Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910)/The Taming of the Shrew/Act 4
Actus Quartus. Scena Prima.
Enter Katherina and Grumio.
Gru. No, no forsooth I dare not for my life.
Ka. The more my wrong, the more his spite appears.What, did he marrie me to famish me?Beggers that come vnto my fathers doore,Vpon intreatie haue a present almes,If not, elsewhere they meete with charitie:But I, who neuer knew how to intreat,Nor neuer needed that I should intreate,Am staru'd for meate, giddie for lacke of sleepe:With oathes kept waking, and with brawling fed,And that which spights me more then all these wants,He does it vnder name of perfect loue:As who should say, if I should sleepe or eate'Twere deadly sicknesse, or else present death.I prethee go, and get me some repast,I care not what, so it be holsome foode.
Gru. What say you to a Neats foote?
Kate. 'Tis passing good, I prethee let me haue it.
Gru. I feare it is too chollericke a meate.How say you to a fat Tripe finely broyl'd?
Kate. I like it well, good Grumio fetch it me.
Gru. I cannot tell, I feare 'tis chollericke.What say you to a peece of Beefe and Mustard?
Kate. A dish that I do loue to feede vpon.
Gru. I, but the Mustard is too hot a little.
Kate. Why then the Beefe, and let the Mustard rest.
Gru. Nay then I wil not, you shal haue the MustardOr else you get no beefe of Grumio.
Kate. Then both or one, or any thing thou wilt.
Gru. Why then the Mustard without the beefe.
Kate. Go get thee gone, thou false deluding slaue,Beats him. That feed'st me with the verie name of meate.Sorrow on thee, and all the packe of youThat triumph thus vpon my misery:Go get thee gone, I say.
Enter Petruchio, and Hortensio with meate.
Petr. How fares my Kate, what sweeting all a-mort?
Hor. Mistris, what cheere?
Kate. Faith as cold as can be.
Pet. Plucke vp thy spirits, looke cheerfully vpon me.Heere Loue, thou seest how diligent I am,To dresse thy meate my selfe, and bring it thee.I am sure sweet Kate, this kindnesse merites thankes.What, not a word? Nay then, thou lou'st it not:And all my paines is sorted to no proofe.Heere take away this dish.
Kate. I pray you let it stand.
Pet. The poorest seruice is repaide with thankes,And so shall mine before you touch the meate.
Kate. I thanke you sir.
Hor. Signior Petruchio, fie you are too blame:Come Mistris Kate, Ile beare you companie.
Petr. Eate it vp all Hortensio, if thou louest mee:Much good do it vnto thy gentle heart:Kate eate apace; and now my honie Loue,Will we returne vnto thy Fathers house,And reuell it as brauely as the best,With silken coats and caps, and golden Rings,With Ruffes and Cuffes, and Fardingales, and things:With Scarfes, and Fannes, & double change of brau'ry,With Amber Bracelets, Beades, and all this knau'ry.What hast thou din'd? The Tailor staies thy leasure,To decke thy bodie with his ruffling treasure.
Enter Tailor.
Come Tailor, let vs see these ornaments.Enter Haberdasher.Lay forth the gowne. What newes with you sir?
Fel. Heere is the cap your Worship did bespeake.
Pet. Why this was moulded on a porrenger,A Veluet dish: Fie, fie, 'tis lewd and filthy,Why 'tis a cockle or a walnut-shell,A knacke, a toy, a tricke, a babies cap:Away with it, come let me haue a bigger.
Kate. Ile haue no bigger, this doth fit the time,And Gentlewomen weare such caps as these.
Pet. When you are gentle, you shall haue one too,And not till then.
Hor. That will not be in hast.
Kate. Why sir I trust I may haue leaue to speake,And speake I will. I am no childe, no babe,Your betters haue indur'd me say my minde,And if you cannot, best you stop your eares.My tongue will tell the anger of my heart,Or els my heart concealing it wil breake,And rather then it shall, I will be free,Euen to the vttermost as I please in words.
