Primary Lessons in Swatow Grammar/List of syllables
Prepared by Rev. S. B. Partridge.
The following list gives, with probably but few exceptions, all of the sounds used in speaking the Tie Chiu dialect. A few of the syllables represent reading sounds only, and are not heard in conversation.
The syllables are in many cases repeated with different tonal marks and in some cases two or three definitions follow the same syllable, but the list does not profess to be exhaustive in either of these respects.
As far as possible the more common definitions have been chosen, and where more than one definition follows a syllable, the definitions represent different characters of the same tone,
A a crow; or; a name prefix. á, to break off. à, to dispute. ã, a final particle. ā-sĩ, if.
Aⁿ, to cover. âⁿ, to separate quarrelers. àⁿ, to brood. ãⁿ, to bruise. āⁿ, stuffing for pies.
Ah, a duck; to escort.
Ai, to pity. âi, a mother. ái, to sigh. ài, to love. ãi, exclamation of surprise.
Aìⁿ, to desire.
Aih, a squeaking sound.
Aihⁿ, a creaking sound.
Ak, wicked; to water.
Am, a monastery. ám, rice water. àm, dark. ãm, the neck.
An, peace. àn, according to.
Ang, a husband. âng, red; a flood. àng, a jar.
Ap, to pay a balance. a̍p, a small box.
At, to repress.
Au, a bowl. âu, the throat. áu, to twist. àu, obscure; angry; to rot. ãu, after. Auⁿ, clamorous.
Auh, vexed.
Ba, protuberant. bā, to run swiftly.
Bah, meat.
Bâi, the eyebrows; a lintel.
Ba̍k, ink; wood.
Ba̍t, close texture.
Báu, the Pleiades; 5 to 7 A.M.
Bé, a horse; weights.
Be̍h, wheat.
Bí, rice. bī, to dive.
Biāu, mysterious.
Biê, to trace; to peep. biē, a temple.
Bih, to crouch down. bi̍h, bamboo splints.
Bi̍t, honey.
Bô, no or not. bó, mother. bō, a hat; a millstone.
Bôu, a mold. bóu, a wife; a Chinese acre.
Bû, a magician; to accuse falsely. bú, military; to attack. bũ, business. bū, mist; to destroy with guns.
Bûa, to grind; to approach.
Buah, to smear. bua̍h, cymbals.
Bũan, to neglect; a curtain. būan, ten thousand.
Bûang, to disregard; destroyed. búang, disorderly. bũang, the full of the moon.
Bûe, plums; a go-between. búe, the end. būe, not yet.
Bue̍h, stockings.
Bun, literary. bûn, gnats. bún, involved. bùn, to burrow. būn, unhappy.
But, flavor. bu̍t, seasoning; to beat out dust.
Cha, time past; dregs. chá, formerly; early. chà, to feign; fitful. chā, to shudder.
Chãⁿ, to dredge for.
Chah, to take along; to roll up the sleeves. cha̍h, to shut off the wind.
Chai, to know; cuttings; calamity. châi, the navel. chái, a year; sediment; to rule. chài, a gain; to carry, as in a boat. chãi, now; how? chāi, a boat load.
Chak, to make; to bind up.
Cham, a needle. chám, to chop off. chàm, to vilify. chãm, a paragraph.
Chan, a lifting net. chân, steps. chàn, a ware house; to praise. chãn, a terrace; viscera. chān, to present.
Chang, the coir palm; head dress. châng, stairs; classifier of trees. cháng, a wig; to bind. chàng, strong.
Chap, juice; mixed. cha̍p, ten; guard station.
Chat, a joint. cha̍t, solid.
Chau, to encounter; dregs. chau[errata 1], alike. cháu, to run. chàu, an iron kettle set in masonry. chāu, to create.
Che, to abstain. ché, an elder sister. chè, a debt. chẽ, adverb of comparison.
Cheⁿ, to strive. chêⁿ, clear sky. chéⁿ, a will. chẽⁿ, quiet.
Cheh, to reprove; to splice threads.
Chek, one; a candle; to store up. che̍k, to enrich.
Cheng, a bell; a cup; to pound. chêng, mark of past time. chéng, seed; to swell. chèng, disease; all; to plant. chẽng, clear; entirely.
Chí, this; seeds; to cease; only. chì, to reach to; the will. chĩ, to lick; 9 to 11 A.M.
Chiⁿ, felt; a wedge; the limbs. chîⁿ, copper cash. chíⁿ, immature. chìⁿ, an arrow; to jostle.
Chia, to screen. chiá, a wife. chià, sugar cane. chiã, to depend on; a register.
Chiaⁿ, quartz; lean. chiâⁿ, perfect. chiáⁿ, fresh; to repair. chiàⁿ, correct.
Chiah, a sparrow; a vestige. chia̍h, to eat.
Chiak, a cup.
Chiam, pointed. chiâm, obliged. chiãm, gradually; temporary.
Chiang, a sign of future time. chiáng, to rule; senior. chiàng, to commend. chiãng, a staff; to measure.
Chiap, to receive; spry.
Chiau, to own to. chiáu, birds. chiàu, to regard. chiāu, earnest.
Chiauh, small birds.
Chiauk, to sell, as office, or title.
Chie, to plantain; pepper. chié, few. chiè, to shine upon; a sacrifice.
Chieⁿ, a chapter; camphor; starch. chiéⁿ, an oar; to watch. chièⁿ, thus; relishes. chiẽⁿ, to itch; to ascend. chiēⁿ, upper.
Chieh, to borrow. chie̍h, stone.
Chien, to fry. chién, to trim; to trample on. chièn, to fight; to tremble.
Chiet, that is.
Chih, to fold; to receive. chi̍h, the tongue; to break.
Chim, to kiss; to deliberate. chím, a pillow. chìm, to immerse.
Chin, tree. chín, to excite; to shake. chìn, to introduce; to advance. chīn, to exhaust.
Chip, to hold fast. chi̍p, to collect.
Chit, to weave; a ridge. chi̍t, disease; envy.
Chiu, around; the eyeball; a department; an islet. chiú, spirituous liquor. chiù, to curse; to scold, chiũ, to go towards.
Chiuh, a sound, as of squirting water. Chng, bricks. chn̂g, the whole. chńg, finger; toe. chǹg, to bury; to bore. chn̄g, to accuse; to whirl.
Chô, a trough; a scow. chó, the left side; to impede. chò, to make; why? chõ, to sit; to assist; to build.
Choh, to do.
cho̍h, interrupt.
Chôi, uniform. chòi, fiber used as thread. chōi, many.
Chôiⁿ, before. chóiⁿ, the fingers; to clip.
Choih, to sop up. cho̍ih, to slice.
Chok, sufficient; to supplicate. cho̍k, a clan or family.
Chong, the whole. chóng, altogether. chõng, a follower.
Chou, to rent. chóu, ancestors. chõu, suddenly.
Chu, a pearl; vermillion; small pox. chú, lord. chù, to melt; to eat, as worms do. chũ, to stop; to assemble.
Chûa, serpents. chúa, paper. chūa, times.
Chuaⁿ, to grasp. chûaⁿ, a fountain or spring. chúaⁿ, a shallow cup. chūaⁿ, ignoble.
Chuah, deficient in; to splash.
Chuak, muddy.
Chuan, set in one’s way. chuán, to transfer. chuàn, to earn small sums. chuãn, to edit.
Chuang, the style of dress. chuãng, to collide; form. Chuat, stupid.
Chùe, exceedingly. chũe, sin. chūe, a column.
Chuh, to suck; a dimple.
Chui, projecting; a point. chúi, water. chùi, Intoxicated. chũi, a substitute.
Chun, a bottle; to respect. chûn, a boat. chún, to permit. chùn, steep; an abyss. chũn, to wring. chūn, a gust.
Chut, underlings; smooth. chu̍t, glutinous rice.
Chṳ, a book; to prepare food. chṳ̂, potatoes. chṳ́, a child. chṳ̀, to soak up; to enrich. chṳ̃, one’s self.
Chha, a mistake. chhâ, wood; stupid. chhá, to roast. chhà, a voucher.
