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Poems (Gifford)/"Love . . . as I have Loved"

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by Elizabeth Gifford
"Love . . . as I have Loved"
4685836Poems — "Love . . . as I have Loved"Elizabeth Gifford
"LOVE . . . AS I HAVE LOVED. (John xiii. 34, 35.)
Fain would I love as Thou hast done,My Saviour and my Lord;Thee would I love for all the loveThou hast on me outpoured.
Fain would I love as Thou hast lovedThine own dear family,Thy friends, Thy brethren, fellow-heirs,Those who are one with Thee.
Fain would I love as Thou hast lovedThe evil and the good,And make Thy love to all aroundMore fully understood.
How didst Thou sympathise and bless,And minister alway!Then unto death Thou lovedst, Lord;—Let me so love, I pray.
How can it be? This earth-bound heartIs selfish, dull, and cold;My impotence, My worthlessnessCannot in words be told.
Nor can words tell the perfectnessTo which I would attain;To be like Thee, to love as Thou,—This height how can I gain?
Oh! not all hopelessly I longTo grow somewhat like Thee:With the command Thou dost provideAll possibility.
Thy Spirit can the work achieve,And form my heart anew,Implant and nourish love divine,And every sin subdue.
Beyond all thought then let there broodO'er me Thy holy Dove;Yea, fill me with Thy fulness, Lord,To work in me such love.