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Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3832/Minor War Gains

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Punch, Volume 147, Issue 3832 (December 16th, 1914)
Minor War Gains by C. L. Graves
4262469Punch, Volume 147, Issue 3832 (December 16th, 1914) — Minor War GainsC. L. Graves
The year that is stormily endingHas brought us full measure of grief,And yet we must thank it for sendingAt times unexpected relief;These boons are not felt in the trenchesOr make our home burdens less hard;They're not a bonanza, but merit a stanzaOr two from the doggerel bard.
The names of musicians and mummersNo longer are loud on our lips;By the side of our buglers and drummersCaruso endures an eclipse;And the legions of freaks and of faddists.Who hailed him with rapturous awe,O wonder of wonders, are finding out blunders,And worse, in the writings of Shaw!
Good Begbie, no longer upraisingHis plea for the "uplift" of Hodge,Has ceased for a season from praisingLloyd George and Sir Oliver Lodge:And there hasn't been much in the papersAbout the next novel from Caine(No doubt he's in Flanders, the guest of commandersWho reverence infinite brain).
John Ward has forgiven the Curragh (The Curragh 's forgotten John Ward);No longer he cries "Wurra Wurra!"At sight of an officer's sword;MacDonald, the terror of tigers,Sits silent and meek as a mouse,And the great von Keirhardi is curiously tardyIn "voicing" his spleen in the House.
The screeds of professors and juristsHave quite disappeared from the Press;'Tis little we hear of Futurists,And frankly we care even less;Why, Trevelyan, the martyr to candour,Who lately his office resigned,Though waters were heaving has sunkWho lately his office resigned,Though waters were heaving had sunk without leavingThe tiniest ripple behind.
In fine, though there fall to our fightersToo many hard buffets and bumps,'Tis a comfort to think that our blightersAre down in the deadliest dumps;And whatever the future may bring usIn profits or pleasures or painsThe ill wind that's blowing to-day is bestowingA number of negative gains.