Poems (Kennedy)/That Middle Cross

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4590532Poems — That Middle CrossSara Beaumont Kennedy

IT still is there, though time has run
From century to century—
That milestone of the flying years—
That lowly Mount of Calvary.

Dead empires with their weedy crowns
Have crumbled into voiceless dust,
And scepters that once ruled the world
Are heaps of brown corroding rust;

In Egypt Memnon sings no more—
We only guess the sun-waked tones;
We tread on buried Babylon,
And seek in vain Palmyra's stones;

The clustered domes of Nineveh
Are shards upon the desert sand,
And Troy and all her mighty hosts
Are legends of an unknown land.

But—unforgotten through the drift
Of ages dim with mystery,
That lowly Mountain keeps the trail
That leads to Immortality.

The cities that we know today
May sink beneath the sands of time,
The history which now we write
Some day may be forgotten rhyme.

But that low Mount will still abide;
The hearts of men will not forget—
High altar of a ransomed world
Where tapers of our faith are set.

They'll shine, those holy altar lights,
And by their steadfast gleams we'll see—
Through war and peace and life and death—
That middle cross on Calvary.