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Primary Lessons in Swatow Grammar/Lesson XXXVI

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Words used in teaching and Arguing.

to talk.
tàⁿ-ūe oh thiaⁿ,
hard to listen to.
tàⁿ-ūe kōi-kōi-thiaⁿ,
easy to listen to.
tàⁿ-ūe bô-mêng-pe̍h,
he does not speak clearly.
uá kāng-lṳ́-tàⁿ,
I to or with you say, i.e. I tell you.
allow me to state.
kāng-lṳ́ tàⁿ-chai,
tell it to you for your information.
it is for you to speak, i.e. you are allowed to speak.
khṳt-uá tàⁿ hó--mē?
may I be allowed to speak?
chièⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ mêng-mêng pe̍h-pe̍h,
that is stating it very clearly.
lṳ́ tàⁿ tùi-tùi,
you say it exactly.
lṳ́ tàⁿ tùi-tong,
you speak to the centre, i.e. to the point.
lṳ́ tàⁿ tit tie̍h,
you say rightly.
àiⁿ-tàⁿ hó-tàⁿ,
if you want to speak, speak
tàⁿ-lâi tàⁿ-khṳ̀,
talk back and forth.
tàⁿ-khou-piⁿ, bô-tàⁿ khou-sim,
talking around the edge of a subject and not to the heart of it.
tàⁿ-chhim che̍k-pōu,
go a step deeper into the subject.
tàⁿ-thò che̍k-pōu,
to draw back a step in argument.
you talk at random.
i tàⁿ lí-lí-tàⁿ, tàⁿ-m̄-hiah,
he kept on talking without stopping.
i tàⁿ-hiah, ãu pa̍t-nâng chiap-tàⁿ,
when he had done talking another joined in.
continuous discourse.
hiaⁿ-tĩ lṳ́ sie-sùa-tàⁿ,
brethren, speak one after another (without breaks).
ha̍h-tie̍h-i tàⁿ,
accords with what he said.
tàⁿ-ūe mài-khah-chōi,
don’t say too much.
tàⁿ-ūe mài-khah-tn̂g,
don’t talk too long.
tàⁿ-ūe kùe-tn̂g,
exceed the time in talking
mài-tàⁿ làng-phāng,
don’t talk disjointedly.
lṳ́ tàⁿ-khṳt-i miⁿ-ba̍t--chē,
let your words be more close together.
tàⁿ-ūe mài-kek-chhok,
don’t crowd your words together.
lṳ́ tàⁿ-ūe tie̍h-ēng-kán,
in your speech use brevity.
lṳ́ kâi-ūe tàⁿ-lâi-kàu tie̍h,
in what you say you are correct.
tàⁿ-phùa-i kâi-sim-sṳ̄,
exposed his design.
tàⁿ-phùa-i kâi-thâm-lūn,
confuted his talk.
emphasize; lay stress on.
lay on a little more stress.
i kâi-ūe ũ-chhim-ì--lōu!
his words have a profound meaning– surely!
i tàⁿ-lâi chhién-pe̍h chhién-pe̍h,
he speaks clearly and plainly.
uá tàⁿ phûe-phûe tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ,
I am speaking only on the surface of the subject.
tãi-chóng-chóng tàⁿ,
to summarize.
to state in a general way.
state it briefly will do.
to state the gist of anything, or, the leading thoughts,
uá tàⁿ-lṳ́-thiaⁿ,
I speak and you hear me.
tàⁿ-ūe bô-liâm-chia̍p,
his words have no connection.
tàⁿ-lâi ũ-tõ-lí,
there is reason in what you say.
tàⁿ-khui tàⁿ-bûa,
he talks off and on, i.e. evasive.
lṳ́ tùe-i kâi-ūe-búe tàⁿ,
you follow on at the end of his talk; you side with him.
tàⁿ só-íⁿ-jiên khṳt-lṳ́-chai,
I will state the rationale of the case for your information.
