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Poems (Holmes)/On Morning

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For works with similar titles, see On Morning.
4689167Poems — On MorningAlice Ann Holmes
On Morning.
Oh, sweet is the dawning hour,When dews like holy incense rise,And waft to God, on mystic wings,Earth's morning sacrifice.
And fair Aurora tintsThe azure sky with golden light,And chases far the sable cloudsThat veil the world in night.
And angels bright that watchNightly while earth reposing lies,Spreading their pure celestial wings,Mount swiftly to the skies.
Or rosy twilight fadesBefore the gorgeous king of day,Who from the east rejoicing comesIn glorious array.
And gentle zephyrs kissDew-drops from the blushing flowers,That waking shed their odors sweetThrough fields and summer bowers.
And on the ocean's waveSunbeams like golden shadows gleam,And laughing breezes catch the sprayThat leaps from mountain stream.
And to the huntsman's hornThe echoing rocks and hills reply,And beasts of prey that nightly prowl -Like falcons swift go by.
And insect voices greetWith songs of praise the waking day,And feathered songsters warble sweetTo God their morning lay.
And man from sweet repose,Joyful again to see the light,Goes forth to toil with cheerful heart,Till day gives place to night.
O sweet and hallowed time,Let thy peaceful influence restOn all the hours that shall succeedTo this that thou hast blessed.