Pet. Why thou saist true, it is paltrie cap,A custard coffen, a bauble, a silken pie,I loue thee well in that thou lik'st it not.
Kate. Loue me, or loue me not, I like the cap,And it I will haue, or I will haue none.
Pet. Thy gowne, why I: come Tailor let vs see't.Oh mercie God, what masking stuffe is heere?Whats this? a sleeue? 'tis like demi cannon,What, vp and downe caru'd like an apple Tart?Heers snip, and nip, and cut, and slish and slash,Like to a Censor in a barbers shoppe:Why what a deuils name Tailor cal'st thou this?
Hor. I see shees like to haue neither cap nor gowne.
Tai. You bid me make it orderlie and well,According to the fashion, and the time.
Pet. Marrie and did: but if you be remembred,I did not bid you marre it to the time.Go hop me ouer euery kennell home,For you shall hop without my custome sir:Ile none of it; hence, make your best of it.
Kate. I neuer saw a better fashion'd gowne,More queint, more pleasing, nor more commendable:Belike you meane to make a puppet of me.
Pet. Why true, he meanes to make a puppet of thee.
Tail. She saies your Worship meanes to make apuppet of her.
Pet. Oh monstrous arrogance:Thou lyest, thou thred, thou thimble,Thou yard three quarters, halfe yard, quarter, naile,Thou Flea, thou Nit, thou winter cricket thou:Brau'd in mine owne house with a skeine of thred:Away thou Ragge, thou quantitie, thou remnant,Or I shall so be-mete thee with thy yard,As thou shalt thinke on prating whil'st thou liu'st:I tell thee I, that thou hast marr'd her gowne.
Tail. Your worship is deceiu'd, the gowne is madeIust as my master had direction:Grumio gaue order how it should be done.
Gru. I gaue him no order, I gaue him the stuffe.
Tail. But how did you desire it should be made?
Gru. Marrie sir with needle and thred.
Tail. But did you not request to haue it cut?
Gru. Thou hast fac'd many things.
Tail. I haue.
Gru. Face not mee: thou hast brau'd manie men,braue not me; I will neither bee fac'd nor brau'd. I sayvnto thee, I bid thy Master cut out the gowne, but I didnot bid him cut it to peeces. Ergo thou liest.
Tail.Why heere is the note of the fashion to testify.
Pet. Reade it.
Gru. The note lies in's throate if he say I said so.
Tail.Inprimis, a loose bodied gowne.
Gru. Master, if euer I said loose-bodied gowne, sowme in the skirts of it, and beate me to death with a bottome of browne thred: I said a gowne.
Pet. Proceede.
Tai.With a small compast cape.
Gru. I confesse the cape.
Tai. With a trunke sleeue.
Gru. I confesse two sleeues.
Tai.The sleeues curiously cut.
Pet. I there's the villanie.
Gru. Error i'th bill sir, error i'th bill? I commandedthe sleeues should be cut out, and sow'd vp againe, andthat Ile proue vpon thee, though thy little finger be armed in a thimble.
Tail. This is true that I say, and I had thee in placewhere thou shouldst know it.
Gru. I am for thee straight: take thou the bill, giueme thy meat-yard, and spare not me.
Hor. God-a-mercie Grumio, then hee shall haue no oddes.
Pet. Well sir in breefe the gowne is not for me.
Gru. You are i'th right sir, 'tis for my mistris.
Pet. Go take it vp vnto thy masters vse.
Gru. Villaine, not for thy life: Take vp my Mistressegowne for thy masters vse.
Pet. Why sir, what's your conceit in that?
Gru. Oh sir, the conceit is deeper then you think for:Take vp my Mistris gowne to his masters vse.Oh fie, fie, fie.
Pet. Hortensio, say thou wilt see the Tailor paide:Go take it hence, be gone, and say no more.
Hor. Tailor, Ile pay thee for thy gowne to morrow,Take no vnkindnesse of his hastie words:Exit Tail.Away I say, commend me to thy master.