uá tàⁿ-chhêng-iû khṳt-lṳ̀ phah-sǹg,
I will state the facts for you to decide.
bô-ūe kāng-i tàⁿ,
no words wherewith to speak with him.
lú-tũn-nâng tàⁿ,
fool’s talk; a stupid remark.
chhiáⁿ-tiām khṳt-uá-tàⁿ,
please be silent and allow me to say a word.
lṳ́ chièⁿ-seⁿ-tàⁿ huân-liáu ka-lô,
in so saying you are still a long way off.
chiàⁿ-tàⁿ, huán-toah-tàⁿ,
direct and inverted style.
tàⁿ-lâi m̄-tòng,
your talk don’t reach the point.
niēⁿ-lṳ́ ka-kī-tàⁿ,
I yield the floor to you, speak for yourself.
hṳ́-che̍k-kù i tie̍h-tàⁿ-tãng,
on that sentence he must lay stress.
a supposition; suppose I should say.
talking at random.
i tàⁿ-ūe tàⁿ-hiah,
when he had done talking.
tàⁿ-i kâi-ūe,
to say his words, i.e. to take his side; to quote from him.
right; reason; principle.
reason; doctrine.
reason; propriety, &c.
a sound principle.
lṳ́ tàⁿ-lâi tie̍h-lí,
in speaking you attain reason, i.e. you have spoken rightly.
bô-lí à kàu ũ-lí,
being without reason, to argue until he has, i.e. specious argumentation.
bô-lí lūan-tãu,
without reason and yet babbling about doctrine.
bô-lí kāng i piẽn-poh,
no reasons wherewith to argue with him.
chièⁿ-seⁿ kâi tõ-lí chhông-lâi m̄-pat-thiaⁿ,
such doctrine we have never hitherto heard.
chí-kâi tõ-lí ĩ sin kâi tõ-lí,
this doctrine is a new one.
chí-kâi tõ-lí sĩ-ha̍h sĩ-mih iēⁿ-nâng?
this doctrine is suitable to what kind of people?
chí-kâi tõ-lí hó thok-chhéⁿ sĩ-mih-nâng?
this doctrine may be used to arouse what class of people?
m̄-sĩ chiàⁿ-lí--kâi,
it is not a correct principle.
in-lí lũn-kàu nâng sũn-ho̍k,
use arguments until people submit.
to explain.
to unfold, kói-sueh, to unfold and explain.
to explain clearly.
sueh m̄-mêng,
your explanation is not clear.
sueh chièⁿ-seⁿ chiũ-sĩ mêng-pe̍h, in explaining it so,
it is clear.
bô chí-kâi sueh
is no such explanation; not likely.
sueh-chhut i kâi sêng-chiēⁿ khí-ẽ,
to explain its connection with what precedes and follows.
sueh lân-ló,
explain a little, or explain briefly.
sueh iáu-chhién,
to explain rather superficially.
chiàⁿ-sueh, húan-sueh,
a direct and an inverted form of expression.
a minute explanation.
o̍h siáu-sueh,
hard to explain minutely.
lṳ́ hó sueh iáu-khuah--chē,
explain it a little more fully.
lṳ́ hó sueh sòi-siâng,
explain it in detail.
pat sueh--kùe,
it has been explained.
explain in detail (word by word, or clause by clause).
explain in general.
to enlarge the scope of the explanation.
to contract the scope of the explanation.
an erroneous explanation.
pau; pau-kuat; pau-hâm,
to contain; to involve.
pau-kuat ke kâi-ì,
it contains another idea.
pau-kuat tõ-chí,
it is contained here in this.
pau-kuat chōi-chōi,
it involves a great deal.
pau-kuat iáu-chhién,
it implies rather less—not much.
che̍k-kù õi-pau-kuat lóng-chóng,
one expression comprises the whole.
só-àm-pau kâi-ì-sṳ̀,
an idea[errata 1] implied in it.
bô-só put-pau,
nothing that it does not comprehend.
