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Savage Island/Index

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2270890Savage Island — Index1902Basil Home Thomson


Abduction, 108
Adultery, the punishment for, 105
Aitutaki, 90
—teachers, 73
Alofi, 63, 69, 82, 93, 113, 115, 147; arrival at, 6, 10; the cottages of, 14; church of, 18, 35; a council at, 23 et seq.; types of physiognomy at, 88
Amosa, the Samoan teacher, 77
Apia, 4
Architecture, native, 16-18
Asibeli Kubu, 160
Ata, 201, 202
—family, the, death portent of, 197, 201
Atatá, the islet of, 152
Avatele, 72, 77, 147 ; the people of, 89, 90; the headman of, 122
Aylen, Captain, 190, 191

Baker, Shirley Waldemar, 160 et seq., 167, 168, 175, 181, 183, 200, 216
Bea, 194, 195
Beauty, the Tongan ideal of, 203
Bell, Mr., 67
Blue-jackets, the political influence wielded by, 124
"Broom Road," the, 106
Bubonic plague, 114
Burial customs, 50, 51

Calliope, H.M.S., 190
Camden, the, 75
Camping and Tramping in Malaya, H. Rathbone's, 100 (footnote)
Cannibalism, 102
Catacombs, ancient, 51
Cator, Captain, 80
Celt, a curious stone, 216
Chincha Islands, the, 81
Circumcision, the practice of, 92
Cloudy Bay, a native fight in, 131
Cook, Captain, 127, 130; landing of, in Niué, 69, 70; a relic of, 150, 205; native traditions of his visit to Tonga, 206
Cook's Voyages, 220
Copra, trade in, 56 et seq.; manufacture of, 58, 61; price of, 61; use of, 62
Crawshaw, Captain, 211
Crime, an unknown, 113

Crime and its punishment, 103 et seq.
Crook, Mr., 75
Cruise of H.M.S. "Fawn," The, 80 (footnote)
Custom, a unique, 92

Dance, a native, 119, 120
Disease, native fear of, 75, 76; introduced by whalers, 78
Diseases of the natives, 133 et seq.
"Dongai," 100
Duel, a mimic, 121
Duff, the, 75, 105
Dunedin, the Bishop of, 162

Earth, tradition of the peopling of the, 84
Eaves-dropping, 208
Elephantiasis, cases of, 176
English, Mr., 131
Entertainment, a native, 117 et seq.
Erskine, Captain, visit of, to Niué, 77
European merchants, 209
Evil spirits, belief in, 99

Fakafolau, the practice of, 102
Falcon Island, 183
Fao, 86, 87
Fataaki, King, 2, 3, 35, 36 (footnote)
Fatafehi, 157, 168, 171, 182, 189, 214, 216
— family, death portent of, 197
Favourite, H.M.S., 194, 195
Fawn, H.M.S., 80
Feletoa, fortress, 191, 193
Fiji, 94, 100; the Mathuata province in, 95; medical officers in, 98; warriors of, 131; concubitancy in, 135; land tenure in, 138
Fijian architecture, 16, 17
Finau, George, 185, 190, 191
— Ulukalala, 189, 191-3
Flies, swarms of, 140
Flood, Mr., 50; his store, 55
Fono, the, 37, 111, 112
Fornander, 91
French missionaries, the influence of, 218
Fujipala, 182
Futuna, 21, 22

Galiaga, King, 36 (footnote)
George Tubou I., King, 144, 158, 216
George Tubou II., King, 158
German plantations in Samoa, 3, 81
Germans in Tonga, the, 153, 172, 173
Gilbert Islands, 90
Gill, Mr., 90
Godefroy and Sons, 57
Goodenough, Commodore, 35
Graves. See Burial customs
Grey, Sir George, 84
Grice Sumner, Messrs., 81

Haapai, 212; population of, 179 (footnote)
Hakupu, the headman of, 133
Havannah, H.M.S., 77

