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Primary Lessons in Swatow Grammar/Lesson XIX

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the same.
exactly the same.
pí-pa̍t-kâi pêⁿ-pêⁿ-iēⁿ,
compare with another one, it is all the same.
kāng-chha̍t pêⁿ-pêⁿ-iēⁿ,
the same as thieves[errata 1].
pêⁿ-iēⁿ káu-pūi, mài-thiaⁿ,
the same as a dog barking. don't listen.
uá kiau-nâng pêⁿ-iēⁿ,
I am the same as other people.
people of the same class.
che̍k-iēⁿ kâi-nâng,
the same “sort of” people.
pêⁿ-pêⁿ sĩ chò-sai-pẽ,
they are both mechanics.
pêⁿ-ke sĩ chò-sin-seⁿ,
both alike are teachers.
pê-tn̂g pêⁿ-tōa,
the same length and the same size.
kiau chôiⁿ--kâi pêⁿ-iēⁿ,
the same as the former one.
iēⁿ-sièⁿ sĩ-che̍k-iēⁿ,
the appearances are the same.
lâi-sie-pí sĩ-che̍k-iēⁿ,
as you come and compare them they are one kind.
mutually the same.
tâng-sim tâng-ì,
one mind and one purpose.
tâng chò-che̍k-ē,
all one together.
tâng-hieⁿ-lí kâi-nâng,
people of the same village.
tâng-iēⁿ tâng-che̍k-iēⁿ,
the same kind.
kiau-lṳ́ sie-tâng,
the same as yourself.
pêⁿ-tâng àiⁿ chò-pû-khṳ̀,
they alike wished to go together.
tâng-nî tâng-hùe,
the same age.
tâng-iēⁿ chhiú-gōi,
the same handicraft.
the same price.
the same quality or brand,
alike; resembling.
chhin-chhiẽⁿ-hóuⁿ che̍k-iēⁿ,
like unto a tiger.
ũ-sĩ-mih chhin-chhiẽⁿ a-bô?
is there any resemblance or not?
õi-chhin-chhiẽⁿ a-bõi?
are they alike or not?
chhin-chiẽⁿ tõ-tî-kò?
where is the resemblance?
tî-kò chhin-chhiẽⁿ?
where is the resemblance?
chãi-tit õi-chhin-chhiẽⁿ?
how can they be the same?
so; like that; the same.
lóng-chóng sĩ-chièⁿ-seⁿ,
they are all like this, (or that).
tou-sĩ hièⁿ-seⁿ,
the whole are like that.
like that.
àn-úa chièⁿ-seⁿ,
like myself for example.
kâi-kâi sĩ hièⁿ-seⁿ,
each one is that way.
like; resembling.
chí nõ-kiãⁿ-mue̍h siang-sṳ̃,
these two things are alike.
húang-sṳ̃ sĩ-mih-kâi?
it is like what ?
húang-sṳ̃ móng, móng, móng,
it is like thus, and so, and so.
iēⁿ-sièⁿ jiên-chãi,
the appearance is very similar.
closely resembling.
seⁿ-lâi jiên-jiên,
a natural resemblance.
seⁿ-lâi siãu i-kâi-a-pẽ,
born resembling his father.
very much alike.
kiáⁿ siãu i-a-pẽ,
the child is like its father.
hó lâi-pí sĩ-mih-mue̍h?
we may come and compare it with what thing?
hó-pí chò-bé,
may be compared to a horse.
hó-chiang sĩ-mih-mue̍h lâi-pí?
what shall we take to compare it with?
pí-lâi pí-khṳ̀,
illustrating this way and that way.
pí-thóiⁿ tî-nâng-kûiⁿ tî-nâng-kẽ,
compare and see which man is tall and which man is short.
pí-thóiⁿ chí-nõ-nâng tî-nâng-kûiⁿ,
compare and see of these two men which man is the taller.
pí-tie̍h chí--kiãⁿ-hó,
compared together this is the better one.
bô-nâng hó kâi-úa-pí,
nobody may be compared with myself.
nẽⁿ tùi-tùi,
exactly so (with emphasis).
according to the style.
according to the rule.
according to custom.
they accord.
they harmonize.

  1. Original: pigs and degs was amended to thieves: detail