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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 53/Index

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I N D E X.

Adam Smith and Astronomy. (Frag.) 717
Adulteration with Antiseptics. (Frag.) 283
Agnesi, Maria. Sketch. (With Portrait.) M. J. Boyer 403
Alaska, The Climate of. (Frag.) 568
Allen, Grant. The Romance of Race 511
American Association, The, for 1898. (Frag.) 138
American Professor, The. (Frag.) 425
Ancestral Survivals in Domesticated Animals. (Frag.) 141
Angstman, Charlotte S. College Women and the New Science 674
Anthropology. Literature of the African Negroes. M. Muret 241
"The Romance of Race. Grant Allen 511
Archæology a True Science. (Frag.) 282
"Christianized Megalithic Monuments. M. de Mortillet* 668
"Mr. Bandelier's Explorations. (Frag.) 859
"Remains at Carnac, Brittany. (Frag.) 857
"The Houses of Saga Times. (Frag.) 859
Areca and its Properties. (Frag.) 427
Art, Decorative, of the Northwestern Indians. (Frag.) 137
"Tolstoi on. (Table) 553
Association, the American, The Boston Meeting of. (Table) 842
""The First Half Century of. Prof. Daniel S. Martin 822
""Officers of the. (Frag.) 854
Astrology, A Relic of. H. C. Bolton 83
Astronomy, Adam Smith and. (Frag.) 717
"The Aurora. W. F. Felch 467
"Total Eclipse at Viziadrug. (Frag.) 568
Atavism, The Secret of. F. L. Oswald 192
Atkinson, Edward. The Evolution of High Wages from Low Cost of Labor 746
Aurora, The. W. Farrand Felch* 467