Hawaii, 152, 155; the Queen of, and Tonga, 174
Hawaiian history, 91
Hayes, "Bully," 57, 79, 81-3
Head, R. H., 38, 57, 63, 64, 66, 81-3, 133, 135; family of, 67
— Mrs., 68
Hihifo, flying foxes at, 196; Captain Cook's visit to, 206
Home, Captain Sir J. Everard, 190
Honolulu, the Bishop of, 162
Hood, Lieut. T. H., his visit to Niué, 65, 80
Hornets, 198
Huanaki, 86, 87
Hunga Cave, the, 190, 191

Infanticide, 102
Influenza, prevalence of, 75
Isabel, the, 65

John Williams, the, 75
Jurisdiction over foreigners, 173
Justice, native, 103 et seq., 107

Kaiser, the first, a portrait of, 174
Kanakubolu, 196
Kau-ulu-fonua, 20-2, 69
Kava, the use of, 95, 97
— plant, the, cultivation of, 95
Kolovai, 200
— family, the, death portent of, 197
Kopega, the, 104
Kubu, 168, 171, 202

Labour trade, the, 81
Land tenure, 136 et seq.
Langa'iki, the deity, 93
Lavinia, the princess, 20, 159
Lawes, Frank, 9, 10, 19, 23-28, 30, 31, 53, 54, 67, 93, 97, 103, 109-12, 118, 121, 122, 135, 141, 143, 147
— Mrs., 28; bounty of, 145, 146
— Rev. W. G., 71, 79
Lizard, the, sanctity of, 93, 98
Lomaloma, 97
London Missionary Society, the, 9, 13, 60; the house of, 12, 13; influence of, 51, 52, 59, 141; the penal code of, 105

Macgregor, Sir William, 216 (footnote)
Maclennan, Dr. Donald, 155, 156, 175, 177,213
Maealiuaki, William, 178
Mafuike, 87
Maiden Island, 81
Malofafa, 20
Mangaia, 90
Maria Bay, 196
Mariner, William, 190, 191 (footnote), 193, 218, 220
Marshall, H. J., R.N., 190
Martin, John, M.D., 191 (footnote), 193
Matapulega, the rite of, 92
Mateialona, 212
Mau'i, the deity, 84-6, 88
Measles, an epidemic of, 180
Messenger of Peace, the, 71
Mildura, H.M.S., 11 (footnote), 147
Mua, 196, 219
Murder, the punishment for, 104

Native beliefs, 94 et seq.; customs, 50, 51, 92, 95, 133 et seq. mythology, 84; superstitions, 51, 52; justice, 103 et seq., 107; entertainment, 117 et seq.
Neiafu, the port of, 172, 184
New Zealand, annexation of Niué to, 45, 147; and her dependencies, 149
Niué-Fekai, letter from chiefs of, to Queen Victoria, 1; the inhabitants of, 3, 11; native politics in, 9; the architecture of, 15-18; the church in, 16; a tradition of the invasion of, 20 et seq.; the language of, 28; institutions of, 34; sovereignty in, 37, 38; annexation of, to New Zealand, 45, 147; burial customs in, 50, 51; superstition in, 51, 52; traders in, 56 et seq.; cocoanut plantations in, 57, 58; a set of stocks in, 65; influence of Samoan teachers in, 77; anchorages of, 79 (footnote); mythology of, 84; meaning of the name, 88; origin of the people of, 89 et seq.; tattooing in, 92; a unique custom in, 92; beliefs in, 94; infanticide in, 102; the tribunals of, 103 et seq.; the warriors of, 127, 130, 131; want of dignity in the natives of, 129; earth-hunger in, 138
Niuafoou, population of, 179 (footnote)
Niuatobutabu, population of, 179 (footnote)
Nukualofa, 145, 155, 158, 159, 163, 164, 194, 198, 201, 211; plague of hornets at, 199, 200

