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Ritual of the Order of the Eastern Star/Opening

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2917228Ritual of the Order of the Eastern Star — Openingthe General Grand Chapter

Opening of the Chapter.

When ready for the opening exercises, the Officers, with the exception of the Worthy Patron and Associate Conductress, retire to the ante-room. The Associate Conductress assumes her chair and the Worthy Patron, ascending the dais, gives one blow with the gavel. After requesting all present who are not members of the Order to retire, he says:

W. P. Sister Associate Conductress.

A. C. Worthy Patron.

Officers rise and respond, whenever addressed, and remain standing until seated by an order from the East.

W. P. You will invite the Worthy Matron and other Officers to enter the Chapter room.

The Associate Conductress retires and returns with the officers. As they enter, the Chapter is called up, and music furnished. The officers enter in two files led by the Conductress and Associate Conductress and take positions as follows:

  W. M. *   * A.M.  
War. * * Esther.
Ruth. * Altar. * Martha.
Adah. * * Electa.
Sec'y. * * Treas.
Cond. * * Asso. Cond.

The Chapter is at liberty to introduce into the procession the Marshal and Chaplain and may also elaborate the figures as it may desire.

The Worthy Patron will say:

W. P. Sister Conductress, you will escort the Worthy Matron to the East.

She does so and the Worthy Matron, ascending the dais, receives the gavel and proceeds.

The use of the above ceremony is optional.

W. M. The Officers will take their respective stations and prepare for the active duties of the Chapter.

Seats the Chapter.

W. M. Sister Warder.

War. Worthy Matron.

W. M. You will see that the doors to our Chapter are secure.

War. The doors are secure, Worthy Matron.

W. M. It is well. Sisters, Brothers and Visitors of ————— Chapter, No.———, the hour has arrived for us to resume our labors. To open our Chapter in a manner becoming the solemnity of the work and to secure the best results, I require your attention and assistance. Sister Associate Matron.

A. M. Worthy Matron.

W. M. You will ascertain if all present are members of the Order.

If the Associate Matron is able of her own knowledge to vouch for all present, she responds at once to the Worthy Matron. If she is unable to do so, she says:

A. M. Sisters Conductress and Associate Conductress, ascertain and report if all present are members of the Order.

The Conductress and Associate Conductress will use the customary means of examination, beginning at the East, on the South and North, meeting at the West, back of Esther. The Associate Conductress reports to the Conductress.

Having done so, the Conductress says:

Cond. Sister Associate Matron. I find all present members of the Order of the Eastern Star.

The Associate Matron will then respond:

A. M. Worthy Matron, all present are members of the Order.

W. M. It is well.(Conductress and Asso. Conductress return to their stations.) Sister Warder.

War. Worthy Matron.

W. M. You will instruct the Sentinel that we are about to engage in the ceremony of opening our Chapter and direct him to allow no interruption while we are thus engaged.

The Warder, in due order, ** ** * after responses from the Sentinel, opens the door and repeats the order to the Sentinel, after which she closes the door and says:

War. Worthy Matron, there will be no interruption.

The Worthy Matron will call up the Officers and they will remain standing during the ceremony of opening.

W. M. Sister Associate Matron.

A. M. Worthy Matron.

W. M. What number of Officers constitute a Chapter and what titles do they bear?

A. M. A complete Chapter requires seventeen and their titles are: Worthy Matron, Worthy Patron, Associate Matron, Secretary, Treasurer, Conductress, Associate Conductress, Chaplain, Marshal, Organist, Adah, Ruth, Esther, Martha, Electa, Warder and Sentinel.

W. M. Where is the Sentinel's station?

A. M. Outside the closed door, Worthy Matron.

[W. M. What is his duty and explain his badge of office.

A. M. To protect the Chapter against the intrusion of improper persons. His badge is the Cross-swords within the Star, an emblem of protection, admonishing him that upon his watchful care depends our security against interruption.]

W. M. Where is the Warder's station?

A.M. At the Southwest entrance to the Chapter, Worthy Matron.

W. M. Sister Warder.

War. Worthy Matron.

[W. M. What is your duty and explain your badge of office.

War. To act in conjunction with the Sentinel and allow none to enter nor leave the Chapter, without permission of the presiding officer. My badge is the Dove within the Star, an emblem of peace, admonishing me that I should labor for the peace and harmony of the Chapter.]

W. M. Where is the Associate Conductress' station?

War. In the North, Worthy Matron.

