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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 6/Index

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I N D E X.

Address before the American Association 197
Address before the American Association 308
Address to an Atom 639
Agriculture, Portuguese 378
Amœba, how it takes its Food 758
Anæsthetics and Metaphysics 638
Animal Movements 444
Animals not Automata 405
Anomalies, Facial 73
Antlers of Deer, Growth and Reproduction of 251
Apoplexy 705
Artificial Butter 122
"Furs 378
Atmosphere, The, in relation to Fog-Signaling. (Illustrated) 541
Atmosphere, The, in relation to Fog-Signaling. (Illustrated) 685
Automaton, A Human 253

"Backing Out" 366
Bacteria and their Effects. (Illustrated) 399
Ballooning Spider 635
Bears. (Illustrated) 281
Bells, Cheap Substitute for 381
Biology for Young Beginners. (Illustrated) 340
Biology for Young Beginners. (Illustrated) 574
Birds'-Nests 481
Black Death in Egypt 638
Bongos, their Food 766
Brain, Experiments on 376
Books noticed:
"The Building of a Brain" (Clarke) 115
"L'Astronomie Pratique" 117
"Journal of Speculative Philosophy" 118
"One Year of Science" 120
"Exposures in Fire-Insurance" (Ross) 120
"Introduction to Biology" (MacGinley) 120
"Statistical Atlas of the United States" 120
"The Transit of Venus" (Forbes) 121
"Prof. Tyndall's Belfast Address" 121
"The Physiology of Man" (Flint) 244
"Evolution and Progress" (Gill) 245
"Animal Mechanism" (Marey) 246
"The Maintenance of Health" (Fothergill) 248
"Cave-Hunting" (Dawkins) 249
"Qualitative Analysis" (Hill) 249
"Deutsche Rundschau" 250
"Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy" (Fiske) 367
"Light-Houses" (Elliot) 370
"History of the Conflict between Religion and Science" (Draper) 371
"Chemical and Geological Essays" (Hunt) 372
"Principles of Sociology" (Spencer) 372
"The Common Frog" (Mivart) 373
"The Native Races of the Pacific States" (Bancroft) 506
"Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture" 507
"Insanity and Disease" (Tourtellot) 507
"Animal Physiology" (Cleland) 509
"Elements of Zoology" (Harrison) 509
"Report of Chicago Relief Society" 624
"The Doctrine of Descent" (Schmidt) 625
"Religion as affected by Modern Materialism" (Martineau) 625
"Three Essays on Religion" (Mill) 626
"The Elements of the Psychology of Cognition" (Jardine) 627
"Influence of Music on Health and Mind" (Chomet) 628
"Tables for Determination of Minerals" (Frazer) 628
"Outlines of Proximate Organic Analysis" (Prescott) 629
"Polarization of Light" (Spottiswoode) 629
"Researches in Acoustics" (Mayer) 629
"Metallurgical Properties of Missouri Iron-Ores" (Schmidt) 629
"Half-Hour Recreations in Science" 630
"Community of Disease in Man and Other Animals" (Lindsay) 630
"Metamorphism in the Lignite-Beds of Dakota, etc." (Allen) 630
"A Ramble round the World" (Hübner) 630
"The Voice in Singing" (Seiler) 631
"Habits of Some American Birds" (Gentry) 631
"Nomenclature of Diseases" 631
"The Foes of the Farmers" 631
"An Elementary Treatise on Steam" (Perry) 631
"Minnesota Academy of Natural Sciences" 632
"Archives of Dermatology" 632
"The Protoplasm Theory" (Curtis) 632
"Organic Chemistry" (Watts) 632
"The Chemistry of Light" (Vogel) 750
"Scientific London" (Becker) 751
"Practical Treatise on Gases of Coal-Mines" (Atkinson) 752
"Observations of Sun-Spots" (Spoerer) 752
"The Elevations of Certain Datum-Points of the Great Lakes," etc. (Gardner) 753
"Polarization of Light" (Spottiswoode) 754
"What is Music?" (Rice) 755
"Chemical Examination of Alcoholic Liquors" (Prescott) 755
"Elements of Magnetism and Electricity" (Angell) 755
"Principles of Metal-Mining" (Collins) 756
"Treatment of Electricity" (Fieber) 756
"The Cultivation of Art" (Cooper) 756
"Antiquity of Christianity" (Alberger) 756
Brachiopoda, their Systematic Position 510
Butter, Artificial 122

