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Portal:Herme Francis Hahnen

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Herme Francis Hahnen

Herme Francis Hahnen (1853-1941) was an American banker who died of appendicitis in 1911 at age 31. He was born in 1853 to Henry Hahnen (1841-1917) and Sophia Becker (1846-1918). He is sometimes listed in documents as "Herman Hahnen". (b. 5 February 1880; Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, USA - d. 26 February 1911; Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa, USA)

Herme Francis Hahnen

Works about Herme Francis Hahnen

Marriage of his daughter: "She said she was a daughter of Mrs. Herman F. Hahnen, formerly of Des Moines, Iowa."
Marriage of his daughter: "She is the daughter of the late Herme F. Hahnen and sister of Robert C. Hahnen of St. Paul, Minnesota."
Death of his father. "The funeral of Henry Hahnen, veteran shoe dealer, who died Monday at his home, 1070 Seventh street, will be held Thursday at 10 a.m. from the late residence. Rev. Mr. Leamer, St. John's Lutheran church, will officiate. The burial, which will be private, will be in Woodland cemetery. The family of the deceased requests that no flowers be sent."
His parents celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary. "Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hahnen, prominent pioneers of Des Moines, will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary at their home, 1070 Seventh street."
"Mrs. Zora Krell was before Judge Hugh Brennan of the district court this morning to explain her doings while guardian of her two children, Gretchen and Robert Hahnen. They were left approximately $9,000 by their father, the late H. F. Hahnen. The Des Moines Savings bank, which is now guardian for the children charges that their mother dissipated their funds."
"Mrs. Zora Krell, former wife of the H. F. Hahnen, an employee of the Iowa National bank, was ordered by Judge Hugh Brennan, this morning, to appear in court on October 6 for an examination as to her doings as guardian of her two children, Gretchen and Robert Hahnen, aged 9 and 4 years, respectively. "
"Herme F. Hahnen, 31 years old, chief clerk of the Iowa National bank, and a leader among the younger men in the banking circles of Des Moines, died at 7:10 o'clock Sunday morning at Mercy hospital of appendicitis followed by peritonitis. He was taken ill on Monday, February 13, and his case was critical from the beginning. Upon his removal to the hospital, the following Tuesday an operation was performed but his ailment was far advanced, and his life hung by a thread. Mr. Hahnen, who was born in Des Moines February 15, 1880, leaves a wife, who, before her marriage, was Miss Zora Courtney of Galesburg, Illinois, and two children, Gretchen, 9 years old, and Robert, 4 years old. He was married nine years ago."
"Herme F. Hahnen, 31 years old, chief clerk of the Iowa National Bank, and a leader among the younger men banking circles of Des Moines, died Sunday morning at Mercy hospital of appendicitis followed by peritonitis. He was taken ill on Monday, February 13, and his case was critical from the beginning. Upon his removal to the hospital, the following Tuesday, an operation was performed but his ailment was far advanced, and his life hung by a thread."
"Herme F. Hahnen, 11 years old, chief clerk of the Iowa National bank, and a leader among the younger men in the banking circles of Des Moines, died at 7:10 o'clock. Sunday morning at Mercy hospital of appendicitis followed by peritonitis."
"Mr. Hahnen, who was chief clerk at the Iowa National bank, died at Mercy hospital yesterday from peritonitis caused by appendicitis."
"Herme F. Hahnen, chief clerk at the Iowa National Bank, is critically ill at Mercy Hospital, where he was operated on Tuesday for appendicitis."
"Herme F. Hahnen, chief clerk of the Iowa National bank, is some fighter in the opinion of Harry Rubinson, who lives at 1306 West Fourth street. Rubinson yesterday filed information in Justice Cope's court charging Hahnen with assault and battery."
"Information charging Herme F. Hahnen, chief clerk of the Iowa National bank, with assault and battery was filed this morning … Rubinson accuses Hahnen of going to his home, 1306 West Fourth street, last Saturday night, and of attacking him and his wife on their front porch. The alleged altercation resulted from the finding of a little fire shovel by the 6-year-old Rubinson boy. According to the story told by Rubinson, the boy brought the shovel home and said he had found it in Hahnen's yard. 'Mrs. Rubinson sent the boy back with the shovel … and then thought nothing more about the matter until Hahnen came over to our house at about 8:30 o'clock and asked that our child be punished. He said that the boy had stolen the shovel and should be spanked for it. I heard the man and my wife in an argument at the door and went out to see what was the trouble. 'Hahnen jumped upon me and threw me over the porch railing upon a pile of brick and then he pushed Mrs. Rubinson against the wall, bruising her severely. After that he found our little boy and spanked him and then went home.' Hahnen will be arraigned on the charge this afternoon or tomorrow morning."

See also