Chháⁿ, to loiter.
Chhah, to insert; to support. chha̍h, mixed.
Chhai, conjecture. chhâi, talents; wealth. chhái, to pluck; fits. chhài, vegetable.
Chha̍k, a chisel.
Chham, to mix; to sign. chhâm, a cliff; mortified. chhám, distressing. chhàm, to repent; an omen. chhãm, diagonally. chhām, to peck, as a bird.
Chhan, a meal. chhân, a field for rice.
Chhang, azure. chhâng, to conceal.
Chhap, confusion.
Chhat, varnish; to inquire into. chha̍t, a thief.
Chhau, to copy. chhâu, to shift; a resort. chháu, grass. chhàu, a stench; hasty. chhāu, a hubbub.
Chhe, a fork; an envoy. chhê, to examine; to throttle. chhé, to haul. chhè, a privy.
Chheⁿ, raw; a star; green. chhéⁿ, to awaken. chhẽⁿ, cymbals.
Chheh, a book; a device.
Chhek, paddy; to fathom; the knees.
Chheng, pure; to designate. chhêng, the feelings. chhèng, guns; suitable. chhēng, a door-bar; to wear.
Chhi, a wife; to perch; horrid. chhî, to arrange. chhí, shame. chhì, thorns; to test. chhĩ, a market. chhī, to feed.
Chhiⁿ, fresh.
Chhia, a wagon; wasteful. Chhiáⁿ, to invite; moreover.
Chhiah, flesh color.
Chhiak, many; a sparrow.
Chhiam, bamboo slips for drawing lots. chhiâm, in seclusion. chhiàm, to arrogate to one’s self. chhiām, in ranks.
Chhiang, a prostitute; sweet flag. chhiâng, a long time. chhiáng, a shed. chhiàng, to lead. chhiãng, crippled.
Chhiap, a concubine; to steal.
Chhiau, to mix. chhiâu, a dynasty. chhiáu, ridicule; tolerably. chhiàu, powerful. chhiãu, to retch.
Chhiauh, to look around, as in thought.
Chhie, masculine. chhiè, to laugh.
Chhieⁿ, a spear. chhiêⁿ, a wall. chhiéⁿ, to take by force. chhiẽⁿ, an elephant. chhiēⁿ, to shed light upon.
Chhieh, a foot in length, chhie̍h, matting.
Chhien, to remove. chhiên, to progress. chhién, shallow.
Chhiet, important.
Chhih, to brand; to take fire.
Chhim, deep. chhîm, to search for.
chhím, to sleep. chhìm, a sibylline hint. chhīm, to move.
Chhin, one’s own; like, chhîn, a courtier. chhìn, steelyards; cold.
Chhip, to pursue.
Chhit, seven; to wipe.
Chhiu, the beard; autumn. chhiû, a prisoner; to revenge. chhiú, the hand; to redeem. chhiū, a tree.
Chhng, a granary; a hamlet; to bore. chhn̂g, a table; a bed, chhǹg, to thrust into.
Chho, at the first. chhô, to humble. chhó, distress; rough. chhò, to file; to mistake; rough. chhō, to contain.
Chhoh, a quantity; contracted.
Chhòi, flour.
Chhoiⁿ, a thousand. chhôiⁿ, silk-worms. chhóiⁿ, a small broom, chhòiⁿ, to urge on.
Chhoih, to sob.
Chhok, to excite; to seize.
Chhong, intelligent; to fill up. chhông, to follow; to reverence. chhòng, to bother.
Chhou, rough. chhôu, grieved. chhòu, vinegar.
Chhu, to prune. chhû, leisurely. chhú, to take in marriage; to judge chhù, a house; to set in order. Chhúa, awry. chhūa, to take a wife; to lead.
Chhùaⁿ, to bar.
Chhuah, to deceive; to pluck. chhua̍h, to deflect.
Chhûan, complete.
Chhũang, to collide with.
Chhuat, to take without permission.
Chhue, to blow; to cook by steaming. chhûe, a switch. chhúe, marrow. chhūe, to search.
Chhueh, to sip with a noise.
Chhui, to infer; to urge. chhúi, fine; to estimate. chhùi, the mouth; fragments[errata 2].
Chhun, the spring; to stretch forth. chhûn, remaining. chhún, incompatible; stupid. chhùn, an inch.
Chhut, to go forth.
Chhṳ, to unroll. chhṳ̂, mercy; a defect. chhṳ́, a rat; this. chhṳ̀, a time.
Chhṳh, to stoop.
É, dumb. ẽ, below; to wade. ē. a time; repeatedly.
Êⁿ, roof beams.
Eh, whatever; an obstruction.
E̍k, to bathe; to translate; wings.
Eng, ought; an infant; a hawk. éng, waves, èng, to fulfill. ẽng, pregnant. ēng, to use.
Gā, to take hold, as with an anchor.
Gāi, to obstruct.
Gâu, wise.
Gauh, music.
Gê, a sprout; the cocoa tree. a yamen; tusks. gé, a prong. gē, to smooth with a trowel.
Ge̍k, jade stone; a prison.
Gî, doubt.
Giâ, surprise.
Gia̍p, constantly.
Gô, a goose; fetters. gō, to starve.
Gōi, handicraft.
Gôu, a porpoise. gōu, to thwart.
Gû, bovine animals.
Gūa. outside.
Gue̍h, moon; or month.
Gūi, asafetida.
Gu̍t, to sleep.
Gṳ́, words. gṳ̃, a spur; to resist; to curb. gṳ̄, jade.[errata 3]
Ha, to bend; to breathe upon. hâ, to gird. hà, mourning apparel. hā, the noise of a crowd.
Háⁿ, twilight; a question mark; to frighten.
Hah, petals. ha̍h, agreeing.
Hâi, the bones of the body. hái, the sea. hãi, to fight; languid. hāi, to injure.
Hâiⁿ, to pay. hāiⁿ, groaning.
Haihⁿ, a creaking, or sound of distress.
Hak, to guide; to visit a superior. ha̍k, to learn.
Ham, a bivalve with scolloped shells. hâm, official position. hãm, vexed. hām, to ruin.
Hân, cold; a literary degree, hán, seldom; to oppose. hàn, powerful. hãn, a limit.
Hâng, a ware house; to submit to. hāng, a lane.
Hap, to swell. ha̍p, to close up.
Hat, to rule.
Hau, to scream. hâu, very minute; leisurely. háu, to howl. hãu, young. hāu, the king crab; to wait for.
Hàuⁿ, willing; fond of.
Hauhⁿ, a sound, as of pigs eating.
He, shortness of breath. hê, shrimps; a flaw. hè, to wail. hẽ, to vow. hē, summer.
Hêⁿ, fishing stakes. héⁿ, a question mark. hēⁿ, assent.
Heh, to intimidate; to shorten sail. he̍h, to scatter.
He̍hⁿ, captious.
Hek, dark; to examine. he̍k, weary.
Heng, to prosper; the breast. hêng, punishment; form. hèng, pleased with. hẽng, conduct; fortunate.
Hi, to expect. hí, joy. hì, theatrical performances. hĩ, to conduct.
Hîⁿ, a stringed instrument. hìⁿ, to shake off; to sprinkle. hĩⁿ, the ear.
Hia, boots; a dipper. hiâ, a flaw; leisure. hiá, those. hiã, tiles; ants.
Hiaⁿ, an elder brother. hiâⁿ, to put on fuel. hiàⁿ, to widen.
Hiah, to stop. hia̍h, a constable; the forehead.
Hiam, peppery. hiâm, to find fault with. hiám, dangerous.
Hiang, odor. hiáng, to sound; to enjoy. hiàng, facing towards; taxes.
Hia̍p, the sides; to cherish enmity.
Hiau, wicked ; brave. hiáu, to comprehend.
Hiauh, to throw up, as the coat sleeve.
Hiauhⁿ, to shake off.
Hiè, that.
Hieⁿ[errata 4], a village; incense. hièⁿ, that.
Hie̍h, leaves of plants.