Capture of Elephants 757
Coal in California 757
Catching Cold 636
Cause of "Cold Snaps" 632
Celestial Chemistry 420
Cell-Theory, The, in Physiology 634
Chameleons. (Illustrated) 526
Chemical Theory 758
Chemistry, Future of 276
Climate of the Glacial Period 374
Co-education 364
"Cold Snaps," Cause of 632
Colorado, Exploration of 759
Concerning Bears. (Illustrated) 281
Confessions of a Reformed Smoker 76
Conflict, The Great 227
"of Religion and Science 361
Contagious Ophthalmia 377
Correctness of Photographs 710
Corrosion of Glass 253
Cotton-worm, Habits of the 757
Cremation among North American Indians 254
Crystalline and Molecular Forces 257
Curious Winter Climate 511

Darwin and Haeckel 592
Disease, Causes of 761
Disease, Ordinary, its Mental Aspects 562
Drought and Potato-Disease 126

Early Study of Geography 212
Earth's Rotation, Retardation of the 743
Eclipse of April, 1875 744
Educated to Death 57
Education and Invention 637
Education, Modern, A Demand of 635
"Science of 381
"Incentives in 748
Eggs, Decomposition of 375
Electrical Girl 588
Elongation of Trunks of Trees 511
Emotions, The, in Primitive Man 331
Equation, The Personal (Illustrated) 385
Evolution, Herbert Spencer and 20
"Social 604
"its Causes 616
Evolution in Ornament. (Illustrated) 266
Evolution, Literature of 745
Experiments on Living Brain 376

Facial Anomalies 73
Fallacies, Alleged, in Science 499
First Traces of Man in Europe 672
Floating of Solid in Molten Iron 633
Flowers and Insects 636
Fog-Signaling. (Illustrated) 541
Fog-Signaling. (Illustrated) 685
Food of the Bongos 766
Fort, A Primitive 380
Fossil Horses 125
Fossil Remains of the Moa 379
Fraunhofer, Dr. Joseph, Sketch of. (Portrait) 739
Fuegians, how they keep warm 125
Furs, Artificial 378
Future of Chemistry 276

Genesis of Superstitions 513
Geography, Early Study of 212
Germination, Changes during 758
"Temperature of 637
Glacial Epoch and Insects 379
"Period, Climate of 374
Glass, Corrosion of 253
Great Conflict, The 227
Growth of Deer's Antlers 251
Gunpowder, Manufacture and Conveyance of 717

Haeckel, Prof., Sketch of. (Portrait) 108
Heat as a Disinfectant 381
Hermit of Red-coats' Green. (Illustrated) 301
Horse, Paces of the. (Illustrated) 129
Horses, Fossil 125
House-heating in Sweden 254
How Leaves are blanched by Sunlight 124
How the Amœba takes its Food 758
How the Fuegians keep warm 125
Huber, Sketch of. (Portrait) 486
Human Automaton 253
Human Locomotion. (Illustrated) 48
Hydraulics of Rivers 236
Hydrophobia, Some Superstitions on 174

Illuminating Gas, New Source of 377
Incentives in Education 748
Insect-catching Plants 766
Insects and Flowers 636
Insects, Suctorial, how they feed 255
Intercollegiate Spouting-Match 622

Language, Teaching of 322
Language, Teaching of 470
Life, Matter and 110
Lightning among a Flock of Geese 378
Literature of Evolution 745
Locomotion, Human. (Illustrated) 48
Lovering's Address 197
Lovering's Address 308

