Poems (Procter)/The Wind
For works with similar titles, see The Wind.
HE wind went forth o'er land and sea, Loud and free; Foaming waves leapt up to meet it, Stately pines bowed down to greet it; While the wailing seaAnd the forest's murmured sigh Joined the cryOf the wind that swept o'er land and sea.
The wind that blew upon the sea Fierce and free, Cast the bark upon the shore, Whence it sailed the night before Full of hope and glee;And the cry of pain and death Was but a breath,Through the wind that roared upon the sea.
The wind was whispering on the lea Tenderly; But the white rose felt it pass, And the fragile stalks of grass Shook with fear to seeAll her trembling petals shed, As it fledSo gently by,—the wind upon the lea.
Blow, thou wind, upon the sea Fierce and free,
And a gentler message send, Where frail flowers and grasses bend, On the sunny lea; For thy bidding still is one, Be it doneIn tenderness or wrath, on land or sea!