àm chí-tie̍h,
an implied reference to.
to proclaim doctrine.
piẽn-lũn tõ-lí,
discussing doctrine.
piẽn-kàu i bô-ìn-tap,
argued till he could not reply.
chí-kâi-sṳ̄ íⁿ-keng piẽn-mêng-pe̍h--liáu,
this method has already been shown clearly.
piẽn-tit mêng-pe̍h,
to argue clearly; attain clearness.
piáu-mêng tõ-lí,
to lay down a principle; set forth a doctrine,
to deliberate; consult; discourse about.
hó-lâi ngí-lũn chí-kâi-sṳ̄,
let us come and consult about this matter.
jī-ke siang-lũn,
talking together about something.
piẽn-lũn kàu-nâng hâng-ho̍k,
argue till people submit.
chí-kâi-sṳ̄ khó-sìn,
this matter is credible.
chiá-sṳ̄ sìn-m̄-kùe,
this cannot be believed.
can be credited.
siang-sìn-i m̄-kùe,
cannot believe him.
siang-sìn sĩ-tò-chí,
believing lies here.
siang-sìn m̄-siang-sìn sĩ-tõ tî-kò?
wherein lies the believing or the not believing?
si̍t-chãi ũ-iáⁿ,
truly it is so; truly, there is some ground (shadow) for it.
m̄-chai ũ-iáⁿ a-bô,
do not know whether there is any ground for it or not.
common report; rumor.
kṳ̃-nâng só-tàⁿ,
according to what people say.
chèng-nâng kâi-ì,
the idea of all; common opinion.
nâng-nâng chièⁿ-seⁿ tàⁿ,
every body says so.
to contradict; argue adversely; to object.
to ask a controverting question.
poh-i tàⁿ,
criticized him saying,—
piẽn-poh tàⁿ,
objected saying,—
ho̍k-ũ-nâng poh-mn̄g,
perhaps somebody will raise an objection.
piẽn-poh chha-niũ kâi-ūe,
specious or fallacious reasoning.
chí-kâi îⁿ-keng piẽn-poh liáu,
this has been confuted already.
kàu-taⁿ iā-ũ chí-nâng lâi piẽn-poh,
and, now, here comes this man to object.
to contradict.
m̄-hó poh-khùi,
not be disputed; must not be denied.
màiⁿ tō poh-khùi,
don’t be contradictory.
siet-sái tàⁿ,
a supposition.
siet-mn̄g kâi-ūe,
to suppose a question.
siet mn̄g-tap kâi-ūe,
to suppose a question and answer.
siet poh-mn̄g,
proposed an objection.
in reply.
said in reply.
tin-tò-thâu tàⁿ,
say things wrong end foremost.
úa tin-tò mn̄g-lṳ́,
I would on the other hand ask you.
chò úa tin-tò mn̄g-lṳ́,
suppose I should, on the other hand, ask you.
to dispute.
disputing together.
à-lâi à-khṳ̀,
disputing back and forth,
fond of disputing.
i tõ-à,
he is disputing.
à-i m̄-kùe,
cannot out-argue him,
argue at random.
argued vehemently.
à iâⁿ--i,
beat him in argument.
à su--i,
beaten by him in argument.
chōi-nâng sie-hũ à,
many joined in the dispute.
i à tî-kâi?
what is he arguinyarguing about?
i à hôiⁿ-chîⁿ kai-sṳ̄,
he is disputing about a money payment.
quarrelling together.
i à[errata 2]-tàⁿ-bô,
he argued saying, it was not so.
bô lṳ́-à,
it is not for you to argue.
m̄-hó à,
it is not good to argue.
put-kùe sĩ hàuⁿ-à,
it is nothing more than fondness for dispute.
to decide.
hó-lâi phah-sǹg,
come, let us decide.
chò-úa phah-sǹg,
as I should decide; if it were for me to decide.
to decide; settle upon something.
thêng-uá pheⁿ-phah,
wait till I decide.
