Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3820/The New School of Divinity
[The most fashionable and eminent German theologians have enthusiastically endorsed the official view of Germany as the hierophant of Peace and Concord reluctantly forced into a defensive war by the perfidy of England. As worshippers in the new Temple of Teutonic Truth they may be imagined to express themselves much as follows.]
"As the ghostly adviser
Of Wilhelm our Kaiser
I think this erection
Is simply perfection.
No censure can dim it,
Because it's the limit
In massive proportions
And splendid distortions.
To compare it with Ammon,
Whose temple's at Karnak,
Is the veriest gammon,"
Exclaims Dr. Harnack.
"Since the days of my youth
I have laboured for Truth,
And, though keenly assailed
By the arrows of slander,
She has mostly prevailed.
But now that she's nailed
To our counter for aye,
Neither black, white nor Grey
Shall have power to withstand her."
(Signed) Dr. Dryander.