use for us all Thy functions,Our hearts enlarge and fill.
So fill us with Thy fulnessThat we must needs outpourGlad streams of living waterTo widen more and more.Yea, flow through us blest Spirit,And so to others giveThy vivifying blessingThat they may drink and live.
Oh Thou whom we rely onTo make our bliss secure,To make all grace effective,All promise to ensure!Thou marvellous ProvisionFor heaven to make us meet!Join with the Son and FatherRedemption to complete!