uá chú-ì chièⁿ-seⁿ,
that is my decision.
very decided.
huat-lo̍h hó--liáu,
the decision has been rendered.
kuaⁿ-hú phoi-tiāⁿ-tie̍h,
the official has given a definite decision.
as I think; if it were for me to think.
i àm-siẽⁿ,
he thought within himself.
holding on to his own opinion; bigoted; prejudiced.
very bigoted; strongly prejudiced.
does not hold to reason.
does not adhere to law.
hold it firmly.
chí kâi-tõ-lí hó-chip-siú,
this doctrine it is well to hold and observe.
hó-chip-siú, mài-ka-laṳh,
hold, and observe, and don’t let it fall.
confromconform to law or usage.
sũn-nâng kâi-ì,
accord with people’s idea.
follow the custom.
chiá sĩ lṳ́-ka-kī pān--chhut-lâi,
this is a conjecture of your own.
lṳ́ chai-ta̍t uá tùi a-m̄-tùi,
do you reckon I am right or not?
uá pān-jie̍h-chōi,
I reckon so; I surmise that.
lṳ́ pān-jie̍h-chōi,
how much do you reckon.
a comparison; pestle; allegory.
chiá sĩ phì-jũ a-sĩ si̍t-sṳ̄? is this a comparison,
or an actual fact?
hó-lâi pí-chò sĩ-mih-kâi?
what shall I, in comparing, say it is (like)?
hó-phì-jũ chò sĩ-mih-mue̍h?
what thing shall I compare it to?
phì-jũ tàⁿ-uân--liáu, chiũ-tàⁿ si̍t-sṳ̄,
when the comparison is finished then I will speak of the actual circumstance.
hó-chiang sĩ-mih-mue̱h lâi-pí?
what thing shall I take to compare it with?
chiang thóiⁿ-kìⁿ--kâi, lâi-pí-jũ thóiⁿ-m̄-kìⁿ--kâi,
take the visible to illustrate the invisible.
soiⁿ tàⁿ-phì-jũ, ãu tàⁿ-si̍t-sṳ̄,
first state the illustration and then the facts.
bô-tháu-khùi kâi-mue̍h tò-chò ũ seⁿ-miāⁿ kâi-mue|h lâi tàⁿ,
to speak of an inanimate thing as if animate, i.e. to personify.
Sai-nái-suaⁿ sĩ pí-jũ hiēn-chãi kâi-sṳ̄,
Mt. Sinai illustrates the things of the present.
chang ne̍k-thói kâi-sṳ̄ lâi pí-jũ sim-lêng[errata 3] kâi,
take the affairs of the body to illustrate the things of the spirit.
chiang-sòi lâi pí tōa--kâi,
use the small to illustrate the large.
íⁿ-sòi khài-ki̍p tōa,
take the small and symbolize the large.
pí chá-ji̍t--kâi iáu mêng-pe̍h,
as compared with yesterday he is more clear.
a symbol; illustration.
a symbol; illustration.
a type; a shadow.
to cause.
só sái--kâi,
that which is caused.
to cause to come to pass.
to make use of.
àiⁿ sái-nâng mêng-hiáu,
will cause people to understand.
so that; to the end that.
i-kâi tì-khí,
its beginning; original cause of anything.
therefore; the why of anything; sequence.
the whence of anything.
the consequences; results,
the natural consequences.
ũ-só-iû iā ũ-só-íⁿ,
there is a cause and there is an effect.
só-íⁿ chièⁿ-seⁿ,
and because it is so.
chí-kâi só-íⁿ jiên sĩ chò-nî?
the natural consequence then is what?
ũ sĩ-mih só-íⁿ?
what are the consequences?
fixed; a matter of course.
of necessity; a matter of course.