Bacteria, Economical Uses of. (Frag.) 427
Badenoch, Margaret T. D. The Case Moths* 656
Ballou, William H. The Serpentlike Sea Saurians* 209
Balnibarbian Glumtrap Rhyme. (Poem.) (Frag.) 567
Barr, Dr. M. W. Training of Mentally Deficient Children 531
Bentley, W. A., and G. H. Perkins. A Study of Snow Crystals* 75
Berthelot, M. P. E. The Genealogy of Chemistry 535
Books Noticed 127
Books Noticed 273
Books Noticed 416
Books Noticed 558
Books Noticed 708
Books Noticed 845
American Agriculturist, The, Yearbook and Almanac for 1898 852
Anthropology. Brown Men and Women. E. Reeves 562
— The Study of Man. Prof. Alfred C. Haddon 849
Argentine Meteorological Annals for 1893 713
Argumentation, The Essentials of. E. J. MacEwan 711
Astronomy. Cierke, Agnes M., etc 421
— for Beginners. D. P. Todd 422
— The Sun's Place in Nature. N. Lockyer 130
Audubon and his Journals. M. R. Audubon 273
Bailey, G. H. Tutorial Chemistry, Part 11 420
— L. H. Garden Making 421
— L. H. Lessons with Plants 277
— L. H. The Pruning Book 563
Botany, A Laboratory Manual of Practical. C. H. Clark 560
— Illustrated Places of the Northern United States, Canada, and the British Possessions. N. L. Britton and A. Brown 851
— Lessons with Plants. L. H. Bailey 277
— Minnesota Botanical Studies, Part XII. Conway MacMillan 852
— Phylogeny and Taxonomy of Angiosperms, The 563
— Pruning Book, The. L. H. Bailey 563
— Text-Book of. Dr. E. Strasburger, etc. 558
— Text Book of General. C. C. Curtis 130
— The Plant World (monthly) 564
Britton, Nathaniel Lord, and Brown, Hon. Addison. An Illustrated Flora of the United States and Canada 851
Brown, John. Parasitic Wealth, or Money Reform 422
Butts, E. L. Manual of Physical Drill 133
Chemistry. Freezing Point, Boiling Point, and Conductivity Methods. H. C. Jones 422
— Methods for the Analysis of Ores, etc. 563
— Organic Laboratory Experiments in. Noyes and Mulliken 421
— Platinum Group, Bibliography of the Metals of the. Prof. J. L. Howe 853
— Tutorial. G. H. Bailey 420
Clark, Charles H. A Laboratory Manual of Practical Botany 560
Clarke, R. Floyd. The Science of Law and Lawmaking 561
Clerke, Agnes M. Astronomy 421
Climatological Association, Transactions of the Fourteenth Annual Meeting of (1897) 278
Conn, H. W. Story of Germ Life 565
Croll, James. Autobiographical Sketch of. J. C. Irons 418
Crusoe's Island. F. A. Ober 279
Curtis, C. C. Text-Book of General Botany 130
Davidson, Thomas. Rousseau and Education according to Nature 848
Day, D. T. Mineral Resources of the United States, Report for 1895 277
Demoor, J. L'Évolution Regressive en Biologie et en Sociologie 712
Education. Report of the United States Commissioner for 1895-'96 133
— The Psychologic Foundations of. W. T. Harris 850
— The School System of the State of New York. John C. Miller 849
— Rousseau and, according to Nature. Thomas Davidson 848
— The Study of Children and their School Training. F. Warner 276
Entomology, A Text-Book of. A. S. Packard 710
Ethnology, Sixteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of American 134
Evans, E. P. Evolutional Ethics and Animal Psychology 416
Evolutional Ethics and Animal Psychology. E. P. Evans 416
Evolution and Aristocracy. W. H. Mallock 417
— Individuelle et Hérédité. P. Le Dantec 419
Fairhurst, A. Organic Evolution considered 563
Fairlie, John Archibald. The Centralization of Administration in New York State 852
Fish Culture, A Manual of 132
— La Culture des Mers en Europe. Roché, Georges 851
Fiske, John. Old Virginia and her Neighbors 127
Fitzhugh, T. Philosophy of the Humanities 712
Forester, The 422
Frankland, Percy, etc. Pasteur 560
Garden Making. L. H. Bailey 421
Garnett, Richard. A History of Italian Literature 562
Geology, A Bibliography and Index of North American, for 1892-'93. T. B. Weeks 712
— Amboy Clays of New Jersey 278
— Annual Report for 1896. Iowa Geological Survey 276
— Lake Agassiz. United States Geological Survey 277
— Marquette Iron-bearing District of Michigan 278
— No. 4, Vol. n. Bulletin of the University of Upsala, Sweden 133
Gerhard, William P. Sanitary Engineering 564
Gosse, Edmund. Short History of Modern English Literature 275
Haddon, Prof. Alfred C. The Study of Man 849
Halsted, B. D. Fungous Foes of the Farmer 564
Harris, George. Inequality and Progress 274
Harris, W. T. The Psychologic Foundations of Education 850
Hegel, The Secret of. J. H. Sterling 419
Henderson, John. Practical Electricity and Magnetism 561
Hickson, S. J. The Story of Life in the Seas 852
History. Old Virginia and her Neighbors 127
— The Earth's, Outlines of. N. S. Shaler 848
Howe, Prof. J. Lewis. Bibliography of the Metals of the Platinum Groups 853
International Nomenclature, Code of 278
Iowa Geological Survey. Report for 1896 276
Irons, J. C. Autobiographical Sketch of James Croll 418
Italian Literature, A History of. Richard Gamett 562
Italians in Chicago, The 278
Jones, H. C. Freezing Point, etc. 422
Kansas Academy of Sciences, Transactions 853
Ladd, G. T. Outlines of Descriptive Psychology 420
Lake Agassiz, Two Monographs on. United States Geological Survey 277
Law and Lawmaking, The Science of. R. Floyd Clarke 561
Le Dantec, Félix. Evolution individuelle et Hérédité 419
Literature, Modern English, Short History of. Edmund Qosse 275
Lockyer, Sir N. The Sun's Place in Nature 130
Loltun, The Cave of 277
MacEwan, E. J. The Essentials of Argumentation 711
Mach, Dr. E. Popular Scientific Lectures 134
MacMillan, Conway. Minnesota Botanical Studies, Part XII 852
Mallock, W. H. Aristocracy and Evolution 417
Mann, Newton M. The Evolution of a Sentiment 563
Merriam, Florence. Birds of Village and Field 276
Meteorology. Annals of the Argentine Meteorological Society for 1893 713
Microscopical Society. Transactions of the Nineteenth Annual Meeting of the American Society 133
Miller, John. The School System of the State of New York 849
Miller, Prof. Walter. Scientific Names of Greek and Latin Derivation 852
Murché, V. T. Six Science Readers 134
Natural History. Bird Craft. M. O. Wright 274
Natural History. Birds of the Philippine and Palawan Islands. Prof. D. C. Worcester and F. A. Bourns 852
— Birds of Village and Field. F. Merriam 276
— Bird Studies. William E. D. Scott 559
Noyes and Mulliken. Laboratory Experiments in Organic Chemistry 421
Ober, F. A. Crusoe's Island 279
Oppenheim, N. Development of the Child 710
Packard, A. S. Text-Book of Entomology 710
Parker, T. Jeffery, and Haswell, William A. A Text-Book of Zoölogy 847
Parker, Francis W. Uncle Robert's Visit 134
Pasteur. Percy Frankland, etc. 560
Peary Expedition. Report on Scientific Work of 279
Philosophy of Phenomena. G. M. Ramsey 419
— Studies of Good and Evil. J. Royce 711
Photography, The Story of. Alfred T. Story 851
Physics. Electricity and Magnetism, Practical. J. Henderson 561
Political Crime. Louis Proal 708
Proal, Louis. Political Crime 708
Psychology, A Primer of. E. B. Titchener 420
— Child, Development of the 710
— Outlines of Descriptive. G. T. Ladd 420
— The, of Suggestion 131
Ramsey, G. M. Philosophy of Phenomena 419
Reeves, Edward. Brown Men and Women 562
Roché, Georges. La Culture des Mors en Europe 851
Royce, Josiah. Studies of Good and Evil 711
Sanitary Engineering. William P. Gerhard 564
Scientific Names of Greek and Lalin Derivation. Prof. Walter Miller 852
Scott, William E. D. Bird Studies 559
Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. Outlines of the Earth's History 848
Sidis, Boris. The Psychology of Suggestion 131
Smith, Goldwin. Guesses at the Riddle of Existence 559
Smithsonian Institution, The 129
Sociology. Inequality and Progress. George Harris 274
— Outlines of. Lester F. Ward 845
— The Centralization of Administration in New York State. J. A. Fairlie 852
— The Italians in Chicago 278
Starr, Frederick. Little Pottery Objects of Lake Chapala, Mexico 564
Stirling, J. H. The Secret of Hegel 419
Story, Alfred T. The Story of Photography 851
Strasburger, Dr. E., etc. A Text-Book of Botany 558
Teall, F. H. Punctuation, etc. 133
Thwaites, R. G. Afloat on the Ohio 131
Titchener, E. B. A Primer of Psychology 420
Todd, D. P. Astronomy for Beginners 422
Travel. Crusoe's Island. F. A. Ober 279
Vincent, Frank. The Animal World 422
Warner, Francis. The Study of Children and their School Training 276
Ward, Lester F. Outlines of Sociology 845
Wealth, Parasitic, or Money Reform. John Brown 422
Weeks, P. B. A Bibliography of North American Geology, Paleontology, and Mineralogy for 1892-'93 712
Willey, F. O. The Laborer and the Capitalist 561
Worcester, Prof. Dean C, and Bourns, Frank A. Birds of the Philippine and Palawan Islands 852
Wright, M. O. Bird Craft 274
Zoölogy, A Test-Book of. T. Jeffery Parker and William A. Haswell 847
— The Animal World. Frank Vincent 422
— The Story of Life in the Seas. S. J. Hickson 852
Bolton, H. C. A Relic of Astrology 83
"Henrietta I. Women in Science 506
Botany. Gerarde and the Gerardias. M. B. Flint 395
"Plant Life of the Canary Islands.* Alice Carter Cook 758
"The Place of Plant Physiology. (Frag.) 856
Bounties and the Extermination of Noxious Animals. (Frag.) 140
Boyer, M. J. Sketch (with Portrait) of Maria Agnesi 403
Buckland, Dean, and the Heart of Louis XIV. (Corr.) 122

