Ritual of the Order of the Eastern Star/General Regulations
Order of the Eastern Star
This organization shall be known as "The Order of the Eastern Star."
Affiliated Master Masons, their wives, daughters, legally adopted daughters, mothers, sisters and half-sisters; also the widows, daughters, legally adopted daughters, mothers, sisters and half-sisters of Master Masons who were affiliated at the time of their death, are eligible to membership in this Order, provided that all petitioners shall have attained to at least the age of eighteen years.
The government of the Order is vested in three bodies, named respectively in the order of their rank, General Grand Chapter, Grand Chapter and Subordinate Chapter.
The authority of the General Grand Chapter is supreme when exercised within the limits defined and prescribed by its Constitution. It has no jurisdiction over matters not specifically given to its control by that instrument.
The authority of a Grand Chapter is supreme within its jurisdiction, excepting upon matters which are within the control of the General Grand Chapter. Its jurisdiction shall not include more than one State or Territory.
The authority of a Subordinate Chapter is prescribed and limited by the Grand Chapter within whose jurisdiction it exists. Five Subordinate Chapters within any State or Territory where no Grand Chapter exists, may organize a Grand Chapter possessing all the lawful powers of such a Chapter within said State or Territory.
- A belief in the existence of a Supreme Being.
- In the Order of the Eastern Star there are only five degrees, known as Adah, the daughter; Ruth, the widow; Esther, the wife; Martha, the sister; and Electa, the mother.
- The name of the Order, the names of its degrees, and modes of recognition are unchangeable.
- Its lessons are Scriptural, its teachings moral, and its purposes beneficent.
- Its obligations are based upon the honor of those who obtain its secrets, and are framed upon the principle that whatever benefits are due by Masons to the wives, daughters, mothers, widows and sisters of Masons, reciprocal duties are due from them to the Brotherhood.
- That the obligation of our Order, voluntarily assumed, is perpetual, from the force of which there is no release.
- The ballot for candidates for the degrees, or membership, must be unanimous, without debate, and kept inviolably secret.
- The degrees cannot be conferred unless a brother in good standing shall preside. He can call upon the Worthy Matron to assist in conferring the degrees.
- Every member is amenable to the laws of the Order, and may be tried for offenses, either by the Chapter to which the member belongs, or by the Chapter within whose jurisdiction the member resides.
- The right of every member to appeal from the decision of a Subordinate Chapter to the Grand Chapter or its executive head.
- The right of every Chapter to decide, from among eligible candidates, who shall be admitted to membership.
- The right of every member to visit any regular Chapter unless lawful objection is made to such visitor.
Every Subordinate Chapter must have a Charter or Dispensation legally issued and always present at its meetings, without which it cannot legally act.
The officers of a Subordinate Chapter shall be:
Worthy Matron, | Marshal, |
Worthy Patron, | Organist, |
Associate Matron, | Adah, |
Secretary, | Ruth, |
Treasurer, | Esther, |
Conductress, | Martha, |
Asso. Conductress, | Electa, |
Chaplain, | Warder, |
Sentinel. |
The Stations of the several Officers are indicated on the Plan of Chapter Room on page 12.
The first seven officers shall be elected by separate and majority ballot and the others shall be appointed by the Worthy Matron.
The meetings of a Chapter are either regular or special. Regular meetings are those held at stated intervals as prescribed by its By-laws. Special meetings are those held by appointment of the Worthy Matron or other lawful authority.
Seven members, including one of the first three officers, shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, unless the By-laws of the Chapter shall prescribe a larger number.
A petition for the degrees or membership must be signed by the petitioner and two members of the Chapter, who recommend the petitioner. The petition must be received at a regular meeting of the Chapter, unless the Grand Chapter of its jurisdiction shall otherwise provide; and when received, must be referred to a committee of three members, one of whom shall be a brother, appointed by the presiding officer. The committee can only report at a regular meeting.
The ballot upon petitions for the degrees or membership, can only be taken at a regular meeting. The Associate Conductress shall have charge of the ballot-box, under the direction of the Worthy Matron. After it has been examined by the Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron, she shall present it to the Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron for their ballot, and may carry it to every member present—or may place it upon the Altar. If placed upon the Altar, every member entitled to a vote shall approach the Altar from the West, between Ruth and Esther, make the sign of salutation, deposit a ballot, leaving between Esther and Martha.
In approaching the Altar, each member must keep at least three paces from the Altar while the member preceding is casting a ballot.