ũ kâi sĩ seⁿ-jiên,
some are so naturally.
chièⁿ-seⁿ seⁿ íⁿ-jiên,
it is so naturally.
chṳ̃-jiên jṳ̂-jiên,
of necessity so; self-existent.
kúa-jiên; chṳ̃-jiên,
of course.
seⁿ-ngẽ; seⁿ tiāⁿ-tie̍h,
fixed; definite; unalterable.
lṳ́ kâi pēⁿ-chèng kâi só-íⁿ,
the cause of your disease.
lṳ́ só-íⁿ kâi pēⁿ-chèng sĩ chá-ji̍t sieⁿ-tie̍h huang,
the cause of your disease is that yesterday you caught cold.
taⁿ, – íⁿ-keng sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ--liáu,
now, — since that’s the way things are.
i kai só-íⁿ õi kám-tõng-nâng,
that whereby it moves people; motive power.
chûn só-íⁿ mān chiá, sĩ-lṳ́ m̄-pat bói-chháu khṳ̀-uāng,
the reason why the boat is slow is, that you did not buy straw and scorch the bottom.
i m̄-thiaⁿ kâi-uân-kù sĩ-i chip-ka-kī kâi-ì,
the reason why he wouldn’t listen is because he clings to his own notion.
sǹg-lâi sǹg-khṳ̀,
considering the matter to and fro.
chièⁿ-seⁿ thóiⁿ-kìⁿ-lâi,
and so we may perceive.
chièⁿ-seⁿ khó-kièn,
and so it may be seen.
taⁿ, chiũ-khó-kièn sĩ-chò-nîⁿ?
now, then, that which may be perceived is what?
kù-chhṳ́ sǹg-khí-lâi,
and so I conclude.
phah-sǹg-thóiⁿ; tá-sǹg-thóiⁿ,
consider and note.
taⁿ, – sṳ̄ íⁿ-keng sĩ-chièⁿ-seⁿ--liáu – kù-chhṳ́,
now, — matters being thus and so, — therefore —.
mêng-mˆńg sĩ-chièⁿ-seⁿ,
obviously it is so.
o̍h-i kâi-ūe,
repeat or narrate his words.
o̍h-i kâi-lâi-le̍h,
narrate the circumstances of the affair, or tell its history.
o̍h-i kâi-khí-chí,
tell its beginning and ending.
o̍h-i kâi-uân-iû,
explain the cause or origin of it.
m̄-chai thâu-búe,
I don’t know head nor tail (of it).
m̄-chai thâu-sṳ̄,
I don’t know what the beginning of it was.
m̄-chai kiáu-búe,
I don’t know the issue or outcome of it.
i kâi kat-kúeⁿ,
its fruits; results.
i kâi suah-búe,
the issue; upshot.
the circumstances; affairs.
uá liām-lṳ́-thiaⁿ,
I will narrate and you hear.
a right notion; a correct idea.
not a correct idea.
a good motive.
not well formed; not a good manner.
set him right.
not right; don’t correspond.
not according to rule.
chôiⁿ-ãu m̄-hû,
what precedes and what follows don’t correspond.
ha̍h-tie̍h soiⁿ-chai-nâng só-tàⁿ,
accords with what the prophet says.
bô che̍k-kiãⁿ m̄-tùi,
not an item that does not correspond.
lṳ́ só-tap hui uá só-mn̄g,
what you answer is not what I ask.
kiau lṳ́-chá só-tàⁿ m̄-hû,
with what you formerly said it does not agree.
m̄-hû-ha̍h lṳ́ tâng-chá tàⁿ,
does not agree with your speech a while ago.
tâng-lūi kâi-u̍eūe,
words of the some class; synonyms.
sie-tùi-mīn kâi ì-sṳ̀,
opposite signification.
iap-thiap kâi-ūe,
hinge words; capable of twofold meaning.