W. M. Sister Associate Conductress.

A. C. Worthy Matron.

[W. M. What is your duty and explain your badge of office.

A. C. To receive and prepare candidates for the ceremony of initiation and assist the Conductress in the active duties of the Chapter. My badge is the Baton within the Star, an emblem of direction, admonishing me that good discipline is essential to the success of our Order.]

W. M. Where is the Conductress' station?

A. C. In the South, Worthy Matron.

W. M. Sister Conductress.

Cond. Worthy Matron.

[W. M. What is your duty and explain your badge of office.

Cond. To assist the Associate Matron, conduct candidates through the ceremony of initiation and obey your instructions. My badge is the Scroll and Baton within the Star, an emblem of prepared plans and their fulfillment, admonishing me that it depends greatly upon the manner of conducting candidates through the ceremony of initiation, to make the first impressions permanent and as we desire they should be.]

W. M. Where is the Treasurer's station?

Cond. In the Northeast, Worthy Matron.

W. M. Sister Treasurer.

Treas. Worthy Matron.

[W. M. What is your duty and explain your badge of office.

Treas. To receive all moneys from the Secretary, giving my receipt therefor and pay them out only upon proper authority. My badge is the Cross-keys within the Star, an emblem of security, admonishing me to the strictest fidelity in the discharge of my important trust, that the Chapter may not be embarrassed in its efforts to relieve the distressed and meet its necessary expenses.]

W. M. Where is the Secretary's station?

Treas. In the Southeast, Worthy Matron.

W. M. Sister Secretary.

Secy. Worthy Matron.

[W. M. What is your duty and explain your badge of office.

Secy. To make proper record of the proceedings of the Chapter and conduct its correspondence. To receive all moneys belonging to the Chapter and pay them to the Treasurer, taking her receipt therefor. My badge is the Cross-pens within the Star, an emblem of intelligence, admonishing me to be faithful to my trust that the good deeds of my companions may not go unrecorded.]

W. M. Where is Adah's station?

Secy. At the first point of the Star, Worthy Matron.

W. M. Sister Adah.

Adah. Worthy Matron.

[W. M. What is your duty and explain your badge of office.

Adah. To make known to all proper inquirers the light, knowledge and beauty of the Blue ray, which represents the sky when all clouds have vanished and symbolizes Fidelity. My badge is the Sword and Veil within the Triangle, an emblem of the heroic conduct of Jephthah's Daughter.]

W. M. Have you a sign?

Adah. I have; it is given by—

While giving the sign explain from secret work. ( 3. )

W. M. Sister and Brothers, on seeing this sign given, how would you respond?

Response. Members will respond with the Pass of Adah.

W. M. Where is Ruth's station?

Adah. At the second point of the Star, Worthy Matron.

W. M. Sister Ruth.

Ruth. Worthy Matron.

[W. M. What is your duty and explain your badge of office.

Ruth. To make known to all proper inquirers the light, knowledge and beauty of the Yellow ray, whose golden hue symbolizes Constancy. My badge is the Sheaf within the Triangle, an emblem of plenty and represents the reward of patient industry gained by the humble gleaner, Ruth.]

W. M. Have you a sign?

Ruth. I have; it is given by—

While giving the sign explain from secret work. ( 6. )

W. M. Sisters and Brothers, on seeing this sign given how would you respond?

Response. Members will respond with the Pass of Ruth.

W. M. Where is Esther's station?

Ruth. At the third point of the Star, Worthy Matron.

W. M. Sister Esther.

Esther. Worthy Matron.

[W. M. What is your duty and explain your badge of office.

Esther. To make known to all proper inquirers the light, knowledge and beauty of the White ray, which symbolizes Light, Purity and Joy. My badge is the Crown and Scepter within the Triangle, an emblem of royalty and power. In the exercise of authority, we should be governed by justice and unselfish loyalty to the welfare of others. It was by the practice of these virtues that Esther was able to save her people from extermination.]

W. M. Have you a sign?

Esther. I have; it is given with—

While giving the sign explain from secret work. ( 9. )

W. M. Sisters and Brothers, on seeing this sign given, how would you respond?

Response. Members will respond with the Pass of Esther.

W. M. Where is Martha's station?

Esther. At the fourth point of the Star, Worthy Matron.

W. M. Sister Martha.

Martha. Worthy Matron.

[W. M. What is your duty and explain your badge of office.

