Portal:Ticknor and Fields
Originally Allen and Ticknor, also known as William D. Ticknor and Company, then Ticknor, Reed and Fields, bought out in 1871 to become James R. Osgood & Co., current an imprint of of Houghton Miflin
Publishing company founded in Boston in 1832, named for William Davis Ticknor and James Thomas Fields
Works published
[edit]- Poems by Fields (1849) (transcription project)
- The Scarlet Letter, A Romance by Hawthorne (1850)
- The Seaside and the Fireside by Longfellow (1850) (transcription project)
- Twice-Told Tales by Hawthorne (1851)
- A Wonder-Book for Girls and Boys by Hawthorne (1852) (transcription project)
- Walden, or, Life in the Woods by Thoreau (1854)
- Autobiography of an Actress; or, Eight Years on the Stage by Mowatt (1854) (transcription project)
- The Song of Hiawatha by Longfellow (1855)
- Excursions by Thoreau (1863)
- Flower, Fruit, and Thorn Pieces by Jean Paul, tr. by Noel (1863) (transcription project)
- Life of William Hickling Prescott by G. Ticknor (1864) (transcription project)
- The Maine Woods by Thoreau (1864)
- Life of Jean Paul Frederic Richter by Lee (1864) (transcription project)
- The Campaner Thal, and Other Writings by Jean Paul tr. by Bauer and Carlyle (1864) (transcription project)
- Cape Cod by Thoreau (1865)
- Letters to Various Persons by Thoreau (1865) (transcription project)
- Excursions by Thoreau (1866) (transcription project)
- A Yankee in Canada, with Anti-Slavery and Reform Papers by Thoreau (1866)
- Substance and Shadow by Henry James (1866) (transcription project)
- Snow-Bound: A Winter Idyl by John Greenleaf Whittier (1866)
- May-day and other pieces by Emerson (1867)
- Religious Poems by Stowe (1867) (transcription project)
- Flower-de-Luce by Longfellow (1867)
- The Divine Comedy by Dante, tr. by Longfellow (1867) (transcription project)
- The Chimney-Corner by Stowe (1868) (transcription project)
- If, Yes, and Perhaps by Hale (1869) (transcription project)
Publisher's Marks
[edit]These are the known publishers' marks used by Ticknor and Fields: