Portal:Ancient Greek philosophy

[edit]- Lectures on Greek Philosophy (1888), vol. II of Philosophical Works of the Late James Frederick Ferrier by James Frederick Ferrier
- "Ionian School of Philosophy," in Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed., 1911)
- Early Greek Philosophy (1920) by John Burnet
- The Story of Philosophy (1926) by Will Durant
- Plato (1874) by Clifton Wilbraham Collins
- Alcibiades I (authenticity debated)
- Alcibiades II (authenticity disputed)
- Apology
- Charmides
- Clitophon (authenticity debated)
- Cratylus
- Critias
- Crito
- Ephinomis (authenticity disputed)
- Euthydemus
- Eryxias (authenticity disputed)
- Euthyphro
- Gorgias
- Greater Hippias (authenticity debated)
- Hipparchus (authenticity disputed)
- Ion
- Laches
- Laws
- Lesser Hippias (authenticity debated)
- Letters (authenticity debated)
- Lysis
- Menexenus
- Meno
- Minos (authenticity disputed)
- Parmenides
- Phaedo
- Phaedrus
- Philebus
- Protagoras
- The Republic
- Rival Lovers (authenticity disputed)
- Sophist
- Statesman
- Symposium
- Theaetetus
- Theages (authenticity disputed)
- Timaeus
- Aristotle (1898), by Alexander Grant
- Athenian Constitution
- History of Animals
- Metaphysics
- Nicomachean Ethics
- Organon
- On Breathing
- On Plants
- On the Movement of Animals
- On the Parts of Animals (De partibus animalium)
- On the Vital Principle
- The Poetics (Ingram Bywater translation, Samuel Henry Butcher translation)
- Physics
- Politics
- Rhetoric
Other philosophers
[edit]- Diogenes Laërtius
- Empedocles
- Epicurus
- Melissus of Samos
- Parmenides
- Proclus (Proclus Lycaeus Diadochus):
- Portal:Socrates
- Theophrastus