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Proceedings of the United States National Museum/Volume 76

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The scientific publications of the National Museum include two series, known, respectively, as Proceedings and Bulletin.

The Proceedings, begun in 1878, is intended primarily as a medium for the publication of original papers, based on the collections of the National Museum, that set forth newly acquired facts in biology, anthropology, and geology, with descriptions of new forms and revisions of limited groups. Copies of each paper, in pamphlet form, are distributed as published to libraries and scientific organizations and to specialists and others interested in the different subjects.

The dates at which these separate papers are published are recorded in the table of contents of each of the volumes.

The present volume is the seventy-sixth of this series.

The Bulletin, the first of which was issued in 1875, consists of a series of separate publications comprising monographs of large zoological groups and other general systematic treatises (occasionally in several volumes), faunal works, reports of expeditions, catalogues of type specimens, special collections, and other material of similar nature. The majority of the volumes are octavo in size, but a quarto size has been adopted in a few instances in which large plates were regarded as indispensable. In the Bulletin series appear volumes under the heading Contributions from the United States National Herbarium, in octavo form, published by the National Museum since 1902, which contain papers relating to the botanical collections of the Museum.

Alexander Westmore,
Assistant Secretary, Smithsonian Institution.

Washington, D. C., August 25, 1930.


Aldrich, J. M. New genera and species of muscoid flies. No. 2812, pp. 1–13. November 16, 1929[1] 15
New genera: Glutoxys, Callotroxis, Cartocometes, Trophompia.

New species: Johnsonia frontalis, Glutoxys elegans, Phorocera rusti, Gaediopsis rufescens, Euantha flava, Callotroxis edwardsi, Cartocometes io, Trophomyia pictipennis.

———. Revision of the two-winged flies of the genus Coelopa Meigen in North America. No. 2808, pp. 1–6. November 16, 1929[1] 11
New species: Coelopa nebularum, C. steinegeri.
———. A revision of the two-winged flies of the genus Procecidochares in North America with an allied new genus. No. 2799, pp. 1–13. June 7, 1929[1] 2
New genus: Callachna.

New species: Procecidochares flavipes, P. grindeliae, P. pleuralis.

New variety: Procecidochares atra, var. australis.

Allen, H. W., and H. A. Jaynes. Contribution to the taxonomy of Asiatic wasps of the genus Tiphia (Scoliidae). No. 2814, pp. 1–105. March 5, 1930[1] 17
New species: Tiphia ovidorsalis, T. antigenata, T. assamensis, T. tegitiplaga, T. fossata, T. communis, T. totopunctata, T. sternodentata, T. singularis, T. notopolita, T. sternocarinata, T. brevicarinata, T. capillata, T. levipunctata, T. phyllophagae, T. ovinigris, T. inconspicua, T. nervidirecta, T. brevistigma, T. brevilineata, T. cilicincta, T. fukiensis, T. asericae, T. matura, T. pullivora, T. biscculata, T. pigmentata, T. clauseni, T. longitegulata, T. latistriata, T. minutopunctata, T. nana.

New variety: Tiphia notopolita, var. intermedia.

Bassler, Ray S. (see Canu, Ferdinand) 13
Beery, Willard, and Louis Kelley. The Foraminifera of the Ripley formation on Coon Creek, Tennessee. No. 2816, pp. 1–20. December 19, 1929[1] 19
New species: Reophax coonensis, Textularia ripleyensis, Cristellaria wadei, Vaginulina wadei, Discordis ripleyensis, Truncatulina coonensis, T. ripleyensis, T. wadei, Anomalina tennesseensis, A. nelsoni, A. coonensis, A. wadei, Quinqueloculina wadei, Q. coonensis.

New varieties: Reophax cylindricus, var. ripleyensis, Textularia sagittula, var. coonensis, Lagena sulcata, var. semiinterupta, Cristellaria orbicularis, var. minuta, Rotalia beccarii, var. ripleyensis.