Cambodia, Superstition and Magic in. M. A. Leclère 525
Canary Islands, the, Plant Life of.* Alice Carter Cook 758
Carbonic Acid, An Endless Source of. (Frag.) 858
Carnac, Brittany, Remains at. (Frag.) 857
Case Moths, The. Margaret T. D. Badenoch* 656
Ceylon, Ancient Monuments of. (Frag.) 141
Chemistry. Carbonic Acid, An Endless Source of. (Frag.) 858
"Hydrogen, Liquefaction of. (Frag.) 715
"New Elements. (Frag.) 855
"New Elements in the Atmosphere, More 573
"The Genealogy of. M. P. E. Berthelot 535
Children's Ideals. A Study of. E. M. Darrah 88
Child Training. (Frag.) 140
Chinese Oil Tree, The. (Frag.) 137
Chittenden, R. H. Sketch. (With Portrait) 115
Christianized Megalithic Monuments. M. de Mortillet* 668
College Women and the New Science. Charlotte S. Angstman 674
Collier, James. The Evolution of Colonies 289
Collier, James. The Evolution of Colonies 452
Collier, James. The Evolution of Colonies 620
Collier, James. The Evolution of Colonies 806
Colonies, The Evolution of. James Collier 289
Colonies, The Evolution of. James Collier 452
Colonies, The Evolution of. James Collier 620
Colonies, The Evolution of. James Collier 806
Competition and Socialism. (Corr.) 701
"and the Golden Rule. (Table) 267
Cook, Alice Carter. Plant Life of the Canary Islands.* 758
Cram, William E. Woodpeckers and their Ways* 339
Curiosities of American Coinage. A, E. Outerbridge, Jr.* 593