Martha. To make known to all proper inquirers the light, knowledge and beauty of the Green ray, an emblem of nature's life and beauty, symbolizing Hope and Immortality. My badge is the Broken Column within the Triangle, an emblem of the death of a person cut off in the vigor of life and should remind us of the sisterly grief of Martha.] W. M. Have you a sign?

Martha. I have; it is given by—

While giving the sign, explain from secret work. ( 12. )

W. M. Sisters and Brothers, on seeing this sign given how would you respond?

Response. Members will respond with the Pass of Martha.

W. M. Where is Electa's station?

Martha. At the fifth point of the Star, Worthy Matron.

W. M. Sister Electa.

Electa. Worthy Matron.

[W. M. What is your duty and explain your badge of office.

Electa. To make known to all proper inquirers the light, knowledge and beauty of the Red ray, a symbol of that Fervency which should actuate all who are engaged in the service of truth, as exemplified in the life of Electa. My badge is the Cup within the Triangle, an emblem of charity and hospitality and should remind us that however bitter may be the cup which our Heavenly Father gives us, it will in the end overflow with blessings, rich, abounding and eternal.]

W. M. Have you a sign?

Electa. I have; it is given by—

While giving the sign, explain from secret work. ( 15. )

W. M. Sisters and Brothers, on seeing this sign given how would you respond?

Response. Members will respond with the Pass of Electa.

W. M. It is well; and when a member of the Order hails us with any one of these signs we will recall the merits of the heroine whose sign is given and respond with proper attention.

W. M. Where is the Associate Matron's station?

Electa. In the West, Worthy Matron.

W. M. Sister Associate Matron.

A. M. Worthy Matron.

[W. M. What is your duty and explain your badge of office.

A. M. To assist the Worthy Matron and preside over the Chapter during her absence. My badge is the effulgent Sun within the Star, an emblem of light, admonishing me that the principles of a Order should shine with undiminished lustre through our lives.]

W. M. Where is the Worthy Patron's station?

A. M. At your left, Worthy Matron.

[W. M. What is his duty and explain his badge of office.

A. M. To preside during the conferring of the degrees and at other times when requested to do so by the Worthy Matron; to act as her adviser, see that the officers are proficient in their work and exercise a general supervision over the affairs of the Chapter. His badge is the Square and Compasses within the Star, an emblem of the relationship existing between the Masonic Fraternity and the Order of the Eastern Star.]

W. M. Where is the Worthy Matron's station?

A. M. In the East, Worthy Matron.

W. M. What is her duty and explain her badge of office.

A. M. To preside at the meetings of the Chapter, see that its business is properly conducted and secure obedience to the laws and regulations of the Order, Her badge is the Gavel within the Star, an emblem of authority, admonishing her that the government of this Chapter and its prosperity, depend greatly upon her judgment and discretion. Her responsibilities to God for the faithful discharge of her duties should ever prompt her to do her work in the spirit of faith and prayer.

W. M. It is in this spirit that I desire to open this Chapter and perform whatever duties may devolve upon me. That we may have the needed grace to do our work well, let us unite in prayer.

The Chapter is called up and the following Prayer is offered by the Worthy Patron or Chaplain at the Altar, approaching between Martha and Esther.


Bless, O Lord, we beseech Thee, our humble labors in the promotion of truth and love, unity and peace. Dispel whatever spirit of discord may here arise. Enrich our hearts with that most excellent gift of charity, so that our acts may be full of the spirit of kindness and forbearance one towards another. Give us strength to continue in every good work and faith to believe that we shall reap if we faint not; and at last may we enjoy the blessedness which Thou hast prepared for those that love Thee. Amen.

Response by all the members.

So may it ever be. The Worthy Patron or Chaplain steps back into the circle of Star officers, between Esther and Martha, facing East, remaining in that position until the Worthy Matron seats the Chapter, when he returns to his station.

W. M. Let us unite in singing our Opening Ode.


W. M. Sister Conductress, you will attend at the Altar.

Conductress approaches the Altar between Ruth and Esther, makes a slight bow, opens the Bible, gives the sign of salutation and steps back into the circle of Star officers between Ruth and Esther, remaining there until seated by the Worthy Matron.

W. M. I now declare ————— Chapter, No. ———, Order of the Eastern Star, duly opened for the transaction of business. Sister Warder, you will so instruct the Sentinel.

The Warder in due order ** ** * * opens the door, informs the Sentinel and after closing the door, says:

War. Worthy Matron, your order has been obeyed.

The W. M. seats the Chapter.