Boschma, H. Briarosaccus callosus, a new genus and new species of a Rhizocephalan parasite of Lithodes agassizii Smith. No. 2804, pp. 1–8. March 13, 1930[1] 7
New genus: Briarosaccus.

New species: Briarosaccus callosus.

Buchanan, L. L. North American species of the weevils of the Otiorhynchid genus Mesagroicus. No. 2801, pp. 1–14. June 27, 1929[1] 4
New species: Mesagroicus minor, M. oblongus, M. plumosus, M. elongatus, M. hispidus, M. strigisquamosus, M. ocularis.

New varieties: Mesagroicus elongatus, var. neradianus, M. e., var. incertus.

Canu, Ferdinand, and Ray S. Bassler. The bryozoan fauna of the Galapagos Islands. No. 2810, pp. 1–78. January 20, 1930[1] 13
New genera: Enantiosula, Pachycleithonia, Vodonelia, Diplonotos.

New species: Membrendoecium claustrocrassum, Callipora verrucosa, Cauloramphus brunea, Semihaswellia sulcosa, Dakaria sertata, Hippomenella parvicapitato, Microporella gibbosula, M. tractabilis, Enantiosula manica, Pachycleithonia nigra, Codonella granulata, Diplonotos costulatum, D. striatum, Adeona tubulifera, Lagenipora verrucosa, L. marginata, Holoporeila quadrispinosa, H. hexagonalis, H. porosa, Osthimosia anatina, Hippoporidra granulosa, Hippotrema (?) spiculifera, Chaperia condylata, Proboscina lamellifera, Microecia tubiabortiva, Diaperoecia striatula, D. subpapyracea, D. meandrina, Cavaria praesens.

Cushman, R. A. New species of Ichneumon-flies and taxonomic notes. No. 2822, pp. 1–18. January 6, 1930[1] 25
New genus: Pycnaulacus.

New species: Chromocryptus mesorufus, Trichocryptus atlanticus, Hemiteles hungerfordi, Metacoclus cavicola, Paniscus platypes, Sesioplex canadensis, Pristemerus baumhoferi, Cremastus carpocapsae, C. rhyacioniae, C. pterophori, Brachistes strigitergum, Microbracon lendicivorus, M. uichancoi, Pycnaulacus brericaudus.

New combinations: Anisobas texensis, Amblyteles velox, Cryptus paitensis, Rhembobius abdominalis, Cremastus (Zaleptopygus) hartii, Cremastidea Cremastus chinensis, Allophrys oculatus.

New names: Hemiteles gyrinophagus, Hymenderleinia.
Fisher, W. S. New species of Buprestid beetles from Costa Rica. No. 2803, pp. 1–20. October 22, 1929[1] 6
New species: Agrilus trypantiformis, A. raventazonus, A. ochraceomaculatus, A. sesastris, A. nevermanni, A. obsoletovittatus, A. viridicephalus, A. coeruleonigra, A. turrialbensis, Taphrocerus brevicarinatus, Brachys nevermanni.
Hess, Frank L. Oölites or cave pearls in the Carlsbad Caverns. No. 2813, pp. 1–5. October 28, 1929[1] 16
Hoffmeister, J. Edward. A new fossil coral from the Cretaceous of Texas. No. 2820, pp. 1–3. December 31, 1929[1] 23
New species: Hindeastraea collinensis.
Jaynes, H. A. (See Allen, H. W.) 17
Kelley, Louis (see Berry, Willard) 19
Kirk, Edwin. Mitrospira, a new Ordovician gasteropod genus. No. 2819, pp. 1–6. January 8, 1930[1] 22
New genus: Mitrospira.

New species: Mitrospira longwelli.