Darrah, Estelle M. A Study of Children's Ideals 88
Demerara Negroes, Customs of. (Frag.) 284
Dinner in the "Zoo." (Frag.) 286
Dooley, Clarke. Sketch of Charles Goodyear. (With Portrait) 690
Dorsey, George A. A Cruise among Haida and Tlingit Villages* 160

Educational Heretic, An. (Table) 123
Education. A Study of Children's Ideals. E. M. Darrah 88
"Child Training. (Frag.) 140
"Elective System in Colleges, Working of the. (Frag.) 718
"for Domestic Life. Mary R. Smith 521
"International Language Study. (Frag.) 714
"New Features in School. (Frag.) 718
"Scientific Instruction in Girls' Schools. (Table) 413
"The American Professor. (Frag.) 425
"The Philosophy of Manual Training. C. H. Henderson 145
"The Philosophy of Manual Training. C. H. Henderson 322
"The Philosophy of Manual Training. C. H. Henderson 490
"The Philosophy of Manual Training. C. H. Henderson 638
"The Philosophy of Manual Training. C. H. Henderson 772
"Training of Mentally Deficient Children. M. W. Barr 531
"Young Greek Boys and Old Greek Schools. Frederic E. Whitaker 809
Elective System in Colleges, Working of the. (Frag.) 718
Entomology. Insects, and Books about them. (Frag.) 426
Epicurean Cats and Dogs. (Frag.) 569
Eskimo Lamp, The. (Frag.) 571
Ethnology. Eskimo Lamp, The. (Frag.) 571
Evans, E. P. Witchcraft in Bavaria 30
Evolution, The, of Colonies. James Collier 289
Evolution, The, of Colonies. James Collier 452
Evolution, The, of Colonies. James Collier 620
Evolution, The, of Colonies. James Collier 806
Eye Language. Louis Robinson 364

