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Popular Science Monthly/Volume 78/Index

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I N D E X.

Abbe, Cleveland, The Meteorology of the Future 21
Academic and Industrial Efficiency 100
Agriculture, The Relation of, to Biology, F. R. Marshall 539
"Albatross," Work of the, in the Philippines, Albert I. Barrows 241
Alcohol—its Use and Abuse, Graham Lusk 381
American Indians, Language of the, A. L. Kroeber 500
Arts, Manual, in their Relation to Health, Lewis M. Terman 602

Barrows, Albert I., The Work of the "Albatross" in the Philippines 241
Biology, The Relation of, to Agriculture, F. R. Marshall 539
"Experimental, Vienna Institution for, Charles Lincoln Edwards 584
Birth Rate, Diminishing, Is it Volitional! Charles Franklin Emerick 71
Bowditch, Henry Nathaniel 619
Bridges, Natural, North American, The Formation of, Herdman F. Cleland 417
Brooks, Professor, Philosophy of, Edward Gleason Spaulding 120

Carnegie Institution, Research Work of the 411
Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University 517
Century Plants, The Smallest of the, William Trelease 5
Chandler, Dr. C. F., Brome Bust of 413
Chase, William, Freud's Theories of the Unconscious 355
Chemistry, The Work of, in Conservation, Elbert W. Rockwood 291
Child, Motor Education for the, J. Madison Taylor 268
Circulating Professors 516
Cleland, Herdman F., The Formation of North American Natural Bridges 417
Cockerell, T. D. A., Reality and Truth 371
College, Professor, The Case of the, Warner Fite 273
"Graduate, of Princeton University 307
Conservation, The Work of Chemistry in, Elbert W. Rockwood 291
Consulting Psychologist, C. E. Seashore 283
Control of Plant Diseases, Progress in, F. L. Stevens 469
Cost of Living, Henry Pratt Fairchild 377
Credits, College, Scientific versus Personal Distribution of, William T. Foster 388

Davenport, C. B., Euthenics and Eugenics 16
Davis, W. M., Disciplinary Value of Geography 105
Davis, W. M., Disciplinary Value of Geography 223
Dismissing Professors 305
Distribution of College Credits, Scientific versus Personal, William T. Foster 388
Draper, John William, Centenary of the Birth of 616
Dynamics of a Golf Ball, J. J, Thomson 184

Education, Motor, for the Child, J. Madison Taylor 268
Edwards, Charles Lincoln, Vienna Institution for Experimental Biology 584
Efficiency, Industrial and Academic 100
Ehrlich's Specific Therapeutics in Relation to Scientific Method, Fielding H. Garrison 209
Emerick, Charles Franklin, Is the Diminishing Birth Rate Volitional? 71
Emerson, Ibsen and Nietzsche, the Individualists, Lewis Worthington Smith 147
Euclid's Geometry, Is it merely a Theory! Edward Moffat Weyer 554
Euthenics and Eugenics, C. B. Davenport 16
Evolution, and Kant, Arthur O. Lovejoy 36
"of Nations, Geographic Influences in the, Walter S. Tower 164
Experimental Biology, Vienna Institution for, Charles Lincoln Edwards 584

Fairchild, Henry Pratt, The Cost of Living 377
Fite, Warner, The Case of the College Professor 273
Foster, William T., Scientific versus Personal Distribution of College Credits 388
France, Impressions of Military Life in, Albert Léon Guérard 364
Freud's Theories of the Unconscious, William Chase 355

Galton, Francis 309
Garrison, Fielding H., Ehrlich 's Specific Therapeutics in Relation to Scientific Method 209
Genesis of the Law of Gravity, John C. Shedd 313
Genius and Physiognomy, Charles Kassel 158
Geographic Influences in the Evolution of Nations, Walter S. Tower 164
Geography, Disciplinary Value of, W. M, Davis 105
Geography, Disciplinary Value of, W. M, Davis 223
Geometry, Euclid 's. Is it merely a Theory? Edward Moffat Weyer 554
Golf Ball, Dynamics of a, J. J. Thomson 184
Graduate College of Princeton University 307
Gravity, Law of, Genesis of the, John C. Shedd 313
Gray, Asa, The House of 414
Greek Volunteers, The Services and the Rewards of the Old, Frederic Earle Whitaker 477
"Sculpture, What Masterpieces were known to the Men of the Renaissance? Edward S. Holden 610
Guérard, Albert Léon, Impressions of Military Life in France 364

Harris, J. Arthur, The Measurement of Natural Selection 521
Health, Instinct, James Frederick Rogers 84
"The Relation of the Manual Arts to, Lewis M. Terman 602
Holden, Edward S., What Masterpieces of Greek Sculpture were known to the Men of the Renaissance? 610
Hopkins, Cyril G., The Story of the King and Queen 251
Humphreys, W. J., Weather Proverbs and their Justification 428
Hyatt, Alpheus, Alfred Goldsborough Mayer 129

Ibsen, Emerson and Nietzsche, the Individualists, Lewis Worthington Smith 147
Indians. American, Language of the, A. L. Kroeber 500
Individualists, The, Ibsen, Emerson and Nietzsche, Lewis Worthington Smith 147
Industrial and Academic Efficiency 100
Instinct. Health, James Frederick Rogers 84

Jordan, David Starr, Manhood and War 88

Kant and Evolution, Arthur O. Lovejoy 36
Kassel, Charles, Physiognomy and Genius 158
King and Queen, The Story of the, Cyril G. Hopkins 251
Kroeber, A. L., The Language of the American Indians 500

Laboratory, Cavendish, of Cambridge University 517
Language, and Logic, Charles W. Super 491
"of the American Indians, A. L. Kroeber 500
Living, Cost of, Henry Pratt Fairchild 377
Logic and Language, Charles W. Super 491
Lovejoy, Arthur O., Kant and Evolution 36
Lusk, Graham, Alcohol—its Use and Abuse 381

