Poems (Hale)/Christmas Hymn
For works with similar titles, see Christmas Hymn.
Exulting theme! what strain shall swell,Our hearts' deep gratitude to tell?How can our feeble voices raiseTo Heaven a fitting song of praise?
Though to our fervent prayer were givenThe tuneful voice, the song of heaven,The choral strain that swells aboveIs weak to hymn that work of love.
"Glory to God, who dwells on high!"Who spread the earth and arched the sky,Whose power prolongs our fleeting breath,And shields us from the grasp of death.
"And peace on earth!" The gracious boonBids man his harp of praise attune.Our tongues would join the minstrel throng,And swell with them the grateful song.
"Good will to man." Our spirits soarUpward, His mercy to adore,Who, to redeem our sinful race,Sent forth His Messenger of grace.
O may our wandering footsteps pressThe path our Saviour died to bless;May we his words of truth receive,And humbly in his name believe.
Thus shall our spirits share the home,Where death, nor doubt, nor sorrow come,And bend in rapture at Thy shrine,Eternal Source of love divine!