Fasting Frog, A. (Corr.) 122
Felch, W. Farrand. The Aurora* 467
Field Columbian Museum, The. (Frag.) 568
Flint, Martha B. Gerarde and the Gerardias 395
Folklore of the Yew Tree. (Frag.) 136
Ford, W. C. The Question of Wheat. II. France 1
Ford, W. C. The Question of Wheat. III. Russia 351

Gallouédec, M. L, Man's Dependence on the Earth 99
Gems, Our Native. (Frag.) 716
Geological Water Ways across Central America. J. W. Spencer* 577
Geology. Geyser Formation, A New Theory of 572
"The West Indian Bridge between North and South America. J. W. Spencer* 10
"Topographic Features due to Landslides. L. C. Russell* 480
Gerarde and the Gerardias. Martha B. Flint 395
Geyser Formation, A New Theory of. (Frag.) 572
Goodyear, Charles. Sketch. (With Portrait.) Clark Dooley 690
Grasses in Iowa, Nebraska, and Colorado. (Frag.) 715
Grasshoppers, North American. (Frag.) 428
Great Country, A. (Table) 556
Greek Boys, Young, and Old Greek Schools. Frederic E. Whitaker 809
Growth and Decay of Nations, The. (Frag.) 716
Gulick, Luther, M. D. Some Psychical Aspects of Muscular Exercise 793

Haida and Tlingit Villages, A Cruise among. George A. Dorsey 160
Heilprin, A. Aspects of Nature in the Sahara. II.* 174
Henderson, C. H. The Philosophy of Manual Training 145
Henderson, C. H. The Philosophy of Manual Training 322
Henderson, C. H. The Philosophy of Manual Training 490
Henderson, C. H. The Philosophy of Manual Training 638
Henderson, C. H. The Philosophy of Manual Training 772
Henri, Victor and Catharine. Earliest Recollections 108
Hide and Seek, A Game of. C. M. Weed* 661
Holophane Globe, The. (Frag.) 569
Hoppe-Seyler, Felix. Sketch. (With Portrait,) A, P. Matthews 542
Houses, The, of Saga Times. (Frag.) 859
Howard, W. L. The Physiology of Strength and Endurance 187
Hudson, W. H. Veracity 196
Hydrogen, Liquefaction of. (Frag.) 715
Hygiene of a Natural Life. (Frag.) 281

Insects, and Books about them. (Frag.) 426
International Language Study. (Frag.) 714

Kite Flying in 1897. George J. Varney* 48

Landslides, Topographic Features due to. I. C. Russell* 480
Latimer, Caroline W. Scientific Instruction in Girls' Schools 246
Laughter, The Psychological Cause of. M. C. Méllinand 398
Leclère, M. Adhemard. Superstition and Magic in Cambodia 525
Libraries, Free Traveling, in Wisconsin. (Frag.) 281
Literature of the African Negroes. M. Muret 241
Living and Dying Nations. (Table) 705