Hien, to raise slightly. hiên, a sage; obscure. hién, manifest; dangerous. hièn, to offer; a ruler. hiēn, now.
Hiet, a scorpion.
Hih, to laugh out.
Him, to long for. hîm, a bear. hìm, to smother.
Hîn, dizzy. hīn, plain.
Hiok, to disregard.
Hiong, malevolent; unlucky. hiông, masculine.
Hip, to steam.
Hit, to dangle.
Hiu, to cease.
Hiuⁿ, obscure. hiûⁿ, a wadded jacket. hiúⁿ, rotten.
Hiuh, to brush; to flog.
Hm̄, to pant.
Hng, a region; dearth. hn̂g, a garden, hñg, distant.
Hngh, to blow the nose.
Hô, a river; a moat. hó, good; suitable. hò, to squander; false. hō, a mark; to protect.
Hoh, very. ho̍h, a crane.
Hõi, a crab.
Hóiⁿ, a small bivalve. hõiⁿ, to close, as a door. hōiⁿ, edible greens.
Hoih, narrow. ho̍ih, to espy.
Hok, happiness; double. ho̍k, garments; perhaps.
Hong, to confer; plenteous. hông, a swan; to sew; vast. hóng, salary; to intone. hōng, to receive from a superior.
Hôu, bearded. hóu, to bale out water. hõu, rain; a princess.
Hóuⁿ, a tiger.
Hu, a husband; ashes; rotten. hû, a lake; a fox; charms. hú, a prefecture; to stoop. hù, a tutor; to hand over to. hũ, a wife; to help; to protect. hū, to breathe out. Hua, clamor; to squander hûa, glory; harmony; grain. hũa, woe.
Huaⁿ, gratified. hûaⁿ, lazy; to snore. hùaⁿ, all. hūaⁿ, to lean upon; a dike.
Huah, to yawn. hua̍h, to step.
Hûai, to cherish. hũai, to despoil.
Hûam, every body or everything. hùam, to overflow. hũam, to offend; a law; grief.
Huan, foreign; to translate. hûan, furthermore; a ring. húan, to return. hùan, to transform; to peddle.
Huang, wind; to seal up. hûang, to ward off; dread, húang, to imitate; to search out. hùang, to relax.
Huap, a law.
Huat, to sprout. hua̍t, to punish; a cave.
Hue, a flower; lime. hûe, to return. húe, fire; goods; a comrade. hùe, to repent; a class; to teach. hũe. to assemble.
Hûeⁿ, crosswise. hūeⁿ, a cross-piece.
Hueh, blood.
Hui, to revolve; not so. hûi, earthen ware. húi, plants. hùi, to expend; the lungs. hũi, grace. hūi, woof.
Hûiⁿ, to dangle; wilted. húiⁿ, to roll about; to vilify; to ruin.
Hun, smoke; to separate; confused. hûn, the spirit; clouds; lines. hún, flour; a pigeon; entire. hùn, to instruct; a last. hũn, in disorder. hūn, a share.
Hut, abruptly; a puff. hu̍t, the seed or stone in fruit; Buddha.
Hṳ, vacant; a fair; to breathe softly. hṳ̂, fish. hṳ́, to assent to; that. hṳ̃, to commit to.
Hṳn, abundant; elated. hṳ̃n, spite.
I, he, she or it; to trust; clothes; from. î, barbarians; to move. ì, idea. ĩ, strange; posterity.
Îⁿ, round; a pellet. íⁿ, a chair; because of; to rely on. ìⁿ, the swallow. īⁿ, an ink-stone.
Iâ, esquire. iá, a wilderness. iã, to carry on the back. iā, also.
Iâⁿ, to overcome; a camp; to carry around. iáⁿ, a shadow.
Iah, to benefit; to vomit. ia̍h, a butterfly; to beckon.
Iak, to restrict; to skip.
Iam, to geld. iâm, salt; fiery. iám, to spy; to shade. iãm, flames. iām, glossy.
Iang, the middle; visitation. iâng, the male principle; to publish. iáng, to nourish. iãng, mode; anxious care.
Iap, to repress. ia̍p, to flash; a hinge.
Iau, hungry; a fairy. iâu, to disturb, graceful. iáu, rather; finally. iàu, important. iãu, refulgence.
Iauⁿ, to lift slightly.
Iauh, to ripple; to flicker.
Ie, the loins; a waist band. iê, a kiln; to sway. ié, to bale out. iẽ, to rattle. iē, the kite.
Iêⁿ, a sheep; to melt; the arbutus. iéⁿ, to rear; to transmit orders. iēⁿ, pattern or style.
Ieh, a treaty; to guess. ie̍h, medicine.
Ien, tainted. iên, a feast. ién, remote; vexed. ièn, edible bird’s-nests. iẽn, to desire ardently.
Ih, to dampen.
Im, sound; the female principle. îm, licentiousness. ím, to lead; a habit. ìm, to shelter.
In, smoke ; a reason.
in, lead; to practice.
in, to lead ; a habit.
in, to answer.
in, a halo ; to soar.
Io̍k, appetite; to rear.
Iông, glory; to serve for hire. ióng, everlasting. iòng, to crowd; to obstruct. iõng, commission.
Ip, a city; to salute with joined hands.
It, one; recollect. i̍t, to wave; ease.
Iu, grieved. iû, oil; by; to ramble. iú, to allure; a friend. iũ, the right hand; to help. iū, the pumelo.
Iùⁿ, fine; young.
Jê, feeble.
Jêng, as ever; another,
Jî, a child. jī, two; a letter; a bait.
Jiá, to incite.
Jia̍k, if; frail.
Jiám, to dye.
Jiáng, to cry aloud. jiãng, to give way to.
Jiâu, crumpled; affluent. jiáu, claws; to scratch. jiāu, to pursue,
Jiē, urine.
Jie̍h, how?
Jiên, like; of course. Jie̍t, hot.
Ji̍h, twenty; to press.
Jím, patience. jĩm, to sustain. jīm, to hold office.
Jîn, charity; mankind. jīn, to confess,
Ji̍p, to enter.
Ji̍t, sun, or day.
Jiû, complaisant.
Jo̍k, a mattress; to insult,
Jông, velvet; deer’shorns. jóng, feathery.
Jû, like; to respond; fertile. jú, more; breast; young. jũ, to compare; an edict.
Ju̍ah, hot.
Júan, to compile. juãn, as you please; however.
Jua̍t, pleased.
Jûe, to rub between the hands. jũe, zealous.
Jûi, but; to consider. jũi, to will.
Jún, to assent. jũn, to fatten, jūn, tough; intercalary.
Jṳ̂, confusion; yet. jṳ́, to spread out; to daub. jṳ̃, fat.
Ka, the back; glue; to cut with shears. ká, to twist; to stir. kà, to teach. kã, to bite.
Kaⁿ, oranges. kâⁿ, to carry in the mouth, káⁿ, to dare. kàⁿ, leaven.
Kah, armor; to fit; and; to wrap.
Kai, ought; all. kâi, one; with; a general classifier. kài, a limit; to cover; mustard.
Kak, roof slats; grain; a horn; each. ka̍k, to throw.
Kam, sweet; a jail; intestinal worms. kâm, to hold in the mouth. kám, to move the feelings; to cover. kàm, to oversee.
Kan, difficult; adultery. kán, soap.
Kang, work; diligence; a river. káng, to converse; a canal. kàng, to descend. kāng, collectively; and.
Kap, to join; to bind. ka̍p, to chatter.
Kat, to produce.
Kau, a hook; a ditch; to commit to. kâu, a monkey; to bestride. káu, nine; a dog; tricky. kàu, to arrive at; enough; entire. kãu, thick.
Kauh, to roll up.
Ke, a family; more. kê, a cangue. ké, false. kè, the price; to marry, a husband. kẽ, low. Keⁿ, to plow; to weave. kéⁿ, a leaf stalk. kèⁿ, a path.
Keh, a partition; to degrade from office. ke̍h, to obstruct; to oppose.
Kek, to distill; to excite. ke̍k, a manufactory; the extreme point.
