Portal talk:Mexico

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Portal review
Portal Mexico
Classification I
Class I: Texts by Country
Subclass : Texts by Country
Classifier AdamBMorgan
  • The following table is to be used by editors to track books' status relating to the Mexico portal.
  • Additional books are to be placed in alphabetic order of the title in the table.
  • If the book is transcluded from Wikimedia commons, it is important that a category is created on the commons based on the book name and the category ends with the word in brackets (book) or (books). The category is intended to indicate the content and is to be used as the container to organize and store images related to the book.
  • Additional commons categories assigned to the book are:
    • Books about Mexico
    • Djvu files in English
    • History of Mexico

Mexico portal with the commons category and, and their progress status

Index Namespace Commons Categories Status
Index:A campaign in Mexico.djvu commons:Category:A campaign in Mexico (book) Completed
Index:A La California.djvu commons:Category:A La California (book) Completed
Index:A series of intercepted letters in Mexico.djvu commons:Category:A series of intercepted Mexican letters (book) Completed
Index:A Study of Mexico.djvu commons:Category:A Study of Mexico (book) Completed
Index:A Study of the Manuscript Troano.djvu commons:Category:A Study of the Manuscript Troano (book) Completed
Index:About Mexico - Past and Present.djvu commons:Category:About Mexico - Past and Present (book) Completed
Index:Appleton's Guide to Mexico.djvu commons:Category:Appleton's Guide to Mexico (book) Completed
Index:Barbarous Mexico.djvu commons:Category:Barbarous Mexico (book) Completed
Index:Complete history of the late Mexican war.djvu commons:Category:Complete history of the late Mexican war (book) Completed
Index:Daany Beédxe.djvu commons:Category:Guillermo Marín Ruiz Completed
Index:Difficulties Between Mexico and Guatemala.djvu commons::Category:Difficulties Between Mexico and Guatemala (book) Completed
Index:Face to Face With the Mexicans.djvu commons:Category:Face to Face With the Mexicans (book) Completed
Index:Hands off Mexico.djvu commons:Category:Hands off Mexico (book) Completed
Index:History of the War between the United States and Mexico.djvu commons:Category:History of the War between the United States and Mexico (book) Completed
Index:Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan.djvu commons:Category:Incidents of travel in Central America, Chiapas, and Yucatan Completed
Index:Juarez and Cesar Cantú (1885).djvu commons:Category:Benito Juárez Completed
Index:Life in Mexico vol 1.djvu commons:Category:Life in Mexico (book) Completed
Index:Life in Mexico vol 2.djvu commons:Category:Life in Mexico (book) Completed
Index:Memoir of a tour to northern Mexico.djvu commons:Category:Memoir of a tour to northern Mexico (book) Completed
Index:Mexican Archæology.djvu commons:Category:Mexican Archeology (book) Completed
Index:Mexico by Joseph Wharton.djvu commons:Category:Mexico by Joseph Wharton (book) Completed
Index:Mexico and its reconstruction.djvu commons:Category:Mexico and its reconstruction (book) Completed
Index:Mexico in 1827 Vol 1.djvu commons:Category:Mexico in 1827 (books) Completed
Index:Mexico of the Mexicans.djvu commons:Category:Mexico of the Mexicans (book) Completed
Index:Mexico as it was and as it is.djvu commons:Category:Mexico as it was and as it is (book) Completed
Index:Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican, Vol 1.djvu commons:Category:Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican (Books) Completed
Index:Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican, Vol 2.djvu commons:Category:Mexico, Aztec, Spanish and Republican (Books) Completed
Index:Mexico, California and Arizona - 1900.djvu commons:Category:Mexico, California and Arizona, 1900 Completed
Index:Mexico, picturesque, political, progressive.djvu commons:Category:Mexico, picturesque, political, progressive? (book) Completed
Index:Mexico's dilemma.djvu commons:Category:Mexico's dilemma (book) Completed
Index:Mexico under Carranza.djvu commons:Category:Mexico Under Carranza (book) Completed
Index:Notes of the Mexican war 1846-47-48.djvu commons:Category:Notes of the Mexican War, 1846-1848 (Book) Completed
Index:Our Neighbor-Mexico.djvu commons:Category:Our Neighbor-Mexico (book) Completed
Index:Our Sister Republic - Mexico.djvu commons:Category:Our Sister Republic - Mexico (book) Completed
Index:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 1.djvu commons:Category:Pictures of life in Mexico (books) Completed
Index:Pictures of life in Mexico Vol 2.djvu commons:Category:Pictures of life in Mexico (books) Completed
Index:Six Months In Mexico.pdf commons:Category:Six Months in Mexico (book) Completed
Index:The Conquest of Mexico Volume 1.djvu commons:Category:The Conquest of Mexico (book) Completed
Index:The Conquest of Mexico Volume 2.djvu commons:Category:The Conquest of Mexico (book) Completed
Index:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 1.djvu commons:Category:Letters of Cortes (books) Completed
Index:Letters of Cortes to Emperor Charles V - Vol 2.djvu commons:Category:Letters of Cortes (books) Completed
Index:The gilded man (El Dorado) and other pictures of the Spanish occupancy of America.djvu commons:Category:The Gilded Man (El Dorado) (book) Completed
Index:The Mastering of Mexico.djvu commons:Category:The Mastering of Mexico (book) Completed
Index:The Mexican Problem (1917).djvu commons:Category:The Mexican Problem (1917 book) Completed
Index:Myths of Mexico and Peru.djvu commons:Category:Myths of Mexico and Peru (book) Completed
Index:The Rambler in Mexico.djvu commons:Category:The Rambler in Mexico (book) Completed
Index:The rise and fall of the Emperor Maximilian.djvu commons:Category:The rise and fall of the Emperor Maximilian (book) Completed
Index:Stone of the Sun.djvu commons:Category:Stone of the Sun (book) Completed
Index:The Story of Mexico.djvu commons:Category:The Story of Mexico (book) Completed
Index:The War with Mexico, Vol 1.djvu commons:Category:The War with Mexico (books) Completed
Index:The War with Mexico, Vol 2.djvu commons:Category:The War with Mexico (books) Completed
Index:Para leer a Carlos Castaneda.djvu commons:File:Para leer a Carlos Castaneda.djvu Completed
Index:Travels in Mexico and life among the Mexicans.djvu commons:Category:Travels in Mexico and life among the Mexicans (book) Completed
Index:Vagabond life in Mexico.djvu commons:Category:Vagabond life in Mexico (book) Completed
Index:Vol 1 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu commons:Category:History of Mexico (Bancroft)/Volume 1 (book) Completed
Index:Vol 2 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu commons:Category:History of Mexico (Bancroft)/Volume 2 (book) Completed
Index:Vol 3 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu commons:Category:History of Mexico (Bancroft)/Volume 3 (book) Completed
Index:Vol 4 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu commons:Category:History of Mexico (Bancroft)/Volume 4 (book) Completed
Index:Vol 5 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu commons:Category:History of Mexico (Bancroft)/Volume 5 (book) Completed
Index:Vol 6 History of Mexico by H H Bancroft.djvu commons:Category:History of Mexico (Bancroft)/Volume 6 (book) Completed
Index:Young Folks History Of Mexico.pdf commons:Category:Young Folks' History of Mexico (1895) Completed
Index:The Coronado expedition, 1540-1542.djvu commons:Category:The Coronado expedition, 1540-1542 Completed