Pet. Well, come my Kate, we will vnto your fathers,Euen in these honest meane habiliments:Our purses shall be proud, our garments poore:For 'tis the minde that makes the bodie rich.And as the Sunne breakes through the darkest clouds,So honor peereth in the meanest habit.What is the Iay more precious then the Larke?Because his feathers are more beautifull.Or is the Adder better then the Eele,Because his painted skin contents the eye.Oh no good Kate: neither art thou the worseFor this poore furniture, and meane array.If thou accountedst it shame, lay it on me,And therefore frolicke, we will hence forthwith,To feast and sport vs at thy fathers house,Go call my men, and let vs straight to him,And bring our horses vnto Long-lane end,There wil we mount, and thither walke on foote,Let's see, I thinke 'tis now some seuen a clocke,And well we may come there by dinner time.
Kate. I dare assure you sir, 'tis almost two,And 'twill be supper time ere you come there.
Pet. It shall be seuen ere I go to horse:Looke what I speake, or do, or thinke to doe, You are still crossing it, sirs let't alone,I will not goe to day, and ere I doe,It shall be what a clock I say it is.
Hor. Why so this gallant will command the sunne.
Enter Tranio, and the Pedant drest like Vincentio.
Tra. Sirs, this is the house, please it you that I call.
Ped. I what else, and but I be deceiued,Signior Baptista may remember meNeere twentie yeares a goe in Genoa.
Tra. Where we were lodgers, at the Pegasus,Tis well, and hold your owne in any caseWith such austeritie as longeth to a father.
Enter Biondello.
Ped. I warrant you: but sir here comes your boy,'Twere good he were school'd.
Tra. Feare you not him: sirra Biondello,Now doe your dutie throughlie I aduise you:Imagine 'twere the right Vincentio.
Bion. Tut, feare not me.
Tra. But hast thou done thy errand to Baptista.
Bion. I told him that your father was at Venice,And that you look't for him this day in Padua.
Tra. Th'art a tall fellow, hold thee that to drinke,Here comes Baptista: set your countenance sir.
Enter Baptista and Lucentio: Pedant bootedand bare headed.
Tra. Signior Baptista you are happilie met:Sir, this is the gentleman I told you of,I pray you stand good father to me now,Giue me Bianca for my patrimony.
Ped. Soft son: sir by your leaue, hauing com to PaduaTo gather in some debts, my son LucentioMade me acquainted with a waighty causeOf loue betweene your daughter and himselfe:And for the good report I heare of you,And for the loue he beareth to your daughter,And she to him: to stay him not too long,I am content in a good fathers careTo haue him matcht, and if you please to likeNo worse then I, vpon some agreementMe shall you finde readie and willingWith one consent to haue her so bestowed:For curious I cannot be with youSignior Baptista, of whom I heare so well.
Bap. Sir, pardon me in what I haue to say,Your plainnesse and your shortnesse please me well:Right true it is your sonne Lucentio hereDoth loue my daughter, and she loueth him,Or both dissemble deepely their affections:And therefore if you say no more then this,That like a Father you will deale with him,And passe my daughter a sufficient dower,The match is made, and all is done,Your sonne shall haue my daughter with consent.
Tra. I thanke you sir, where then doe you know bestWe be affied and such assurance tane,As shall with either parts agreement stand.
Bap. Not in my house Lucentio, for you knowPitchers haue eares, and I haue manie seruants,Besides old Gremio is harkning still,And happilie we might be interrupted.
Tra. Then at my lodging, and it like you,There doth my father lie: and there this nightWeele passe the businesse priuately and well:Send for your daughter by your seruant here,My Boy shall fetch the Scriuener presentlie,The worst is this that at so slender warning,You are like to haue a thin and slender pittance.
Bap. It likes me well:Cambio hie you home, and bid Bianca make her readiestraight:And if you will tell what hath hapned,Lucentios Father is arriued in Padua,And how she's like to be Lucentios wife.
Biond. Exit.I praie the gods she may withall my heart.