ì-sṳ̀ siang-thong,
ideas mutually connected,
nõ-sṳ̄ sie phit-phùe,
the two things match, or go well together.
to think.
lṳ́ hó-siẽⁿ
thinking; a profound thought.
shallow thinking.
lṳ́ hó siẽⁿ-chhim--chē,
think a little deeper.
lṳ́ siẽⁿ m̄-chhim,
you don’t think deeply.
sòi-sim siẽⁿ,
think carefully.
err in thinking. ngà-siẽⁿ, a foolish notion.
lṳ́ siẽⁿ-chhò,
you think erroneously.
siẽⁿ-m̄-kàu thiet-tói,
you don’t think down to the bottom of it.
kiù-kàu chhim-ì-chãi,
to pry down very deeply into the subject.
chhién-chhién kâi-ì,
a very superficial thought.
ngî-jiên[errata 4],
necessarily so.
ngî-jiên kâi ìn-tap,
the answer is a matter of course.
eng-kai hun-pie̍t,
it is necessary to discriminate.
eng-kai piẽn-mêng,
it is necessary to show clearly.
hun-pie̍t m̄-pat tò-khṳ̀,
he does not, or did not, know how to discriminate.
khî-tang, eng-kai hun-pie̍t tî-kâi hó tî-kaikâi m̄-hó,
among them, it is necessary to distinguish which are good and which are not good.
khó-íⁿ chai,
so you may know.
chí-kâi-sṳ̄ íⁿ-keng chai--liáu,
this matter is known already.
ngûan-bûn só-tàⁿ,
that which the original text says.
chí-chièⁿ kâi chhiet-iàu sĩ tõ chí-che̍k-kù,
the essential point above is in this sentence.
to hinder.
is the statement acceptable? Will you listen?
derived from.
sṳ̄ chò-nî phùan-tuàn?
how is the matter decided?
thûan-kàu múa-tî-kò,
promulgated every where.
kièn-sek chhién,
of superficial discernment.
to brag.
none to whom he may turn; without tendency.
kak-ũ só-hiàng,
every thing has its own tendency; each has its own proclivities.
ũ-lĩ só-tõ,
wherever his interest lies.
tán-kàu bô-huap-tie̍h,
when at length there is no resource.
bô sĩ-mih-sṳ̄ hó-khṳt-lṳ́ mán,
nothing for you to lay hold of.
chiá-sṳ̄ tî-nâng m̄-chai!
who is there that don’t know this!
to divide off in sections; make divisions.
lí chhim-àu,
the doctrine is profound.
chí-kâi-chũe kui-pàng tî-tiâng?
to whom shall this offense be imputed?
iû-chí kâi-sṳ̄ tì-khí,
from this affair had its origin.
ēng-i chò-uân-iû,
used him for a pretext.
mutually connected,
mutually related.
it has energy.
linked together.
chiang-hok-im lâi-thiap tù chí-kâi lu̍t-huap,
use the Gospel[errata 5] to supplement the law.
nõ-kâi sie-tha̍h,
jī-ke siang-niē,
neither would yield.
che̍k-nâng niē--chē, chiũ-hiah,
if one man would yield a little, the matter–then there would be an end of it.
i tak-thâu huaⁿ-hí,
he nodded his head in approval.
chièⁿ-seⁿ sĩ-gōu-tie̍h Iâ-so kâi-kong-lâu,
this is offending against the merits of Jesus.
thiaⁿ-i kâi-kháu-khì,
to listen and mark the spirit he is of.
chí-kâi taⁿ-tàⁿ sĩ-so̍k-tõ tî-tiâng?
this load of responsibility belongs to whom?
open the subject.
ūe-thâu ūe-búe,
introduction and conclusion; initial words and final words.
kiah-phùa i lân-ló,
to suggest to him « little ; give a hint.
thok-chhéⁿ i,
to arouse him. .
bô-chn̂g-kâi kâi i-tàⁿ,
did not tell him the whole of it.
tńg che̍k-pit,
to amplify a little; advance a step.
an unexpected coincidence.
ha̍h sī-mih ēng?
what use can be made of this?
chí sī chiap-chiēⁿ a-sī chiap-ẽ?
does it connect with what precedes or with what follows?
so̍k tõ-chiēⁿ a-sĩ so̍k-tõ-ẽ,
does it belong to what goes before or to what follows?
chiēⁿ-ẽ kùan-chhùan,
the passages above and below are mutually connected.
