Poems (Procter)/Expectation
For works with similar titles, see Expectation.

Sighed Princess May, "Will it last much longer,Time throbs so slow and my Heart so quick;And O how long is the day in dying!Weary am I of waiting and sighing,For Hope deferred makes the spirit sick."
But Princess Gwendoline smiled and kissed her:—"Am I not sadder than you, my Sister?Expecting joy is a happy pain.The Future's fathomless mine of treasures,All countless hordes of possible pleasures,Might bring their store to my feet in vain."
Sighed Princess Alice as night grew nearer.—"So soon, so soon, is the daylight fled! And O how fast comes the dark to-morrow,Who hides, perhaps, in her veil of sorrowThe terrible hour I wait and dread!"
But Princess Gwendoline kissed her, sighing,—"It is only Life that can fear dying;Possible loss means possible gain.Those who still dread are not quite forsaken;But not to fear, because all is taken,Is the loneliest depth of human pain."