McAnally, D. R. The Roman Highways 255
Man's Dependence on the Earth. M. L. Gallouédec 99
Manual Training, The Philosophy of. C. H. Henderson 145
Manual Training, The Philosophy of. C. H. Henderson 322
Manual Training, The Philosophy of. C. H. Henderson 490
Manual Training, The Philosophy of. C. H. Henderson 638
Manual Training, The Philosophy of. C. H. Henderson 772
Martin, Prof. Daniel S. The First Half Century of the American Association 822
Matthews, A. P. Sketch (with Portrait) of Felix Hoppe-Seyler 542
Mauna Loa, On the Summit of. (Frag.) 138
Medicine. Re vaccination. (Frag.) 570
Méllinand, M. C. The Psychological Cause of Laughter 398
Mentally Deficient Children, The Training of. M. W. Barr 531
Meteorology. Alaska, The Climate of. (Frag.) 568
"A Study of Snow Crystals. W. A. Bentley and G. H. Perkins* 75
"Kite Flying in 1897. G. J. Varney* 48
"Weather Forecasts. E. J. Prindle* 307
"Weather Freaks of the West Indies. F. L. Oswald 789
Micheli, M. Horace. Nationalization of the Swiss Railroads 609
Militarism, A Victim of. (Table) 271
Milk, The Filtration of. (Frag.) 425
Minchin, G. M. Balnibarbian Glumtrap Rhyme. (Poem.) (Frag.) 567
Minerals, History in. (Frag.) 284
Morals. Veracity. William H. Hudson 196
Mortillet. M. de. Christianized Megalithic Monuments* 668
Muret, M. Literature of the African Negroes 241
Muscular Exercise, Some Psychical Aspects of. Luther Gulick, M. D. 793
Mythology. A Relic of Astrology. H. C. Bolton 83

Nation's Crisis, The. A. B. Ronne 633
Natural History. A Paradise for Wild Animals. (Frag.) 855
"Case Moths, The. M. T. D. Badenoch* 656
"Epicurean Cats and Dogs. (Frag.) 569
"Hide and Seek, A Game of. C. M. Weed* 661
"Woodpeckers and their Ways. William E. Cram* 339
Naturalist, An Old-time, and his Guests. (Frag.) 280
Nature Study for Farmers. (Frag.) 139
New Elements in the Atmosphere, More. (Frag.) 573
New York State Library, The. (Frag.) 717

Oswald, F. L. The Secret of Atavism 192
""Weather Freaks of the West Indies 789
Outerbridge, A. E., Jr. Curiosities of American Coinage* 593

Paleontology. Saber-toothed Cats. S. W. Williston* 348
"The Serpentlike Sea Saurians. W. H. Ballou* 209
Paper Making, Materials for. (Frag.) 572
Paradise, A, for Wild Animals. (Frag.) 855
Peace as a Factor in Social and Political Reform. F. Smith 225
Photography, Animated, An Episode in the Early History of. (Frag.) 424
"Astronomical, Growth of. (Frag.) 854
"Curious Photographic Effects. (Frag.) 860
"Some Uses of the Camera in Zoölogy. R. W. Shufeldt.* 443
Physics. Holophane Globe, The. (Frag.) 569
Physiology. The Physiology of Strength and Endurance. W. L. Howard 187
"The Secret of Atavism. F. L. Oswald 192
Plant Physiology, The Place of. (Frag.) 856
Play and Development. (Frag.) 856
Popocatepetl. (Frag.) 571
Predeterminate Selection. (Frag.) 136
Prindle, E. J. Weather Forecasts* 307
Printing. The Invention of. (Frag.) 429
Prophecy, Realization of a, of Mr. Spencer. (Table) 124
Psychology, Earliest Recollections. Victor and Catharine Henri 108
"Laughter, The Psychological Cause of. M. C. Méllinand 398
"Some Psychical Aspects of Muscular Exercise. Luther Gulick, M. D. 793

Quain, Sir Richard. Sketch. (With Portrait) 835

Race, The Romance of. Grant Allen 511
Racial Geography of Europe, The. W. Z. Ripley* 721
Ramsay, A. C. Sketch. (With Portrait) 259
Revaccination. (Frag.) 570
Ripley, W. Z. The Racial Geography of Europe* 721
Robinson, Louis. Eye Language 364
Roman Highways. D. R. McAnally 255
Ronne, A. B. The Nation's Crisis 633
Russell, I. C. Topographic Features due to Landslides* 480