Ofa, Princess, 159, 164; joins the Church of England, 162, 163

Pacific Islands, the, federation of, 146
Pacific Islands Co., the, 55, 137
Pakieto, King, 36 (footnote)
Patterson, H. W., 57
Patuavalu, King, 36 (footnote)
Paula, the Samoan teacher, 77
Penal code, a, 112, 113, 178
Penalties for crimes, 108
Peniamina Nukai, 75, 78
Petitions from the natives, 206, 207
Polynesian chiefs, 170, 175
— music, 218
Polynesians, the, 3, 165; dignity of, 129
Population returns, 179
Porpoise, H.M.S., 4, 33, 117, 123, 146, 184, 215, 216; a royal visit to, 46, 171
Port-au-Prince, the, 192
Pratt, Rev. G., 79
Priesthood, the, 95
Protectorates, 41 et seq.
Pulangi Tau, the, 103, 104
Punimata, King, 36 (footnote)
Pylstaart Island, 91

Quarantine regulations, 113, 115

Ranfurly, Lord, 11 (footnote), 147
Rarotonga, 74, 105

Rathbone, H., 100
Ravenhill, Captain, 23, 39, 46, 48, 123
Relationships, 136
Resolution, the, 206
Review of Reviews, The, 210
Ross, Captain, 65

Sakaio, the Samoan teacher, 77
Samoa, 152; German plantations in, 3, 81; visit of John Williams to, 74; mission school in, 74, 75, 77
"Samoa Convention, 1899," the, 4, 73
Samoan teachers, the, 77, 92, 105, 133
Samuela, the Samoan teacher, 77
Sateki, 158, 164, 169, 209, 210
Savage Island. See Niué
Seddon, R. J., 146
Spearman, Lieutenant, 70
Spells, the working of, 98
Stanmore, Lord, 66
Stone of power, the, 35
Suicide, 109
Superstition, prevalence of, 51, 197, 201

Tahiti, 105
Takalaua, King, 20
Talanga, 87
Talatala hina, the, flowers of, 197
Tamajia, 20
Tangaloa, the deity, 84
Taufa'ahau. See George Tubou II.
Tauranga, H.M.S., 124
Tauvu, 94
Taxes, 29
Tepá, 89
Theft, 109
Toeumu, 191
Tonga, 91, 153, 155, 172; the protectorate over, 4, 172, 174, 215, 216; taxes paid by labourers in, 29; the Free Church of, 161; the army of, 167; the Queen of, 175; the European colony of, 180
Tongan castaways, a colony of, 91
— families, death portents of, 197
— music, Appendix
Tongans, the, 173, 189; cave of, 14, 18, 19; burial customs of, 51, 52; energy of, in copra-making, 59; practice of tattooing amongst, 91; regard of, for the English, 124 et seq.; their ignorance of surgery, 176; their ideal of female beauty, 203
Tongatabu, 152; population of, 179 (footnote)
Tongia, King, 34, 35 (footnote), 36-9, 113, 116, 128, 137, 148; his daughter, 83; letter from, to Queen Victoria, 151
Totemism, 93
Traders, 56 et seq.
Treaty, the signing of a, 30, 172 et seq.; 214
Tuapa, 9, 10, 35 (footnote), 36, 54, 55, 63, 134; cave near, 65; the road to, 49; the King's palace in, 54
Tui Belehake. See Fatafehi

Tui Kanakubolu, death portent of the, 197
—Tonga, the, 88
Tuitonga, King, 2, 35, 36 (footnote)
Tukuaho, 154, 157, 158, 163
Tungi, 154, 163, 195, 212, 213
Turner, Dr., 75-7, 96, 106
Tutunekai, the, 146

Ugliness, the cult of, 129
Unga, 188
Utulei Point, 184

Vavau, 172, 182 et seq.; the native church of, 16, 18; the German coaling-station at, 186, 187
Victoria, Queen, letter to, from native chiefs, i; from King Tongia, 151; a portrait of, 23, 28; autograph letters for, 150; presents from the King of Tonga, 167

Webber, Mr. Amherst, 25, 203, 213, 214, 219, 220
Wesleyan missionaries, 59
Whalers, 78
Williams, John, 71-6, 127
Witchcraft, belief in, 96, 97
Women doctors, 135
Woodlark Island, 216 (footnote)


Savage Island Map
Savage Island Map