Poems (Kennedy)/For He Was Mary's Son

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4590533Poems — For He Was Mary's SonSara Beaumont Kennedy


IT was the Mary-part of him that prayed
Beneath the garden's midnight sky
That it might be the Father's holy will
The death-drugged cup should pass him by—

The mother-heritage, the earthly trait
So sweet and yet so prone to err;
For he was half her child, this suppliant,
Born of the blood and bone of her.

Had he been all divine, the dreaded cup
He would have quaffed and made no sign.
Nay, more; the draught had had no bitter taste
Had he been all divine—

Had he been wholly God he had not feared
E'en for a breath the stern decree
That wrung from him the crucifixion cry:
"Eloi, lama sabachthani!"

But he was Mary's child as well as God's;
'Twas she who dowered him with the strain
That taught him kinship with an aching heart,
Yet made him coward at the thought of pain.

'Tis that he dreaded while he drained the cup
That courage is the world's high creed;
'Tis that, in agony, he cried for help
That he is pitiful to human need!