When all have voted, the Worthy Matron shall declare the ballot closed and direct the Associate Conductress to bear the ballot box West and East. After it has been examined by the Associate Matron, the Worthy Matron will ask:
W. M. Sister Associate Matron.
A. M. Worthy Matron
W. M. How is the ballot in the West?
The Associate Matron will say:
A. M. The ballot is clear, (or not clear,) Worthy Matron.
After the Worthy Matron and Worthy Patron have inspected the ballot, and no black balls appear, the W. M. will say:
W. M. The ballot being clear in the East, I have the pleasure to inform you that you have elected
to receive the degrees, (or become a member,) in this Chapter.If the ballot is not clear, but so nearly so that the results may have been from mistake, a second and final ballot may be ordered. If the final ballot is dark, the W. M. will say:
W. M. The ballot not being clear, I have to announce that the petition of
is rejected.MEMBERSHIP.
Membership can only be forfeited by dimission, suspension or expulsion from a Chapter, excepting that the suspension or expulsion of a brother from a Masonic Lodge, deprives him of all the rights of membership in this Order until reinstated by the Masonic body.
The officers shall wear during Chapter sessions the badge of office belonging to their respective offices. The badge shall consist of the appropriate Jewel made of gold or gilded metal and suspended by a ribbon having the five colors of the Order.
Collars, Robes and other regalia in addition to what is here prescribed may be worn by Chapters that desire them, the General Grand Chapter only prescribing the minimum.
The Jewels appropriate to the several Officers are as follows:
Worthy Matron, Five-pointed Star with Gavel in the center.
Worthy Patron, Five-pointed Star with Square and Compasses in the center.
Associate Matron, Five-pointed Star with Sun in the center.
Secretary, Five-pointed Star with Cross-pens in the center.
Treasurer, Five-pointed Star with Cross-keys in the center.
Conductress, Five-pointed Star with Scroll and Baton in the center.
Associate Conductress, Five-pointed Star with Baton in the center.
Chaplain, Five-pointed Star with Bible in the center.
Marshal, Five-pointed Star with Cross-batons in the center. Organist, Five-pointed Star with Lyre in the center.
Adah, Triangle with Sword and Veil in the center.
Ruth, Triangle with Sheaf in the center.
Esther, Triangle with Crown and Scepter in the center.
Martha, Triangle with Broken Column in the center.
Electa, Triangle with Cup in the center.
Warder, Five-pointed Star with Dove in the center.
Sentinel, Five-pointed Star with Cross-swords in the center.
The Jewels for Grand Chapters shall be the same as Subordinate Chapters within a Pentagon.
The Jewel for Associate Grand Patron shall be a Five-pointed Star with a Star in the center within a Pentagon.
The Jewels for the General Grand Chapter shall be the Grand Chapter Jewels within a circle.
Special Regalia for Grand Chapters shall be left to the discretion of each Grand Chapter
In addition to the Jewel worn by the Worthy Matron, she is entitled to wear a Scarf made of royal purple velvet, three inches wide, edged with gold lace on the inner edge and gold fringe on the outer edge, a five-pointed Star in colors worked in silk, upon the shoulder and at the crossing, a golden rosette with two gold tassels suspended therefrom. It must be worn from left shoulder to the right side.
During Chapter sessions members may wear upon the left breast a badge embracing a five-pointed Star and the five colors of the Order.
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ADAH. | RUTH. | |
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In the center of the Chapter, room there must be an Altar, standing upon the center of a Five-pointed Star having the five colors of the Order, with the white point towards the West. Upon the Altar shall be an open Bible.
In the East, there should be a pedestal with a Gavel thereon for the use of the presiding officer.
Each Chapter should have a Seal, Signet and one or more small Bibles, a Sword and Veil for Adah, Sheaf and Culms of Barley for Ruth, a Crown and Scepter for Esther, a Broken Column for Martha and a Cup for Electa. They may also have banners with appropriate emblems thereon.
The chairs for the Star Officers may either face the East or be partially turned toward the Altar.
One blow of the gavel calls the Chapter to order, seats it when standing and completes its closing; two blows calls up the Officers; and three blows calls up the Chapter,
When giving an alarm at the door, five raps shall be given, which shall be answered by five from the other side. These will be followed by one from each side. Raps are given in this manner, ** ** * *. The door will be opened by the Warder.
The Grand Honors are given by crossing the arms over the breast, the left being over the right and slightly bowing.
I..................in the presence of Almighty God and these witnesses, do most solemnly affirm upon my honor, that I have been regularly initiated in a legally constituted Chapter of the Order of the Eastern Star, that I am in good standing in the Order and am not under suspension or expulsion, and know of no reason why I should be excluded from the privileges of the Order.
N. B. The "Test Oath" should be taken by the visitor, repeating it after the Examining Committee and with the right hand on the Bible.