Poems (Kimball)/"Confess your Faults one to Another"
HOW often, dearest Lord, Within the closet's hush, Do we confess our sins to Thee With tear or blush!
But when in word or deed Some brother we offend, Though one sweet utterance would keep Our friend our friend,
How, trampling on Thy grace, Pride will repentance foil, And from confession due to him Our hearts recoil!
"I cannot stoop to that," Self-love in secret cries; The fear of man, not fear of sin, Before her eyes.
Oh, if our fear of man Were lost in love of Thee; If Thy dear likeness we possessed In least degree;
The coldness we might meet, The poor vague sense of loss, The small contempt that often seems The sorest cross,
The world's derision cast On acts of lowliness,—How would we brave them for Thy sake, To make redress!
The hour is near when earth No longer will appall; But only words and deeds that hour Beyond recall.
I would not leave undone The work Thou gavest me, Nor my transgressions unconfessed, Dear Lord, to Thee.
But oh, that other test Of those who name Thy Name; The bearing of that outward cross That Thou dost claim!
Sweet Jesus, give me grace, And make me swift to say, "I own my fault, good neighbor mine; Forgive, I pray."
And should my neighbor turn Away frown me his face, Sufficient for my humbled soul Would be Thy grace.