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Poems (Hale)/The Promise of Jesus

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4572007Poems — The Promise of JesusMary Whitwell Hale

THE PROMISE OF JESUS. "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."
Promise, mid earthly anguish given!Blessing 'mid earthly wo revealed!Hope, which the spirit rests on heaven!Compact, with life's devotion sealed!
All, all fulfilled in after years,The gracious words the Saviour gave.'The promise still the spirit cheers,The blessing yet the soul may save.
What though no mortal eye may gazeUpon his form, as low we bend?What though no earthly pomp or praise,His bright, triumphant path attend?
The blest assurance he has given,Faith sees the gracious words fulfilled:The trusting eye is raised to heaven,The sigh, the doubt, the fear is stilled.
Be with us, thou, whose breast was warmedWith generous pity for our race.Will not thy promise be performed?Upon the heart thy presence trace.
Be with us in the untrodden land;Let us not tread its gloom alone:Be with us, when the soul shall stand,Fearful before its Maker's throne.
There shall no cloud obstruct the sight,Nor earth shall check the spirit's prayer.The eye shall see, O! vision bright,Shall see the blest Redeemer there.