Keng, a bow; to pass by. kéng, a prospect; to warn; a limit. kèng, to honor; more.
Ki, a branch; dearth; to mock. kî, a flag; chess. kí, to point out; one’s self; a year. kì, a comrade; to record. kĩ, to dislike; a courtesan.
Kîⁿ, the margin; tongs. kìⁿ, to see; to remember.
Kia, to add; to commend. kiá, supposing that. kià, to hand over to another. kiã, steep.
Kiaⁿ, a capital; classics; afraid. kiâⁿ, to walk. kiáⁿ, a child; now. kiàⁿ, a mirror. kiãⁿ, an item.
Kiah, to open up. kia̍h, wooden shoes.
Kiak, clean.
Kiam, together with. kiâm, saltish; frugal. kiám, to diminish. kiàm, a sword.
Kiang, rigid; a limit. kiáng, to compel.
Kiap, to plunder.
kia̍p, to squeeze out.
Kiau, proud; with. kiáu, to assist; to excite. kiãu, to pry up.
Kiê, a bridge; the egg plant. kiè, to call. kiē, better.
Kieⁿ, ginger.[errata 5] kiêⁿ, better.[errata 6]
Kieh, freight.
Kien, firm; to contribute; sparing. kièn, to see. kiẽn, vigorous; to set wp.
Kiet, clean. kie̍t, to exhaust.
Kih, to lay up; as a wall.
Kim, gold; now. kìm, to restrain.
Kin, the present. kín, straight.
Kiok, to address.
Kiong, polite.
Kip, to supply; impatient. ki̍p, to reach to.
Kit, to knit; a small orange.
Kiu, to contract. kiû, a ball. kiù, to save; to examine into. kiũ, an error.
Kiuh, to spurt; a syringe.
Kng, light; a water jar; to carry. kńg, a scroll. kǹg, to string on; steel.
Ko, leprosy; salve; a pole. kó, grass or grain stems. kò, to accuse; to row; a place.
Koh, strange; to hinder. Koi, fowls; a street; steps. kôi, noisome odors. kói, to alter; to unloose. kòi, to contrive; the itch. kōi, easy.
Koiⁿ, the shoulders. kóiⁿ, to select; a plait. kdi’, to sender. koi", to carry under the arm.
Koih, double. ko̍ih, to press, as between two boards.
Kok, a kingdom, grain; a gully.
Kong, merit; public. kông, coufused. kóng, a tube. kõng, to roil.
Kou, mold; dried up. kôu, paste; to daub. kóu, a drum; the male of quadrupeds. kòu, to hire; jealous. kõu, to rely upon.
Ku, a tortoise; to stoop. kú, long time. kù, to regard; a sentence; a cause. kũ, fear; utensils. kū, old.
Kua, a ballad. kùa, to suspend; a cover. kũa, together with; and.
Kuaⁿ, an officer; the liver; a coffin; just. kûaⁿ, cold; intermittent fever. kúaⁿ, to hasten; truly. kũaⁿ, to carry with the hand.
Kuah, to cut; thirst.
Kuai, crafty. kúai, a staff. kùai, strange.
Kuáiⁿ, ore.
Kua̍k, to swallow.
Kuan, a custom house; to observe. kúan, to rule; to treat well. kùan, experienced in. kūan, fatigued.
Kuang, glory; to mislead. kúang, extensive.
Kuat, to determine.
Kue, cucumber, melon, or squash. kûe, to stumble upon. kúe, cakes; fruit. kùe, to pass by; to extinguish.
Kueⁿ, to close, as a door.
Kueh, to scrape. kue̍h, a half.
Kuh, to suck.
Kui, custom; a dial; a loom; to return. kúi, a spirit; a machine; how many. kùi, honorable. kũi, to kneel.
Kûiⁿ, high. kùiⁿ, accustomed to. kūiⁿ, a district; a chest.
Kun, a prince; an army. kûn, a petticoat. kún, to boil.
Kut, a bone; to pound. ku̍t, smooth; to dig.
Kṳ, to dwell; the skirt. kṳ́, custom; to elevate. kṳ̀, a saw. kṳ̃, to ward off; evidence.
Kṳh, to stammer. Kṳn, roots; tendons; a catty; a napkin. kṳ̂n, to congeal. kṳ́n, diligent. kṳ̀n, to exert one’s strength. kṳ̃n, near; the gizzard.
Kṳ̍t, viscid.
Kha, the foot. khá, adroit; how? or what? khà, to break; to strike.
Khah, too; to roll about.
Khai, to open. khái, eat: armor, khài, to sum up; generous.
Kháiⁿ, black ness of the skin.
Khak, truly; shell or husk.
Kham, worthy; a shrine. khám, to chop; a pit. khàm, to cover. khãm, cymbals.
Khan, to lead.
Khang, empty; a hole. khàng, a wide couch; to resist.
Khap, to seal; the whole. kha̍p, to hit against.
Khat, a knot.
Khau, a lot; to scratch. kháu, the mouth; to question. khàu, to cry; to strike the head on the ground.
Khauh, diy and crisp. kha̍uh, stiff and hard.
Khe, the sound of breaking crockery.
Kheⁿ, a ravine.
Kheh, a guest; a magpie.
Khek, to carve; crooked.
Kheng, a basket; to smelt. khêng, a bracket, for a wall lamp. khéng, willing. khèng, to congratulate. khẽng, the rainbow.
Khi, strange ; tilted. khî, a set time; strange; to pray. khí, the teeth. khì, air; utensils; to reject.
Khîⁿ, to cling to; forceps.
Khia, an odd number; meager. khiâ, to bestride; to erect. khià, elevated. khiã, to stand; to reside. khiā, perpendicular,
Khiah, a cleft.
Khiak, behold! or oh!
Khiâm, a stamp; to seal. khiàm, to owe. khiãm, frugal.
Khiang, brogue. khiâng, strong.
Khiap, vicious; fearful.
Khiau, destitute; to rap. khiâu, elevated. khiáu, ingenious; pretty. khiàu, an aperture.
Khiē, to detain illegally.
Khiēⁿ, to beware of.
Khieh, to pick up; to colleet. khie̍h, to take in the hand.
Khién, to send away; to blame angrily.
Khiet, insolent; wily. Khih, clean; a little bit.
Khim, by, or from the emperor. khîm, to seize; birds.
Khin, light in weight.
Khiok, distorted.
Khiông, poor; a cricket. khióng, anxious.
Khip, to inhale. khi̍p, cautious.
Khiû, to entreat. khiú, scurf; to grasp. khiū, trembling with fear, or cold.
Khng, chaff. khǹg, to exhort; to store up.
Kho, a javelin; a sauce pan. khó, to dry up. khò, bullion.
Khoh, to cough up. kho̍h, solicitous.
Khoi, a river; to shave. khòi, a deed, or covenant.
Khoih, to beat lightly.
Khoih, pods; to press tightly. kho̍ih, gently.
Khok, to clear the throat; tyrannical.
Khóng, an orifice. khòng, to accuse; vacant.
Khou, a hoop, or circle; dregs. khóu, bitter. khòu, trousers; a treasury.
Khu, to urge; to restrain. khû, to sit on the heels. khũ, a mortar.
Khua, to boast; the thighs. khùa, to rely upon; anxious.
Khuaⁿ, slowly. khùaⁿ, comfortable; loose.
Khuah, wide.
Khùai, cheerful.
Khuak, to stretch.
Khuan, ample; a frame. khúan, authority; to coil.
Khuang, to overthrow. khûang, tnsane. khùang, much more; empty. khũang, aslant.
Khuat, terminated.
Khue, a crucible; the chief. khùe, quickly; to divine.
Khueh, to lack.
Khu̍h, to stew.
Khui, to open; separated. khûi, to examine; the sunflower. khúi, to consider; to deceive. khùi, the breath. khũi, ashamed.
Khûn, a flock. khún, to tie up. khùn, a moment; famished.
Khut, a pit; to wrong. khu̍t, in extremity.
Khṳ̂, a highway. khṳ̀, to go.
Khṳn, diligent; celery. khṳ́n, to entreat.