Saber-toothed Cats. S. W. Williston* 348
Sahara, Aspects of Nature in. II. A. Heilprin* 174
Sapphires, Montana. (Frag.) 425
School, New Features in. (Frag.) 718
Schuylkill River, the, Coal-Mine Acids in. (Frag.) 858
Science and its Critics. (Table) 411
"Women in. H. I. Bolton 506
Scientific Instruction in Girls' Schools. C. W. Latimer 246
Scientific Instruction in Girls' Schools. C. W. Latimer (Also Table) 413
Scientific Temper and the Need of the Times. (Table) 270
Serpentlike Sea Saurians, The. William H. Ballou* 209
Shufeldt, R. W. Uses of the Camera in Zoölogy* 443
Smith, F. Peace as a Factor in Social and Political Reform 225
"Mary R. Education for Domestic Life 521
Smithsonian Institution, Work of. (Frag.) 285
Smoke, Abatement of. (Frag.) 142
Snow Crystals, A Study of. W. A. Bentley and G. H. Perkins* 75
Socialism and Competition. (Table) 702
Society, Modern, The Conflict of. (Table) 840
Sociology. A Victim of Militarism. (Table) 271
"Competition and the Golden Rule. (Table) 267
"Peace as a Factor in Social and Political Re form. F. Smith 225
"The Evolution of High Wages from Low Cost of Labor. Edward Atkinson 746
Spencer, J, W. Geological Water Ways across Central America* 577
"J. W. The West Indian Bridge between North and South America* 10
Spencer's Teleology. (Corr.) 410
Spinning, Hand. (Frag.) 139
Spirit Drinking and Mental Depression. (Frag.) 426
Strength and Endurance, The Physiology of. W. L. Howard 187
Sudden Death, Causes of. (Frag.) 285
Swiss Railroads, Nationalization of. M. Horace Micheli 609

Taxation, Principles of. D. A. Wells 64
Taxation, Principles of. D. A. Wells 372
Taxation, Principles of. D. A. Wells 433
Teleology, Spencer's. (Corr.) 410
Telescope Glasses, Advantages of Large. (Frag.) 717
Temperature Levels in Lake Mendota. (Frag.) 860
Tobacco Pipes, Variety in. (Frag.) 283
Tolstoi on Art. (Table) 553
Tornado's Work on Trees, A. (Frag.) 282
Total Eclipse, The, at Viziadrug. (Frag.) 568
Travel. A Cruise among Haida and Tlingit Villages. G. A. Dorsey* 160
"Aspects of Nature in the Sahara. II. A. Heilprin* 174
Trees in Tennessee. (Frag.) 428

United States Railway Statistics. (Frag.) 857

Varney, G. J. Kite Flying in 1897* 48
Veracity. W. H. Hudson 196

Wages, High, The Evolution of, from Low Cost of Labor. Edward Atkinson 746
Weather Forecasts. E. J. Prindle* 307
Weed, C. M. A Game of Hide and Seek* 661
Wells, D. A. Principles of Taxation 64
Wells, D. A. Principles of Taxation 372
Wells, D. A. Principles of Taxation 433
West Indian Bridge, The, between North and South America. J. W. Spencer* 10
West Indies, Weather Freaks of the. F. L. Oswald 789
Wheat, The Question of. II. France. W. C. Ford 1
III. Russia 351
Whitaker, Frederic E. Young Greek Boys and Old Greek Schools 809
Williston, S. W. Saber-toothed Cats* 348
Witchcraft in Bavaria. E. P. Evans 30
Women in Science. H. I. Bolton 506
"Opposed to Woman Suffrage. (Frag.) 429
Woodpeckers and their Ways. William E. Cram* 339

Zoölogy, Some Uses of the Camera in. R. W. Shufeldt* 443