Iak-hân sĩ sùa-tie̍h huap-lu̍t a-sĩ sùa-tie̍h hok-im?
does John connect with the law or with the Gospel.
liên tõ chiēⁿ-kù iā liên ẽ-kù,
it is connected with what precedes and also with what follows.
i kâi sêng-chiēⁿ khí-ẽ,
its context.
hûan-iáu ũ-huap khó-íⁿ chheng-ngĩ,
there remains yet a way whereby one may be justified.
khǹg-kòi i hó-àiⁿ,
persuade him to it.
khǹg-kòi i hó-màiⁿ,
dissuade him from it.
tie̍h chãm-tàⁿ,
divide it up into sections.
hó-pun a,
divide into branches.
don’t fully apprehend things.
chiá sĩ-úa só-liāu m̄-kàu,
this is something I did not reckon on.
kùe i só-siẽⁿ,
beyond what he thought.
chí-kâi tõ-lí ũ[errata 6] hán-ēng,
this precept is of limited use.
it suits my purpose.
chí-tie̍h sĩ o̍ih,
of limited application.
chí-tie̍h sĩ-khùaⁿ,
of broad application.
chang-chúi tàⁿ chò-nâng,
to personify water as man.
chang-nâng tàⁿ chò-chúi,
to speak of man as water.
thòi-nâng siet-mn̄g,
to suppose a question put by another.
lâi sím-si̍t,
judge what is truth.
lâi-sím sĩ-hui,
discriminate between the true and false.
chang chí pêng-kṳ̃ lâi sím-chhat,
take this evidence and sift it.
tiâu-sùaⁿ jṳ̂-jṳ̂ kek-kiù kek-kiù,
a tangled thread all mixed up together.
uá thòiⁿ-chí-kâi mâuⁿ-pēⁿ kâi-uân-iû, sĩ
&c, I consider that the origin of this trouble is, &c.
stir up his faculties.
khiàu-thâu mé,
hi faculties are quick.
khiàu-thâu mān,
his faculties are slow.
ũ-che̍k-kiãⁿ tõ-lí chhok-tie̍h-uá kâi-khiàu,
a truth suggests itself to me.
chhui-chhut nguân-thâu kâi-ì-sṳ̀,
search out the original idea.
chhui-lũn chhut lâi,
to infer out,
to infer; an inference.
só-chhui-lũn chhut--lâi-kâi,
something that was reached by inference.
káng-kiù kàu-thiet-tói,
to explain things to the bottom.
uá káng-kiù chí-kâi-chúi,
I am going to explain this (thing called) water.
sṳ̄ ũ-hṳ ũ-si̍t,
things have a shadow and a substance.
to condense (in a discourse); a synthesis.
to expand or amplify (a subject); to analyse.
i kâi-kháu-keng,
his statements.
thought; idea.
i kâi-ì-sṳ̀,
his purpose; his idea.
uá sim-siẽⁿ,
I think.
toaⁿ-toaⁿ sĩ-chí kâi-ì,
this idea only.
to-sim to-gî,
much perplexity.
chiá sĩ-sit-kṳ̃,
this is true testimony.
phou-pâi ì-sṳ̀,
to arrange his thoughts.
phou-pâi bô-mih-hó,
the arrangement is not good.
phou-pâi tie̍h-ũ-chôiⁿ, ũ-tang, ũ-ãu,
the arrangement must have a beginning a middle and an end.
mutually connected; interdependent.
chí-nõ-kù bô-sie-chiap,
these two sentences have no connection.
ũ-sĩ-mih kuàn-chhùan?
what relationship is there between them?
bô--put-kùe sĩ-soiⁿ-ãu tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ,
none, except that one is before and the other after.
ha̍h-chò che̍k-ẽ-tàⁿ,
sum them up together.
liāu-phû liāu-phû,
to intimate.