Khṳt, to beg; to give. khṳ̍t, a stake. La, to take along. lâ, tallow, or lard. lã, sufficient; to stir up. lā, to enjoy.
Lah, to carry over the arm. la̍h, wax; pungent.
Lâi, to come, pears or apples. lãi, within. lāi, sharp; talented..
Lak, to retire. la̍k, six; pleasure.
Lam, to spread over loosely. lâm, south; male; blue. lám, the black olive; to hug. làm, mire. lãm, exercise.
Lân, difficult; a balustrade. lán, lazy. lān, calamity.
Lang, wide apart. lâng, deaf; scales; a cage. láng, a bag. lãng, waves;
Lap, a wrapper; to dip out. la̍p, to pay for purpose of revenue.
La̍t, strength.
Lâu, the tide; to toil; a loft; to detain. láu, aged; the siri leaf. làu, to purge. lãu, venerable. lāu, to leak.
Lauh, dilapidated.
Le, a final particle.
Leh, the sound of thunder. le̍h, to cut open; a scratch.
Le̍k, green; dry land; scrofula.
Leng, a small bell. lêng, spirit; power; besides; a dragon. léng, to push. lèng, to stand on tiptoe. lẽng, a law; eloquent. lēng, joists; loose.
Li, a particle denoting certainty. lî, to disperse; glass; a fence. lí, a village; rites; to govern; the plum. lĩ, profit; stern; dysentery. lī, to adjust.
Liâ, bô-liâ, “no truth in it.”
Liah, to seize; to plunder.
Liak, in general.
Liam, or niam; to take up with the fingers. liâm, a reaping hook; sticky; a screen. liàm, to pinch. liãm, to remenber; to enshroud. liām, to recite from memory.
Liâng, cool; good; to deliberate. liáng, two; skilled. liãng, to estimate; clear.
Lia̍p[errata 7], a classifier of small round objects.[errata 8]
Liâu, fetters; a hut; a companion[errata 9]. liáu, finished. liãu, to gallop. liāu, to estimate.
Liauh, slipshod.
Liê, to trim off.
Lieh, to endure. lie̍h, in general; cold.
Liên, to commiserate; to connect. lién, reputation. liēn, to practice. Lie̍t, to arrange; impetuous.
Lih, the footstalk of a flower. li̍h, to tear open, or apart.
Lîm, to descend; a forest; the eaves. līm, to hold in the hand.
Lîn, near; damask. lín, a wheel.
Lip, at the point of. li̍p, established.
Lit, stretched at full length.
Liu, to slip. liû, to go from place to place. liú, the willow; to scoop out. liù, a whirlpool. liū, to strangle, as with a cord.
Lo, straight; balmy. lô[errata 10], a gong; a mule; turbid. ló[errata 11], sorrowful; careless.
Lo̍h, to fall.
Lôi, to plow. lói, manners or etiquette. lòi, to assault. lōi, a skimmer used by cooks.
Lo̍ih, a bamboo hat.
Lok, wet with rain; to rattle. lo̍k, to record; salary; a chart.
Lõm, confused sound.
Long, a ical bell. lông, thick, as liquids; abundant. lóng, to assemble or collect. lòng, globular. lõng, to trifle with.
Lop, water thick with mud.
Lôu, a furnace. lóu, to hate. lòu, to disclose. lõu, to pickle. lōu, the dew.
Lu, a hummock. lû, to take captives; the skull. lú, reiterated; stupid. lũ, to bribe.
Lûa, a kind of basket. lūa, to falsely accuse.
Luah, to scorch. lua̍h, peppery; to smooth.
Luân, the peaks of a hill; imperial. luán, a pleaseant warmth. luãn, confusion. luān, to love ardently.
Luat, insignificant.
Lut, to gulp down.
Lûi, thunder; to grind in a mortar. lúi, to classify; a rampart. lùi, small pimples. lũi, to weep. lūi, class or species.
Lun, short. lûn, a wheel; lost in perdition. lún, to restrain passion. lũn, to discourse upon. lūn, to trample upon; a treatise.
Lut, to slip out; lopped off. lu̍t, a fixed law.
Lṳ, a small iron shovel. lṳ̂, an ass. lṳ́, you. lṳ̀, to burnish. lṳ̃, anxious or troubled about.
Ḿ, an elderly woman. m̃, will not. m̄, an adverb of negation. Ma, a waiting woman. má, grand mother.
Mâiⁿ, to bury. màiⁿ, do not, or do not want. mãiⁿ, to wax old.
Ma̍k[errata 12], the eye; to spot.
Mán, to pull. mān, slow.
Mâng, hurried; fierce. máng, mosquitoes. mãng, a net. māng, to dream.
Mau, to wrap. mâu, rank grass; a spear. mãu, mien; to contract work.
Mauh, fo sell in the lot.
Mêⁿ, blindness; night. méⁿ, quick; fierce. mēⁿ, to scold.
Meh, to bleat. me̍h, the pulse.
Mêng, clear. méng, stern, mẽng, commands; Mencius.
Miⁿ, closed eyes. mîⁿ, the cotton plant; to delude. mĩⁿ, to flatter; a riddle. mīⁿ, wheat flour.
Miâⁿ, a name. miāⁿ, life.[errata 13]
Miáuⁿ, obscure; vast. miãuⁿ, mysterious.
Mién, no need of; to commiserate; to force.
Mih, what?
Mîn, the people. mín, no need of. mīn, the countenanc.
Mit, to destroy.
Mn̂g, a door, or gate. mńg, evening. mn̄g, to enquire.
Moⁿ, ferns. môⁿ, hair or feathers; a devil. móⁿ, not good. mõⁿ, a tomb. mōⁿ, to hope, or expect.
Mo̍h, a film.
Mo̍k, harmony; a shepherd; alone.
Mông, a device; dim sighted; to touch. móng, certain, as a certain person. mòng, to barter. mõng, luxuriant.
Mouⁿ, used for mong in some cases.
Muaⁿ, a shawl. mûaⁿ, hemp; to deceive. mùaⁿ, to-morrow.
Muãn, a kind of curtain.
Muat, the end.
Mûeⁿ, measles; congee. múieⁿ, each. mũeⁿ obscure. mūeⁿ, younger sister.
Mue̍h, a thing; to handle.
Mûiⁿ, small. múiⁿ, beautiful.
Mut, the corners of the mouth. mu̍t, an epidemic; to perish.
Nâ, bailed baskets; a forest. ná, to lay hold of; a question mark. nã, to scorch. nā, a bamboo cable. Nah, filthy.
Nái, a lady of position. nài, to blush. nãi, to endure; to rely upon; a plum.
Nak, to seize with claws; to knead.
Nam, the same as lam.
Nán, we, including the hearer.
Nâng, a man, or mankind.
Nap, mellow or soft. na̍p, to receive; assent or approval.
Náuⁿ[errata 14], anger; the brain. nãuⁿ, to make a disturbance.
Nêⁿ, to hang clothes on a line. néⁿ, cold. nẽⁿ, an intensifying particle.
Ne̍h, dilatory.
Ne̍k, flesh; to suffocate.
Neng, same as leng.
Niⁿ, to carry in the hand. nîⁿ, a year; woolen cloth; viscid juice. níⁿ, to dye. nĩⁿ, milk.
Niá, a collar; the side of a mountain. nià, facing towards. niã, the nape.
Niam, same as liam.
Niap, to lay folds. nia̍p, to pinch; to run a seam.
Niau, to tickle. niàu, to wrinkle.
Niauh, to squirm.
Niêⁿ, a female; to measure. niéⁿ, a tael. niēⁿ, to yield.
Nien, same as lien.
Nih, to wink; to walk softly.
Nín, you, plural form.
Niúⁿ, a button. niũⁿ, to mislead.
Nn̂g, a gentleman. nńg, females; soft. nñg, eggs.
Nóⁿ, timid; to exert strenath. nõⁿ, two. nōⁿ, anger; a particle denoting certainty.
Noh, sudden lameness.