Lynn, W. Gardner. A nearly complete carapace of a fossil turtle, Amyda virginiana (Clark). No. 2823, pp. 1–4. December 23, 1929[1] 26
Marshall, William B. New fossil land and fresh-water mollusks from the Reynosa formation of Texas. No. 2798, pp. 1–6. June 10, 1929[1] 1
New genera: Pliconaias, Eonaias, Antediplodon.

New species: Pliconaias popenoei, Eonaias reynoseniea, Antediplodon dewittensis, Polygyra myersi.

———. Three new land shells of the genus Oreohelix from Arizona. No. 2802, pp. 1–3. October 10, 1929[1] 5
New species: Oreohelix houghi.

New subspecies: Oreohelix yarapai vauxae, O. houghi winslowensis.

Parr, Albert Eide. Notes on the Myctophine fishes represented by type specimens in the United States National Museum. No. 2807, pp. 1–47. December 27, 1929[1] 10
New species: Lampanyctus taaningi.

New subspecies: Mxctophum fibulatum proximum.

Penney, J. T. (see H. V. Wilson) 8
Pohl, Erwin R. The Middle Devonian Traverse group of rocks in Michigan. A summary of existing knowledge. No. 2811, pp. 1–34. January 10, 1930[1] 14
Price, Emmett W. Two new species of trematodes of the genus Parametorchis from fur-bearing animals. No. 2809, pp. 1–5. November 19, 1929[1] 12
New species: Parametorchis intermedius, P. canadensis.
Reinhard, H. J. Notes on the muscoid flies of the genera Opelousia and Opsodexia, with the description of three new species. No. 2817, pp. 1–9. November 27, 1929[1] 20
New species: Opelousia flavescens, Opsodexia abdominalis, O. cruciata.
Resser, Charles E. New Lower and Middle Cambrian crustacea. No. 2806, pp. 1–18. December 27, 1929[1] 9
New genus: Roddyia.

New species: Tuzoia burgessensis, T. canadensis, T. polleni, T. nodosa, T. spinosa, T. praemorsa, T. getzi, T. ? dunbari, Anomalocaris pennsylvanica, A. cranbrookensis, Protocaris pretiosa, Roddyia typa.

Stephenson, Lloyd W. Two new mollusks of the genera Ostrea and Exogyra from the Austin chalk, Texas. No. 2815, pp. 1–6. December 23, 1929[1] 18
New species: Ostrea centerensis, Exogyra tigrina.
Ulrich, E. O. Ordovician trilobites of the family Telephidae and concerned stratigraphic correlations. No. 2818, pp. 1–101. February 14, 1930[1] 21
New genus: Glaphurina.

New species: Telephus jamtlandicus, T. haddingi, T. linnarssoni, T. reedi, T, mysticensis. T. bicornis, T. latus, T. pustulatus, T. spiniferus, T. sinuatus, T. bipunctatus, T. impunctatus, T. prattensis, T. tellicoensis, T. transversus, T. hircinus, T. bilunatus, T. buttsi, Glaphurus latior, Glaphurina lamottensis, G. brevicula, G. falcifera.

New varieties: Telephus mysticensis, var. simulator, T. spiniferous calhounensis.

Vaughan, Thomas Wayland. Descriptions of new species of foraminifera of the genus Discocyclina from the Eocene of Mexico. No. 2809, pp. 1–18. June 10, 1929[1] 3
New species: Discocyclina weaveri, D. perpusilla, D. cushmani, D. zaragosensis, D. cloptoni, D. stephensoni, D. patenquensis.

New variety: Discocyclina weaveri, var. parvipapillata.

Wetmore, Alexander. A systematic classification for the birds of the world. No. 2821, pp. 1–8. January 8, 1930[1] 24
Wilson, H. V., and J. T. Penney. A new variety of the hexactinellid sponge, Rhabdocalyptus dawsoni (Lambe) and the species of Rhabdocalyptus. No. 2805, pp. 1–9. February 5, 1930[1] 8
New variaty: Rhabdocalyptus dawsoni, var. alascensis.

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