Portal:Philosophy, Psychology and Religion
Top level portal for Class B: Philosophy, Psychology and Religion

General philosophy covers the works of philosophers, schools of philosophy and topics within philosophy.
Child portals: Ancient Greek philosophy • Socrates

Logic is the study of reasoning, including both its modes and its valid usage.
Speculative philosophy covers subjects such as metaphysics, epistemology, methodology, ontology, cosmology and teleology.

Psychology is an academic and applied discipline that involves the scientific study of mental functions and behaviours. This portal also covers parapsychology and occult sciences.
Child portal: Astrology

Aesthetics is the study of the nature of art, taste and beauty; including its creation and appreciation.
Ethics is the philosophy of the concepts of right and wrong conduct.
Child portal: Ethical Culture

Religion covers world religions as well as the general subject of religion: its philosophy, psychology, and theology.
Child portals: Confucianism • Deism • Hinduism • Jainism • Sermons • Scientology • Sikhism • Taoism (Investiture of the Gods) • Witchcraft • Yazidi • Zoroastrianism

Mythology can refer either to the study of myths or to a body or collection of myths.

Rationalism is the theory or method in which the sources of knowledge and truth are reason, intellect, and deduction.
Child portal: Freethinking • Christ myth theory

Judaism is the religion of the Jewish people, based on the principles and ethics embodied in the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible) and Talmud.
Child portal: Breslov • Cairo Geniza
The Bahá'í Faith is a religion founded by Bahá'u'lláh in 19th-century Persia, emphasizing the spiritual unity of all humankind.

Theosophy is any doctrine of religious philosophy and mysticism claiming that knowledge of God can be attained through mystical insight, spiritual ecstasy, and direct communication with the transcendent world.

Buddhism is the religion of buddhists, based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha.
Child portals: Buddhist sutras • Tipitaka

Christianity is the religion of Christians, based on the Old and New Testaments of the Bible.
Child portals: Christmas • Doctors of the Church • Early Church Fathers series • First Council of Nicaea • Pre-Nicene Christianity • Post-Nicene Christianity

The Bible is a canonical collection of texts considered sacred in Judaism or Christianity. The canons of different religious groups include different books in different combinations.
Child portals: Biblioþēce · Twelve Apostles

Doctrinal theology covers Christian doctrine and dogma. This includes God, christology, mariology, soteriology, eschatology and the invisible world (angels, demons, saints etc).
Child portals: Creationism • Eschatology • Saints

Practical theology covers Christian subjects such as ecclesiastical theology, pastoral theology, worship, practical religion and Christian life.
Child portals: Americans United for Separation of Church and State • Ecumenical Councils • InFaith • Investiture Controversy • Missionary

Christian denominations are identifiable sub-divisions of Christianity, each with different interpretations and practices of the parent religion.
Child portals: Adventism (Branch Davidians) • Anabaptism • Anglicanism (Anglican Church of Canada • Book of Common Prayer • Church of England • The Episcopal Church) • Baptists • Calvinism • Cathars • Christadelphians • Christian Science • Church of the East • Donatism • Eastern Orthodoxy • Lutheranism (Pilgrim Evangelical Lutheran Church (Chicago, Ill.) Ladies' Aid Society) • Mennonites • Methodism (Salvation Army) • Mormonism • Oriental Orthodoxy • Presbyterianism (Church of Scotland) • Quakers • Roman Catholicism (Catholic Church Encyclicals • Council of Trent • First Vatican Council • Inquisition • Popes [Linus] • Second Vatican Council) • Swedenborgianism
- External links
- Class B on Project Gutenberg
- Call number B on the Online Books Page