Nôiⁿ, the lotus; the lichi. nòiⁿ, solid. nōiⁿ, to grind down, as with the heel.
Nôuⁿ, a child; a slave.
Nûaⁿ, to hinder. nũaⁿ, saliva. nūaⁿ, corrupted.
Nuan, same as luan.
Núe, hunger.
Nueh, to pick up with the fingers.
Nui, same as lui.
Nu̍t, slow of speech.
Ng, rice plants for transplanting n̂g, yellow; the citron. ńg, a sleeve.
Ngà, foolish. ngā, robust; to snarl, as dogs.
Ngâi, to persist. ngãi, a bank or shore. Ngaih, to endure hardship.
Nga̍k, the crocodile; a wife's parents.
Ngâm, a precipice. ngám, a mortise.
Ngân, chilly; a word. ngán, the eye. ngàn, to temper.
Ngau, dissatisfied. ngâu, to simmer.
Ngauh, to make sport.
Ngẽ, stiff.
Nge̍k, to resist.
Ngêng, to meet.
Ngî, fit and right; decorum. ngí, to determine. ngī, righteousness.
Ngiá, handsome; elegant.
Ngia̍k, cruel; evils.
Ngiâm, stern. ngiám, of commanding presence. ngiām, to examine officially.
Ngiáng, to look upward.
Ngia̍p, an occupation.
Ngiau, a cat; grappling irons.
Ngiên, to search into carefully.
Ngiet, to gnaw.
Ngîm, to sing.
Ngô, stupid; a nook. ngõ, to meet; to arouse.
Ngo̍h, mental imbecility.
Ngoi, to triturate.
Ngoih, to gnash the teeth.
Ngōng, clownish.
Ngóu, disobedient; a squad of men.
ngõu, five; 11 A.M. to 1 P.M.
Ngûan, a fountain; the first cause. ngúan, mulish ngũan, to desire. ngūan, a vow.
Ngûi, dangerous. ngūi, false.
Ngṳ̂n, silver.
Ngṳt, even or till. ngṳ̍t, to endure.
O, a ridge, or bank; to shelter thieves. ô, oysters. ò, a bay. õ, to recline. ō, oh!
Oh, difficult; to eructate. o̍h, to learn; to narrate.
Oi, to crowd. ôi, shoes. ói, short of stature. òi, to force one’s way. õi, able.
Oiⁿ, to delay. ôiⁿ, leisure.
Oi̍h, narrow.
Ok, a dwelling.
Ong, to slap; an old man. õng, to jolt a baby.
Op, to live on another.
Ou, black. ôu, a lake; a round shallow basket. ōu, the taro.
Pa, a father. pá, satisfied, or full; a target. pà, the leopard. pã, to suffice; to assume a false name. Pâi, a shield; a raft; to arrange. pái, to spread out. pài, to worship. pāi, to destroy.
Pak, north; to strip off; a string of. pa̍k, to bind.
Pân, a pitcher or ewer. pán, a small boat.
Pang, a board; to fall away. pâng, a room. pàng, to loosen. pãng, to slander.
Pat, to know; sign of past tense.
Pau, to wrap up. páu, to protect. pãu, violent.
Pauh, pimples; to sprout.
Pê, a rake; to creep; to scratch. pé, a bundle. pẽ, a father.
Peⁿ, to break apart. pêⁿ, level; a scaffold. péⁿ, to guard. pèⁿ, a handle. pēⁿ, sickness.
Peh, one hundred; to open; to climb. pe̍h, white.
Pek, earnest; to urge.
Pêng, to trust to. péng, to uphold. pẽng, and.
Pi, stone tablets; to put on a binding. pî, the spleen. pí, that, or those; to compare. pì, to carry on the back; the arm. pĩ, to prepare; to shade. pī, to escape.
Piⁿ, the cue; the margin; a whip.
pìⁿ, to transform.
pĩⁿ, to braid.
Piaⁿ, a soldier; ice. piâⁿ, to repeat what one has heard. piáⁿ, cake.
Piah, a partition wall.
Piak, to throb. pia̍k, to manipulate
Piang, to cuff. piàng, to rap.
Piau, to make known.
Pie, a banner. piè, to mount scrolls; to bleach.
Pien, a boundary. pién, thin. pièn, to transform. piẽn, to dispute; convenient.
Pie̍t, to separate.
Pih, a turtle.
Pin, a beach. pín, a petition; series. pìn, everywhere. pīn, to reach to; ready.
Pit, a pen; certainly. pi̍t, to finish. ‘i
Piu, to gush out.
Piuh, to germinate. piu̍h, to thrust in.
Pńg, one’s own. pn̄g, cooked rice.
Po, glass; a slope.
Poh, to dispute. po̍h, thin; poor; a weir. Poi, a screw-driver; side of mouth.
Poiⁿ, spotted, or pitted. pôiⁿ, border; or side. póiⁿ, printing blocks, or type; to turn.
Poih, eight. po̍ih, to pull out.
Po̍k, a slave.
Pòng, to burst. põng, luxuriant.
Pou, a level space; a port. póu, a maze; to mend; dried meats. pòu, cloth; to transplant. pōu. a step; to chew.
Pu, to kick. pû, to boil; a gourd. pù, wealthy. pũ, to capture. pū, to brood.
Pùa, to scatter abroad; to winnow.
Puaⁿ, to transport. pûaⁿ, a plate; to remove. pùaⁿ, one half. pũaⁿ, to off.
Puah, a glazed earthen dish. pua̍h, to gamble; to fall.
Puãn, to revolt.
Pua̍t, to elevate.
Pue, to fly; a cup; divining blocks. pûe, to indemnify. púe, to flutter about. pùe, the back; precious. pũe, contrary to; fold, as “two-fold, ten-fold.” pūe, to dry by the fire.
Pueh, to revile.
Pu̍h, to thrust; flabby.
Pui, to commiserate. pûi, fat. pùi, prickly heat. pūi, to bark.
Pun, to divide; to give. pûn, to blow with the mouth. pún, one’s own. pūn, manure.
Put, to fill a basket with earth; not.
Pha, a bladder. phã, a blister.
Phaⁿ, to fear. phàⁿ, spongy.
Phah, to beat.
Phái, evil. phài, a branch of a family.
Phak, to lie with the face down. pha̍k, to dry in the sun.
Phàn, to look lovingly on.
Phang, fragrant; a bee, or wasp. phâng, a sail; bamboo mats. pháng, to spin. phàng, a button loop. phāng, a crack or fissure.
Phau, to abandon. phâu, a long-robe; to rage. pháu, to run. phàu, a large gun.
Phè, a kerchief. phẽ, long robes.
Phêⁿ, even.
Pheh, to flit.
Phek, amber; to open up.
Pheng, to decoct for food. phêng, peaceful; friends.
Phî, fatigue; the temper. phí, to despise; a scab. phì, to compare.
Phiⁿ, selfish. phīⁿ, the nose; to smell.
Phiaⁿ, the sides; to throw down. phiâⁿ, a level tract. phiàⁿ, a dower.
Phiah, mean; a propensity. phia̍h, neglected or unused.
Phiak, to whisk.
Phiau, a notice; to drift. phiâu, lewd.
Phiê, duck weed; the tender blade of plants. phiè, a warrant. phiẽ, fish bladders.
Phien, a section or leaf of « book. phièn, to deceive; a section of an orange.
Phiet, the sound of a falling object.
Phih, to fall flat.
Phîn, poor; to impinge. phín, grade; to censure.
Phit, to match or mate.
Phiu, to slip out of.
Phó, somewhat. phô, an old woman. phõ, to hold in the arms.
Phoh, to cleave.
Phoi, to pare off; to reply officially.
Phoiⁿ, tares.
Phok, sincere; bulging. pho̍k, to spy.
Phông, disheveled; a booth.
phóng, to grasp with both hands.
phòng, to pop; shaggy.
Phou, to spread out; bran. phóu, every where; a list. phòu, ten li, about 3.5 miles; a shop. phõu, a memorandum book.
Phû, to float.
Phûa, an old woman. phùa, to break; to split.
Phùaⁿ, a verdict. phũaⁿ, a comrade.
