Primary Lessons in Swatow Grammar/Lesson XII
- se-su; lân-ló,
- a little.
- se-su-kiáⁿ; lân-lân ló-ló,
- a very little.
- chhoh-kiáⁿ,
- a small quantity.
- nih-kiáⁿ,
- just a little bit.
- ũ-kúi-cha̍p,
- a few tens.
- ũ-che̍k chat-kiáⁿ,
- a little space (a measure of distance).
- che̍k-chūa,
- one stretch; one passage.
- ha̍p-ke,
- the whole house.
- kàu-chok; m̄-kàu-chok,
- enough; not enough.
- chok-ēng,
- enough for use.
- m̄-kàu-ēng,
- not enough for use.
- m̄-lã-sái,
- not enough to meet expenses.
- m̄-kàu-kâi,
- not a complete one.
- ha̍p-kâi sĩ-chièⁿ-seⁿ,
- all of them are that way.
- chōi-chōi; tōa-bó-mue̍h,
- a great deal.
- chié-chié,
- a very little.
- ũ-chōi-chié,
- there are more or less.
- tih-kiáⁿ,
- a little bit.
- lân-tiám,
- a few drops.
- che̍k-tiám,
- one drop.
- lân-lia̍p,
- a few grains.
- chhō-kàu-tĩⁿ,
- put it in till full.
- chhō-kàu pùaⁿ-tĩⁿ,
- put in till half full.
- ũ jie̍h-chōi-kâi,
- how many are there?
- u-jie̍h-tōa,
- how large is it?
- ũ-jie̍h-tĩⁿ,
- how full is it?
- khat-khat-kàu,
- barely enough.
- siè-siè-kàu,
- barely„ enough„
- ũ-hãn,
- it has a limit.
- bô-kài-hãn,
- illimitable.
- hãn-i cha̍p-ji̍t,
- limited him to ten days.
- ũ-hãn ũ-liãng,
- there are limits and measures.
- bô-hãn bô-liãng,
- limitless.
- tiám-kiáⁿ-niⁿ,
- a very little.
- ũ-kúi-lia̍p,
- a few grains.
- tōa-ē,
- a large quantity.
- siàu-m̄-liáu,
- can’t count to the end.
- siàu-m̄-tit,
- countless.
- siàu-m̄-chōi,
- count, how many there are.
- bô-mih-chōi,
- not very much or many.
- pùaⁿ-kue̍h,
- half a length.
- che̍k-ûe,
- one half.
- saⁿ-siâⁿ; cha̍p-hūn-saⁿ,
- three-tenths.
- ngõu-hūn-saⁿ,
- three-fifths.
- poih-hūn che̍k,
- one-eight.
- che̍k-peh, che̍k-chhoiⁿ,
- one hundred, one thousand.
- chhoiⁿ-chhoiⁿ būan-būan,
- thousands and tens of thousands.
- niê jie̍h-chōi,
- it measures how many? Go measure how many.
- niê i jie̍h-kûiⁿ?
- measure it how high?
- niê i jie̍h-chhim?
- measure it how deep?
- niê i jie̍h-chhién?
- measure it how shallow?
- niê i jie̍h-khuah?
- measure it how wide?
- khṳ̀ niê-i kâi-chhùn-chhieh,
- measure its feet and inches; get its dimensions.
- che̍k-pé,
- a handful.
- meⁿ che̍k-pé-bí,
- scoop up an handful of rice.
- che̍k-phóng,
- a double handful.
- na̍k-che̍k-na̍k,
- snatch up a snatch; a snatch.
- che̍k-tháng siè-siè,
- the bucket is rather scant.
- khie̍h-táu lâi niê-iâm,
- take a peck-measure and measure the salt.
- niê-thóiⁿ jie̍h-chōi-tñg,
- measure and see how much its length.
- téng-i jie̍h-chōi kṳn-tãng,
- [errata 1] weigh it, how many pounds heavy.
- téng-hó a-būe,
- heave you weighed it or not yet?
- téng-hó--liáu,
- have weighed it.
- téng-hó--liáu m̄-kàu,
- weighed it, it isn’t enough.
- phêng-ngṳ̂n,
- to weigh silver.
- phêng-ũ saⁿ-cha̍p-nié,
- it weights thirty ounces.
- lóng-chóng,
- all.
- chhù-lãi lóng-chóng-nâng,
- all the people in the house.
- chèng-nâng hâng-ho̍k i,
- all the people submitted themselves to him.
- chèng-chèng sĩ pêⁿ-iēⁿ,
- all [emphatic] are of the same kind.
- chōi-chãi, bô-kò hó-pàng,
- very many, no place to put them.
- thàn-m̄-kàu só-hùi,
- earned not enough (to meet) expenses.
- thàn bô-lã-chia̍h,
- earned not enough to eat.
- pâng-lãi, chn̂g-kâi sĩ húe-hun,
- in the room all was smoke, i.e. filled with smoke.