Manhood and War, David Starr Jordan 88
Manual Arts in their Relation to Health, Lewis M. Terman 602
Marshall, F. R., The Relation of Agriculture to Biology 539
Mayer, Alfred Goldsborough, Alpheus Hyatt 129
Measurement of Natural Selection, J. Arthur Harris 521
Medieval Universities, Science at the, James J. Walsh 445
Meteorology of the Future, Cleveland Abbe 21
Military Lire in France, Impressions of, Albert Léon Guérard 364
Minneapolis, Scientific Meetings at 199
Minnesota, University of 201
Motor Education for the Child, J. Madison Taylor 268

Mount Wilson Conference of the Solar Union 101
Nations, Evolution of, Geographic Influences in the, Walter S. Tower 164
Natural, Bridges, North American, The Formation of, Herdman F. Cleland 417
"Selection, The Measurement of, J. Arthur Harris 521
Nearing, Scott, Race Suicide vs. Overpopulation 81
Nietzsche, Ibsen, Emerson, the Individualists, Lewis Worthington Smith 147
North American Natural Bridges, The Formation of, Herdman F. Cleland 417

Over-population. Race Suicide vs., Scott Nearing 81

Palmer, Edward, William Edward Safford 341
Paton, Stewart, University Reforms 52
Patrick, G, T. W., Search for the Soul in Contemporary Thought 460
Philippines, Work of the "Albatross" in the, Albert I. Barrows 241
Philosophy of Professor Brooks, Edward Gleason Spaulding 120
Physiognomy and Genius, Charles Kassel 158
Plant Diseases, Progress in the Control of, F. L. Stevens 469
Plants, Century, The Smallest of the, William Trelease 5
Population of the United States in 1910 409
Princeton University, Graduate College of 307
Professor, College, The Case of the, Warner Fite 273
Professors, About Dismissing 305
"Circulating 516
Progress of Science 100
Progress of Science 199
Progress of Science 305
Progress of Science 409
Progress of Science 516
Progress of Science 615
Proverbs, Weather, and their Justification, W. J. Humphreys 428
Psychologist, The Consulting, C. E. Seashore 283

Queen and King, The Story of the, Cyril G. Hopkins 251

Race Suicide vs. Over-population, Scott Nearing 81
Reality and Truth, T. D. A. Cockerell 371
Reforms, University, Stewart Paton 52
Research Work of the Carnegie Institution 411
Rockwood, Elbert W., The Work of Chemistry in Conservation 291
Rogers, James Frederick, The Health Instinct 84

Safford, William Edward, Edward Palmer 341
Sang, Alfred, The Underlying Facts of Science 564
Science, Progress of 100
Science, Progress of 199
Science, Progress of 305
Science, Progress of 409
Science, Progress of 516
Science, Progress of 615
"at the Medieval Universities, James J. Walsh 445
"The Underlying Facts of, Alfred Sang 564
Scientific, Items 104
Scientific, Items 204
Scientific, Items 312
Scientific, Items 414
Scientific, Items 519
Scientific, Items 620
"Meetings at Minneapolis and Elsewhere 199
"Method, Ehrlich's Specific Therapeutics in Relation to. Fielding H. Garrison 209
"versus Personal Distribution of College Credits, William T. Foster 388
"Societies 615
Sculpture, Greek, What Masterpieces were known to the Men of the Renaissance? Edward S. Holden 610
Seashore, C. E., The Consulting Psychologist 283
Selection, Natural, The Measurement of, J. Arthur Harris 521
Shedd, John C., Genesis of the Law of Gravity 313
Smith, Lewis Worthington, Ibsen, Emerson and Nietzsche, the Individualists 147
Social Problem, John J. Stevenson 258
Solar Union, Mount Wilson Conference of the 101
Soul, Search for, in Contemporary Thought, G. T. W. Patrick 460
Spaulding, Edward Gleason, Professor Brooks's Philosophy 120
Stevens, F. L., Progress in Control of Plant Diseases 469
Stevenson, John J., The Social Problem 258
Suicide, Race, vs. Over-population, Scott Nearing, 81
Super, Charles W., Language and Logic 491

Taylor, J. Madison, Motor Education for the Child 268
Terman, Lewis M., The Relation of the Manual Arts to Health 602
Therapeutics, Ehrlich 's Specific, in Relation to Scientific Method, Fielding H. Garrison 209
Thomson, J. J., The Dynamics of a Golf Ball 184
Thought, Contemporary, Search for the Soul in, G. T. W. Patrick 460
Tower, Walter S., Geographic Influences in the Evolution of Nations 164
Trelease, William, The Smallest of the Century Plants 5
Truth and Reality, T. D. A. Cockerell 371

Unconscious, Freud's Theories of the, William Chase 355
Underlying Facts of Science, Alfred Sang 564
United States, Population of the, in 1910 409
Universities, Medieval, Science at the, James J. Walsh 445
University Reforms, Stewart Paton 52

Vienna Institution for Experimental Biology, Charles Lincoln Edwards 584
Volitional? Is the Diminishing Birth Rate, Charles Franklin Emerick 71
Volunteers, Old Greek, The Services and the Rewards of the, Frederic Earle Whitaker 477

Wallace, Alfred Russel 415
Walsh, James J., Science at the Medieval Universities 445
War and Manhood. David Starr Jordan 88
Weather Proverbs and their Justification, W. J. Humphreys 428
Weyer, Edward Moffat, Is Euclid's Geometry merely a Theory? 554
Whitaker, Frederic Earle, The Services and the Rewards of the Old Greek Volunteers 477