Phuah, to fan; a stroke in writing.
Phûan, to coil around. phùan, to judge.
Phuat, self-willed.
Phue, unbaked clay utensils. phûe, skin, or rind. phùe, a mate; condiments. phũe, a blanket or quilt.
Phueh, to chat; froth.
Phuh, weak in influence.
Phùi, to spit.
Phun, to run. phûn, a basin; a tomb. phún, to cleave. phùn, to spatter.
Sà, to kill; irregular teeth.
Saⁿ, three; a jacket.
Sah, to catch in the hand.
Sai, west; the lion; to pour out; private; a master work man. sái, to send; excrement; to sail. sài, a husband; a messenger. sãi, the persimmon. sāi, to set up and worship.
Sak, to push a boat over the mud.
Sam, three; the sam tree. sám, to sprinkle with powder. sàm, drizzling rain.
San, rust. sán, lean.
Sang, a pair; lax. sàng, to accompany.
Sap, filthy; to cut up fine.
Sat, a louse.
Sàu, a cough; to sweep.
Se, a little; gauze.
Seⁿ, to produce; cast iron; manner. séⁿ, a province. sèⁿ, natural disposition; surname.
Seh, to sprinkle salt.
Sek, color; experienced; to unloose. se̍k, ripe, or cooked.
Seng, to rise; a Chinese quart. sêng, to accomplish; to multiply. sẽng, abundant.
Si, poetry; a corpse; silk; to bestow. sî, to refuse; a spoon; time. sí, to die; the beginning. sì, four; a generation; power. sĩ, to be, or is; to trust to. sī, to show; an oath.
Sìⁿ, a fan.
Sia, oblique. siâ, vicious; aslant. siá, to write; to abandon. sià, to relinquish; to forgive. siã, the tutelary deities. siā, to thank; to shoot as an arrow.
Siaⁿ, a sound.
siâⁿ, a walled town.
siàⁿ, holy.
siāⁿ, a hamper.
Siah, pewter; to hew. sia̍h, a feast.
Siak, to regard.
Siam, ginseng; somber. siâm, Siam; the cicada. siám, to evade.
Siang, mutually; to wound. siâng, to examine and report upon. siàng, a minister of state. siãng, the superlative degree.
Siap,; stingy; stringent. sia̍p, to leak.
Siau, to melt; to seek for. siáu, crazy; small. siàu, to count; young. siãu, likeness.
Siauh, to whiz; colorless.
Sie, to burn; hot; mutually. sie, small.[errata 15]
Sieⁿ, a box; to wound. siêⁿ, to indemnify; to taste. siéⁿ, to reward. sièⁿ, an image. siẽⁿ, to think.
Sieh, to love. sie̍h, ordinary; a ladle.
Sien, genti. sién, ringworm. siẽn, good from principle; the kidneys.
Siet, to establish; to profane.
Sih, to flash. si̍h, to consume away. Sim, the heart. sím, to weigh evidence. sĩm, extremely.
Sin, new; the body; to vindicate. sîn, Gods, either the trve God or false gods. sín, to act carefully. sìn, faith, or sincerity. sĩn, a residue.
Sip, damp. si̍p, to collect; to irritate.
Sit, to lose. si̍t, real or true; wings or fins.
Siu, to adorn; to accept; a comb. siû, to swim. siú, a broom; to guard. siù, cultivated; to embroider. siũ, to give; to receive. siū, longevity.
Sng, frost; sour; to ache. sńg, to play. sǹg, to reckon; garlic.
So, the motion of snakes; to cause discord. só, a lock; a place; to spend. sõ, to batter down, as a door.
Soh, a cord; snow.
Soi, to neigh. sói, to wash. sòi, small.
Soiⁿ, first or before.
Soih, to wedge up; to tuck in.
Sok, to shrink; solitary. so̍k, to belong to; to ransom; common.
Song, slack. sõng, to chant; to litigate.
Sou, crisp. sòu, flavor; meager.
Su, ought; necessary; to lose. sú, summer’s heat. sù, a few; benignant. sũ, to discourse upon.
Sua, sand; a shark. súa, to move from one place to another.
Suaⁿ, a hill, or mountain. súaⁿ, to produce. sùaⁿ, thread; to scatter.
Suah, to slay; to lodge.
Suãiⁿ, the mango.
Suak, to mold in clay.
Suan, to promulgate. súan, to select. sùan, to calculate. sũan, to gush forth.
Suáng, cheerful.
Suat, to take under false pretences. sua̍t, to speak slightingly of.
Sue, wearing away. sûe, weak. sùe, to rent.
Sueh, to expound; a brush.
Suh, to suck. su̍h, to spurt out.
Sui, although; a rain coat. sûi, to accord with; to dangle. súi, attractive. sũi, to accord with; auspicious. sūi, the heads of grain.
Sun, a grand child. sûn, to follow; ten days. sún, a shoot; a tenon; to injure. sùn, humble. sũn, to obey. Sut, sawdust; a cricket; to beat out. su̍t, to narrate; to swoop.
Sṳ, to think. sṳ̂, heirs; to worship ancestors. sṳ́, chronicles. sṳ̀, to bestow. sṳ̃, an island; to serve. sṳ̄, an affair.
Ta, dry. tà, to cover.
Taⁿ, dry. tà, to cover.
Taⁿ, to carry; now. táⁿ, the gall. tàⁿ, a burden; to speak. tãⁿ, to ram down. tāⁿ, to err.
Tah, to stick on; to pile up; to commit to. ta̍h, to set the foot on.
Tai, silly; millet. tâi, a stand. tái, sediment; evil. tãi, a rudder; great.
Tak, to waste; to gore; to nod. ta̍k, poisonous.
Tam, to be responsible for. tâm, wet. tàm, to dip and wet.
Tán, to wait for. tãn, only.
Tang, winter; east; the middle. tâng, copper; a tube; together. táng, a faction. tàng, to sting. tãng, heavy; to shake. tāng, ballast.
Ta̍p, to answer; the pattering of rain.
Ta̍t, to perceive; the value of a thing.
Tau, to detain. tâu, dice. táu, to pray; to exchange; an island. tàu, a nest; to attain to. tãu, a way; to rob; to lead. tāu, beans; a clause; small-pox.
Tê, tea. tè, to filter.
Teⁿ, the heel. têⁿ, to obstruct. tẽⁿ, to squeeze in one hand.
Teh, to crush.
Tek, bamboo; moral excellence. te̍k, a deer; an opponent; a fife.
Teng, a lamp; a nail. têng, a layer; an honorary portal. téng, the top; to weigh. tèng, to nail; an anchor. tēng, to rear, as a horse.
Ti, low. tî, a pool; what? tì, wisdom; to wear a cap. tĩ, a younger brother. tī, the earth; a foundation.
Tîⁿ, to bind. tĩⁿ, full.
Tia, a respectful term for father.
Tiaⁿ, to touch slightly. tiâⁿ, a level space; a petition. tiáⁿ, an iron pan. tiãⁿ, an ingot of silver. tiāⁿ, fixed or certain; only.
Tiah, to pluck. tia̍h, to buy grain. Tiak, to rap with a knocker.
Tiam, an anvil; a chopping block. tiâm, sweet. tiám, a spot. tiàm to hide; a shop. tiām, silent; quiet.
Tia̍p, a card; a butterfly.
Tiau, to engrave; to wither. tiâu, a stripe; a perch. tiàu, to suspend. tiãu, to summon; an omen. tiāu, to toss; to cast away.
Tiê, the tides. tiẽ. to shudder; to rebound.
Tieⁿ to pretend. tiêⁿ, a level space. tiéⁿ, a chosen head. tièⁿ, to fish with a hook; to open, as the eyes; a curtain; account.
Tie̍h, an emphatic particle.
Tien, to stumble; upset. tiẽn, lightning.
Tie̍t, the child of a brother.
Tih, a drop. ti̍h, a small plate.
Tim, to warm up food. tîm, to sink.
Tin, to invert; to jingle. tîn, creeping plants; dust. tìn, the centre. tĩn, a rank of soldiers.