Magnetism and Imagination 762
Man in Europe, First Traces of 672
Man, how changed by Migration 765
Manufacture and Conveyance of Gunpowder 717
Marey on Animal Movements. (Illustrated) 444
Matter and Life 110
Maudsley, Dr. Henry, Sketch of. (Portrait) 612
Medicine, Siamese 378
Mental Aspects of Ordinary Disease 562
Mental Culture, Physiological Basis of 183
Mental Picturing in Science 620
Metric System of Weights and Measures 255
Milk, Voelcker on 759
Mineral-collecting 112
Moa, Fossil Remains of 379
Moas, Living 765
Mound-Builders 380

Nature, Order of 764
Natural History of the Oyster. (Illustrated) 1
Natural History of the Oyster. (Illustrated) 157
Nest and Eggs of Thistle-Bird 743
Nests of Birds 481
Newcomb, Prof., on American Science 238
Notes 126
Notes 255
Notes 382
Notes 512
Notes 639
Notes 766

Observations on the Transit 509
Observatories, English 530
Odors and Life 142
On the Correctness of Photographs 710
Ophthalmia, Contagious 377
Ornament, Evolution in. (Illustrated) 266
Ornithological Land-lubber 375
Oxidation retarded by Molecular Vibration 255
Oyster, Natural History of. (Illustrated) 1
Oyster, Natural History of. (Illustrated) 157
Paces of the Horse. (Illustrated) 129
Personal Equation. (Illustrated) 385
Photographs, On the Correctness of 710
Photography and the Chemical Centennial 115
Physiological Basis of Mental Culture 183
Pitcher-Plant 379
Plants growing within Eggs 634
"how they are distributed 636
"Insect-Catching 766
"Respiration of 60
Poisoned Soils 638
Portuguese Agriculture 378
Potato-Disease and Drought 126
Pottery of Mound-Builders 380
Priestley, Joseph 90

Rabbit, A Rare Species of 252
Rain-Drops on the Sea. (Illustrated) 732
Reason against Routine in teaching of Language 322
Reform, Social, Science and 504
Relations of Women to Professions 454
Reply to Critics 422
Reproduction of Burnt Records 763
Respiration of Plants 60
Retardation of the Earth's Rotation 743
Rights of Originality 114
River Hydraulics 236
Robin, Usefulness of the 124
Rotation of the Earth 250
Royal Institution and Society of Arts 655
"Society, Origin of 759

School Hygiene 633
Science and Social Reform 504
"from the Pulpit 734
Seeds, Vitality of 760
Sexes, Future Relations of the 614
Siamese Medicine 378
Smith, Dr. J. Lawrence, Sketch of. (Portrait) 233
Social Evolution 604
"" Causes of 616
Society of Arts and Royal Institution 655
Soils, Poisoned 638
Some Superstitions of Hydrophobia 174
Sonorous Sand 764
Species, A Lost, rediscovered 762
"Transmutation of 253
Spencer, Herbert, and the Doctrine of Evolution 20
Spider, The Triangle. (Illustrated) 641
"Spiritual Pirates" 599
Sponge, A Fresh-Water 758
Steam, Waste Heat of, saved 763
Struggle for Existence 376
Superstitions, Genesis of 513
Swedish Stove 254
Systematic Position of the Brachiopoda 510

Tea-Adulteration 123
Temperature of Germination 637
Thermal Death-Point of Living Matter 185
Thistle-Bird's Nest and Eggs 743
Thistle, Extermination of 766
Tidal Influence on Vegetable and Animal Life 125
Todas, The 123
Transit of Venus. (Illustrated) 214
Transit of Venus. (Illustrated) 509
Transmutation of Species 253
Trees in Towns 761
Triangle Spider. (Illustrated) 641
Trunks of Trees, Elongation of 511
Tyndall and his Reviewers 500
"and his Critics 422

Usefulness of the Robin 124

Venus, Recent Observations of 760
Vibration, Molecular, retarding Oxidation 255

Water-Supply of Islands. (Illustrated) 440
Weights and Measures, Metrical 255
Women and the Professions 454
Woman Suffrage 87
""Prof. Cairnes on 112
Woman's Place in Nature 292
Worm, A, that Sparrows refuse 377
Wyman, Dr. Jeffries, Sketch of. (Portrait) 355