Tran. Dallie not with the gods, but get thee gone.Enter Peter.Signior Baptista, shall I leade the way,Welcome, one messe is like to be your cheere,Come sir, we will better it in Pisa.
Bap. Exeunt.I follow you.
Enter Lucentio and Biondello.
Bion. Cambio.
Luc. What saist thou Biondello.
Biond. You saw my Master winke and laugh vpon you?
Luc. Biondello, what of that?
Biond. Faith nothing: but has left mee here behindeto expound the meaning or morrall of his signes and tokens.
Luc. I pray thee moralize them.
Biond. Then thus: Baptista is safe talking with thedeceiuing Father of a deceitfull sonne.
Luc. And what of him?
Biond. His daughter is to be brought by you to the supper.
Luc. And then.
Bio. The old Priest at Saint Lukes Church is at yourcommand at all houres.
Luc. And what of all this.
Bion. I cannot tell, expect they are busied about acounterfeit assurance: take you assurance of her, Cumpreuilegio ad Impremendum solem, to th' Church take thePriest, Clarke, and some sufficient honest witnesses:If this be not that you looke for, I haue no more to say,But bid Bianca farewell for euer and a day.
Luc. Hear'st thou Biondello.
Biond. I cannot tarry: I knew a wench maried in anafternoone as shee went to the Garden for Parseley tostuffe a Rabit, and so may you sir: and so adew sir, myMaster hath appointed me to goe to Saint Lukes to bidthe Priest be readie to come against you come with yourExit.appendix.
Luc. I may and will, if she be so contented:She will be pleas'd, then wherefore should I doubt:Hap what hap may, Ile roundly goe about her:Exit.It shall goe hard if Cambio goe without her.
Enter Petruchio, Kate, Hortentio
Petr. Come on a Gods name, once more toward our fathers:Good Lord how bright and goodly shines the Moone.
Kate. The Moone, the Sunne: it is not Moonelight now.
Pet. I say it is the Moone that shines so bright.
Kate. I know it is the Sunne that shines so bright.
Pet. Now by my mothers sonne, and that's my selfe, It shall be moone, or starre, or what I list,Or ere I iourney to your Fathers house:Goe on, and fetch our horses backe againe,Euermore crost and crost, nothing but crost.
Hort. Say as he saies, or we shall neuer goe.
Kate. Forward I pray, since we haue come so farre,And be it moone, or sunne, or what you please:And if you please to call it a rush Candle,Henceforth I vowe it shall be so for me.
Petr. I say it is the Moone.
Kate. I know it is the Moone.
Petr. Nay then you lye: it is the blessed Sunne.
Kate. Then God be blest, it is the blessed sun,But sunne it is not, when you say it is not,And the Moone changes euen as your minde:What you will haue it nam'd, euen that it is,And so it shall be so for Katherine.
Hort. Petruchio, goe thy waies, the field is won.
Petr. Well, forward, forward, thus the bowle should run,And not vnluckily against the Bias:But soft, Company is comming here.Enter Vincentio.Good morrow gentle Mistris, where away:Tell me sweete Kate, and tell me truely too,Hast thou beheld a fresher Gentlewoman:Such warre of white and red within her cheekes:What stars do spangle heauen with such beautie,As those two eyes become that heauenly face?Faire louely Maide, once more good day to thee:Sweete Kate embrace her for her beauties sake.
Hort. A will make the man mad to make the woman of him.
Kate. Yong budding Virgin, faire, and fresh, & sweet,Whether away, or whether is thy aboade?Happy the Parents of so faire a childe;Happier the man whom fauourable starsA lots thee for his louely bedfellow.
Petr. Why how now Kate, I hope thou art not mad,This is a man old, wrinckled, faded, withered,And not a Maiden, as thou saist he is.
Kate. Pardon old father my mistaking eies,That haue bin so bedazled with the sunne,That euery thing I looke on seemeth greene:Now I perceiue thou art a reuerent Father:Pardon I pray thee for my mad mistaking.