Tit, to attain. ti̍t, straight.
Tiu, fo cast away tiû, tally sticks; thin, soft silk. tiũ, a species of hemp; growing rice.
Tn̂g, long; the intestines; a hall. tńg, to return; times. tǹg, to pawn; a meal. tñg, to sunder; ten feet. tn̄g, to meet.
To, a knife. tô, to flee. tó, short; to fall over. tò, to pour out; the left side. tõ, to be present, or doing. tō, a pocket; a generation.
Tòa, a girdle. tõa, a rudder. tōa, large.
Toaⁿ, only, or alone. tôaⁿ, an altar; to thrum. tõaⁿ, indolent. tōaⁿ, to cut in stone.
Toah, to scold.
Toh, a table; to peek, as birds. to̍h, to choose; to take fire, or blaze.
Toi, a dike. tôi, to subscribe; a hoof. tói, the base, or bottom; inside.
Tóiⁿ, to mortgage. tõiⁿ, a threshold; with numbers, forms the ordinal. tōiⁿ, indigo; hard, or dense.
Toih, narrow, or contracted.
Tok, to chop off; an overseer. to̍k, to drive out; lone; to profane.
Tong, the middle; faithful. tóng, to understand clearly. tòng, to hit the centre; to ache. tõng, to excite.
Tôu, a map, or drawing. tóu, the belly. tōu, a ferry.
Tu, a heap; to put to death. tû, a cupboard. tú, to prop up; to abut; to happen. tũ, to obstruct.
Tûan, tortuous. tùan, to decide judicially.
Tuat, to criticise and expunge.
Tùe, to follow; to baste. tũe, to exchange.
Tui, to pursue. tûi, to beat. túi, to pull. tùi, a pestle. tūi, to dangle; a company.
Tun, a heap; dull. tûn, the lips. tún, to store; a base. tùn, to tremble; to jerk. tũn, to put in order.
Tut, short. tu̍t, suddenly; to burnish.
Tṳ, swine. tṳ̂, a hoe; to subtract. tṳ̄, chopsticks.
Tha, he, she, or it.
Thaⁿ, plain, or level. thãⁿ, cover over.
Thah, a pagoda or tower. tha̍h, to pile on.
Thai, a violent wind; a seive. thâi, a raised platform; to kill. thái, leprosy. thãi, to wait for.
Tha̍k, to read.
Tham, to covet. thâm, phlegm; deep pools in a river. thàm, to feel and search. thām, to step in the mud.
Thàn, to earn.
Thang, the wherewithal. thâng, worms; cap-tiles. tháng, a bucket or tub. thàng, to pass through. thãng, to touch.
Thap, a depression. tha̍p, to cave in.
That, a cork; to kick.
Thau, to steal. thâu, the head. thàu, to blow, as the wind.
Thē, the jelly fish.
Theⁿ, to pole a boat. thêⁿ, to push up with the hands. thèⁿ, to prop up.
The̍h, a dwelling.
Thep, to ascend.
Theng, a window; to correct. thêng, to rest. thẽng, to wait for.
Thi, sticky. thî, moss; to cry. thí, the body. thì, to shave; to tear. thĩ, the piles.
Thiⁿ, heaven; to add to. thīⁿ, to sew. Thiaⁿ, to hear; a parlor. thiâⁿ, a journey. thiàⁿ, to ache.
Thiah, to take to pieces.
Thiam, to add to. thiâm, tranquil. thiám, excessively; to flatter.
Thiàng, joyous.
Thiap, to make up; visiting cards. thia̍p, to lay up in a pile.
Thiau[errata 16], to step over. thiâu[errata 17], to harmonize. thiàu, to leap, or dance. thiãu, a pillar.
Thie, to pick up, or out. thiè, to sell grain.
Thien, heaven.
Thiet, to recall; discerning.
Thih, wrought iron.
Thim, to sink.
Thîn, to state. thīn, to irritate.
Thiok, to lay up in store.
Thit-thô, to recreate.
Thiu, a plane; a hem. thiû, undecided.
Thng, soup. thn̂g, sugar. thǹg, to take off clothing; to scald. thñg, the elbow joint. thn̄g, to poke with a stick.
Tho, the womb. thô, the peach. thó, to ask for; secure. thò, to draw back.
Thoh, to entrust to. tho̍h, a camel.
Thoi, a hair pin. thói, the body. thòi, in place of.
Thóiⁿ to look.
Thoih, to bolster up. tho̍ih, to pant; to gasp.
Thok, to push upward.
Thong, to see clearly. thông, a youth; the pupil; alike. thóng, a grave. thòng, distressing. thōng, to understand thoroughly.
Thôu, earth. thóu, territory; determined to. thòu, to vomit; a hare.
Thû, a disciple; to daub.
Thua, to drag along. thùa, to take along with.
Thuaⁿ, to rate. thûaⁿ, sandal-wood. thúaⁿ, to weed. thùaⁿ, coal.
Thuah, an otter; to wash rice.
Thûan, to promulgate.
Thue, broken down. thûe, a boil. thúe, pulpy.
Thuh, to punch a hole through paper.
Thui, a ladder. thûi, a hammer; or mallet. thúi, the thigh. thūi, to sag. Thun, to swallow thûn, soot. thūn, to fill with earth.
Thut, to slip out of; to degrade.
Thṳ̂, to loosen garden soil.
U, filthy; vast; to call out. û, joy. ú, wings. ù, to loathe; a bank. ũ, to have, or to be.
Uâ, whereby. úa, I; to lean on. ũa, much.
Uaⁿ, tranquil; a saddle. uáⁿ, a bowl. uàⁿ, a case in law; late. uãⁿ, drought. uāⁿ, to barter.
Ua̍h, alive.
Uai, askew; to excavate. uái, to sprain.
Uaiⁿ, the creaking sound of a door.
Ua̍ihⁿ, to veer.
Uak, to flame up. ua̍k, to obtain.
Uan, bent; to turn. uân, because; finished. uàn, to dislike.
Uang, ample. uâng, a king. uáng, to depart. uãng, flourishing.
Uat, to turn. ua̍t, to overstep.
Ue, a sauce pan; to shelter thieves[errata 18]. uê, a half; downy. uè, to sooth; to infect; filthy. uẽ, to go with as an escort. uē, words; to sketch or paint.
Ueh, to retch. ue̍h, a line or stroke; to mark off:
Ui, to heal; a cover; the placenta. ûi, to surround; a mast. úi, to depute. ùi, to dread. ũi, wherefore. ūi, a place; because of.
Un, wild; an epidemic. ún, we, (the speakers); firm. ùn, to immerse. ūn, to turn in a circuit.
Ut, to iron; to bend by heating; surly. u̍t, to sleep; turn back.
Ṳ̂, overplus. ṳ́, to consort with, ṳ̀, to overshadow. ṳ̃, to be connected with.
Ṳn, favor. ṳ́n, screened.
Ṳt, the hiccup sound.
- ↑ Original: châu was amended to chau: detail
- ↑ Original: framents was amended to fragments: detail
- ↑ Original: j gṳ̄, aed was amended to gṳ̄, jade.: detail
- ↑ Original: Hiēⁿ was amended to Hieⁿ: detail
- ↑ Original: was amended to Kieⁿ, ginger.: detail
- ↑ Original: was amended to kiêⁿ, better.: detail
- ↑ Original: Liap was amended to Lia̍p: detail
- ↑ Original: a of small round classifier objects. was amended to a classifier of small round objects.: detail
- ↑ Original: compainon was amended to companion: detail
- ↑ Original: ló was amended to lô: detail
- ↑ Original: lò was amended to ló: detail
- ↑ Original: Mak was amended to Ma̍k: detail
- ↑ Original: was amended to miāⁿ, life.: detail
- ↑ Original: Nauⁿ was amended to Náuⁿ: detail
- ↑ Original: was amended to sie, small.: detail
- ↑ Original: Thian was amended to Thiau: detail
- ↑ Original: thiân was amended to thiâu: detail
- ↑ Original: theives was amended to thieves: detail