Additional Texts About Mexico at Internet Archives

Mexico, its peasants and priests 1856 Robert Anderson Wilson 1812-1872
Notes Mexico In 1861 And 1862 1862 Charles Lempriere
Mexico under Maximilian 1867 Henry Martyn Flint
Sketches of Mexico 1894 John Wesley Butler
Picturesque Mexico 1897 Marie Robinson Wright
Mexico of the twentieth century 1907 Percy Falcke Martin
The ruins of Mexico 1910 Constantine George Rickards
Viva Mexico! 1912 Charles Macomb Flandrau
Thirteen years in Mexico 1915 Charles William Drees Ada M. C. Drees
Insurgent Mexico 1919 John Reed
Intervention in Mexico 1919 Samuel Guy Inman
Mexico today and tomorrow 1919 E. D. Trowbridge
Mexico under Carranza 1919 Thomas Edward Gibbon
Railway supplies in Mexico 1919 Philip Harvey Middleton
The plot against Mexico 1919 Leander Jan De Bekker
The war with Mexico 1919 Justin Harvey Smith
Mexico and the Caribbean 1920 George Hubbard Blakeslee 1871-1954
Mexico before the World 1927 Ellas Calles Plutarco
Mexico past and present 1928 George B. Winton
Ramblings in old Mexico 1930 Amos Earle Voorhies
Chaos in Mexico 1935 Charles S. Macfarland
Renascent Mexico 1935 Hubert Herring, Herbert Weinstock
Mexico Magnetic Southland 1944 Sydney A. Clark
Mexico in Peace and War 1944 Thomas H. Russell