Petr. Do good old grandsire, & withall make knownWhich way thou trauellest, if along with vs,We shall be ioyfull of thy companie.
Vin. Faire Sir, and you my merry Mistris,That with your strange encounter much amasde me:My name is call'd Vincentio, my dwelling Pisa,And bound I am to Padua, there to visiteA sonne of mine, which long I haue not seene.
Petr. What is his name?
Vinc. Lucentio gentle sir.
Petr. Happily met, the happier for thy sonne:And now by Law, as well as reuerent age,I may intitle thee my louing Father,The sister to my wife, this Gentlewoman,Thy Sonne by this hath married: wonder not,Nor be not grieued, she is of good esteeme,Her dowrie wealthie, and of worthie birth;Beside, so qualified, as may beseemeThe Spouse of any noble Gentleman:Let me imbrace with old Vincentio,And wander we to see thy honest sonne,Who will of thy arriuall be full ioyous.
Vinc. But is this true, or is it else your pleasure,Like pleasant trauailors to breake a IestVpon the companie you ouertake?
Hort. I doe assure thee father so it is.
Petr. Come goe along and see the truth hereof,Exeunt.For our first merriment hath made thee iealous.
Hor. Well Petruchio, this has put me in heart;Haue to my Widdow, and if she froward,Exit.Then hast thou taught Hortentio to be vntoward.
Enter Biondello, Lucentio and Bianca, Gremiois out before.
Biond. Softly and swiftly sir, for the Priest is ready.
Luc. I flie Biondello; but they may chance to needeExit.thee at home, therefore leaue vs.
Biond. Nay faith, Ile see the Church a your backe,and then come backe to my mistris as soone as I can.
Gre. I maruaile Cambio comes not all this while.
Enter Petruchio, Kate, Vincentio, Grumiowith Attendants.
Petr. Sir heres the doore, this is Lucentios house,My Fathers beares more toward the Market-place,Thither must I, and here I leaue you sir.
Vin. You shall not choose but drinke before you go,I thinke I shall command your welcome here;Knock.And by all likelihood some cheere is toward.
Grem. They're busie within, you were best knocke lowder.
Pedant lookes out of the window.
Ped. What's he that knockes as he would beat downe the gate?
Vin. Is Signior Lucentio within sir?
Ped. He's within sir, but not to be spoken withall.
Vinc. What if a man bring him a hundred pound ortwo to make merrie withall.
Ped. Keepe your hundred pounds to your selfe, heeshall neede none so long as I liue.
Petr. Nay, I told you your sonne was well beloued inPadua: doe you heare sir, to leaue friuolous circumstances, I pray you tell signior Lucentio that his Father iscome from Pisa, and is here at the doore to speake with him.
Ped. Thou liest his Father is come from Padua, andhere looking out at the window.
Vin. Art thou his father?
Ped. I sir, so his mother saies, if I may beleeue her.
Petr. Why how now gentleman: why this is flat knauerie to take vpon you another mans name.
Peda. Lay hands on the villaine, I beleeue a meanesto cosen some bodie in this Citie vnder my countenance.
Enter Biondello.
Bio. I haue seene them in the Church together, Godsend 'em good shipping: but who is here? mine old Master Vincentio: now wee are vndone and brought to nothing.
Vin. Come hither crackhempe.
Bion. I hope I may choose Sir.
Vin. Come hither you rogue, what haue you forgot mee?
Biond. Forgot you, no sir: I could not forget you, forI neuer saw you before in all my life.
Vinc. What, you notorious villaine, didst thou neuersee thy Mistris father, Vincentio?
Bion. What my old worshipfull old master? yes marie sir see where he lookes out of the window.
Vin. He beates Biondello.Ist so indeede.
Bion. Helpe, helpe, helpe, here's a mad man will murder me.
Pedan. Helpe, sonne, helpe signior Baptista.
Petr. Preethe Kate let's stand aside and see the end of this controuersie.
Enter Pedant with seruants, Baptista, Tranio.
Tra. Sir, what are you that offer to beate my seruant?