ìn-tap mêng-pe̍h,
answer clearly.
hó ìn-tap,
a good reply.
ìn-tap khùe-chãi,
prompt at a reply.
ìn-tap õi kùe-nâng,
surpassing others in repartee.
ìn-tap tùi-tùi,
you have answered exactly.
é-kháu bô-ngân,
mouth stopped, not a word to say.
hûe-thâu siẽⁿ-tńg,
to reflect.
pêⁿ-ke ũ chhêng-lí,
reason on both sides.
dare not reply.
i bô-ìn,
he made no answer.
the literati.
tōa ha̍k-bûn kâi-nâng,
a man of great learning.
full of learning.
not applicable
of general use.
chhūe-pāng chhūe-khiah,
to hunt for a pretext.
būan-put-khó ûi,
never let it be.
sat i-kâi-chhùi,
stop his mouth.
to open a book.
chí-kâi-sṳ̄ hó-pàng che̍k-pôiⁿ siap-sî,
will lay this topic aside for a moment.
bõi-khṳt nín nge̍k--tie̍h,
you will not be allowed to oppose.
iû chṳ chhui-lũn chhut-lâi,
inferred from a book statement.
m̄-chai siẽⁿ i-kâi-ì sĩ hó-ì, a-sĩ ak-ì,
you do not consider whether his motive is a good one or a bad one.
chí-chiẽⁿ só-tàⁿ che̍k-kù kâi ì-sṳ̀ sĩ chièⁿ-seⁿ,
the idea of the above sentence is this,
thread of a discourse.
bûn-sì tàⁿ būe-uân seⁿ ũ chhut-lâi,
before the thread of his discourse was finished, there issued, &c.
lũn chí-kâi-sṳ̄ sĩ chûn chhiet-iàu a-sĩ nâng chhiet-iàu,
as regards this matter, is the boat of more importance or is the man.
taⁿ, chí-che̍k-ngân,
now, this word (just quoted).
taⁿ, chí-kâi khiam-sùn,
now, this subject of humility.
i ũ, chiang i kâi-ũ lâi-tàⁿ,
if he has, then speak according to what he has.
ũ bô, chiang i kâi-bô lâi-tàⁿ,
if he has not then speak according to what he has not.
chí-kâi-sṳ̄ kan-gāi--tie̍h,
this matter interferes.
chí sĩ chèng-nâng tàⁿ--kâi,
this is what every body says.
in general.
só m̄-eng-kai,
that which is unnecessary.
no doubt.
sùa lo̍h-khṳ̀ lân-ló,
proceed down a little further (as in reading).
nín tha̍k sie-sùa sie-sùa,
read one after the other.
tha̍k-ũ-kù ũ-tāu,
read so as to mark the sentences and the clauses.
lṳ́ tàⁿ-ūe tie̍h-hiáng-liãng hiáng-liãng,
let your speaking be clear and distinct.
lṳ́ tàⁿ-ūe sĩ-khang-khang,
your words are empty.
chhūe-phêng-kṳ̃ chhut--lâi,
to hunt out testimony.
thiaⁿ-tie̍h, sóng-khùai,
interesting to hear.
thâu-che̍k-kiãⁿ, jī-che̍k-kiãⁿ, saⁿ-che̍k-kiãⁿ,
firstly, secondly, thirdly.
beginning of a section,
thâu-che̍k-chãm, jī-che̍k-chãm,
first division, second division.
i bô chí-mêng i kâi-ì-sṳ̀,
did not indicate clearly that he meant.
bô chí-mêng i sĩ sin-seⁿ,
did not indicate clearly that he was a teacher.
cha̍h-thâu cha̍h-búe,

  1. Original: ided was amended to idea: detail
  2. Original: á was amended to à: detail
  3. Original: lẽng was amended to lêng: detail
  4. Original: jien was amended to jiên: detail
  5. Original: Gospee was amended to Gospel: detail
  6. Original: úa was amended to ũ: detail