Punch/Volume 147/Issue 3833/Treasures in Store
He is a great man in the Pantomime world. As he rose from his roll-top desk with the evident intention of kicking me, I hastened to explain that I was only harmless reporter come to look at some of the new lyrics.
"Ah," said he, "that alters the case. I thought you were another topical songster. Now here's a clever little piece about the Navy."
I stretched out my hand for it.
"No," he said. "So much depends on intelligent expression and emphasis that I'd better read it to you. I think of calling this one 'The Battle of the Brine.'"
"There it is;" and the Great Man fairly purred with satisfaction. "Une petite pièce de tout droit, isn't it?" he said. "I gave you a hint of the tune. It needs a stirring one."
"It does," said I, delighted to be able to agree with him on one point. "And you have other songs equally topical?"
He pointed to a bale in the corner that I had taken for a new carpet.
"I've had a good few to choose from," he said. "I fancy this one is about the best. My leading low-comedian writes all his own lyrics—extraordinarily adequate little man. He opens briskly:—
"Yes," he gasped, "I thought that 'ud hit you. That's what I call a real live piece of work. Here's another—in the old-fashioned style. Not quite so much snap about it. But my fourth low-comedian thinks he can make it go. It's called 'When Father Threw his Wages at the Cat.'
"Is that out of date?" said I. "If so, I like the old style best."
He grunted. "It'll pass," he said; but the other's the business."
"Well, give me pleasure first," said I. "As a true Briton I can always take it sadly."