Vinc. What am I sir: nay what are you sir: oh immortall Goddes: oh fine villaine, a silken doublet, a veluet hose, a scarlet cloake, and a copataine hat: oh I am vndone, I am vndone: while I plaie the good husband at home, my sonne and my seruant spend all at the vniuersitie.
Tra. How now, what's the matter?
Bapt. What is the man lunaticke?
Tra. Sir, you seeme a sober ancient Gentleman by your habit: but your words shew you a mad man: why sir, what cernes it you, if I weare Pearle and gold: I thank my good Father, I am able to maintaine it.
Vin. Thy father: oh villaine, he is a Saile-maker in Bergamo.
Bap. You mistake sir, you mistake sir, praie what do you thinke is his name?
Vin. His name, as if I knew not his name: I haue brought him vp euer since he was three yeeres old, and his name is Tronio.
Ped. Awaie, awaie mad asse, his name is Lucentio, and he is mine onelie sonne and heire to the Lands of me signior Vincentio.
Ven. Lucentio: oh he hath murdred his Master; laie hold on him I charge you in the Dukes name: oh my sonne, my sonne: tell me thou villaine, where is my son Lucentio?
Tra. Call forth an officer: Carrie this mad knaue to the Iaile: father Baptista, I charge you see that hee be forth comming.
Vinc. Carrie me to the Iaile?
Gre. Staie officer, he shall not go to prison.
Bap. Talke not signior Gremio: I saie he shall goe to prison.
Gre. Take heede signior Baptista, least you be conicatcht in this businesse: I dare sweare this is the right Vincentio.
Ped. Sweare if thou dar'st.
Gre. Naie, I dare not sweare it.
Tran. Then thou wert best saie that I am not Lucentio.
Gre. Yes, I know thee to be signior Lucentio.
Bap. Awaie with the dotard, to the Iaile with him.
Enter Biondello, Lucentio and Bianeu.
Vin. Thus strangers may be haild and abusd: oh monstrous villaine.
Bion. Oh we are spoil'd, and yonder he is, denie him, forsweare him, or else we are all vndone.
Exit Biondello, Tranio and Pedant as fast as may be.
Luc.Kneele.Pardon sweete father.
Vin. Liues my sweete sonne?
Bian. Pardon deere father.
Bap. How hast thou offended, where is Lucentio?
Luc. Here's Lucentio, right sonne to the right Vincentio,That haue by marriage made thy daughter mine,While counterfeit supposes bleer'd thine eine.
Gre. Here's packing with a witnesse to deceiue vs all.
Vin. Where is that damned villaine Tranio,That fac'd and braued me in this matter so?
Bap. Why, tell me is not this my Cambio?
Bian. Cambio is chang'd into Lucentio.
Luc. Loue wrought these miracles. Biancas loueMade me exchange my state with Tranio,While he did beare my countenance in the towne,And happilie I haue arriued at the lastVnto the wished hauen of my blisse:What Tranio did, my selfe enforst him to;Then pardon him sweete Father for my sake.
Vin. Ile slit the villaines nose that would haue sent me to the Iaile.
Bap. But doe you heare sir, haue you married my daughter without asking my good will?
Vin. Feare not Baptista, we will content you, goe to: Exit.but I will in to be reueng'd for this villanie.
Bap. Exit.And I to sound the depth of this knauerie.
Luc. Looke not pale Bianca, thy father will not frown.Exeunt.
Gre. My cake is dough, but Ile in among the rest,Out of hope of all, but my share of the feast.
Kate. Husband let's follow, to see the end of this adoe.
Petr. First kisse me Kate, and we will.
Kate. What in the midst of the streete?
Petr. What art thou asham'd of me?
Kate. No sir, God forbid, but asham'd to kisse.
Petr. Why then let's home againe: Come Sirra let's awaie.
Kate. Nay, I will giue thee a kisse, now praie thee Loue staie.
Petr. Is not this well? come my sweete Kate.Exeunt.Better once then neuer, for neuer to late.