Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910)/The Taming of the Shrew/Act 3
Actus Tertia.
Enter Lucentio, Hortentio, and Bianca.
Luc. Fidler forbeare, you grow too forward Sir,Haue you so soone forgot the entertainmentHer sister Katherine welcom'd you withall.
Hort. But wrangling pedant, this isThe patronesse of heauenly harmony:Then giue me leaue to haue prerogatiue,And when in Musicke we haue spent an houre,Your Lecture shall haue leisure for as much.
Luc. Preposterous Asse that neuer read so farre,To know the cause why musicke was ordain'd:Was it not to refresh the minde of manAfter his studies, or his vsuall paine?Then giue me leaue to read Philosophy,And while I pause, serue in your harmony.
Hort. Sirra, I will not beare these braues of thine.
Bianc. Why gentlemen, you doe me double wrong,To striue for that which resteth in my choice:I am no breeching scholler in the schooles,Ile not be tied to howres, nor pointed times,But learne my Lessons as I please my selfe,And to cut off all strife: heere sit we downe,Take you your instrument, play you the whiles,His Lecture will be done ere you haue tun'd.
Hort. You'll leaue his Lecture when I am in tune?
Luc. That will be neuer, tune your instrument.
Bian. Where left we last?
Luc. Heere Madam: Hic Ibat Simois, hic est sigeriatellus, hic steterat Priami regia Celsa senis.
Bian. Conster them.
Luc. Hic Ibat, as I told you before, Simois, I am Lucentio, hic est, sonne vnto Vincentio of Pisa, Sigeria tellus, disguised thus to get your loue, hic steterat, and that Lucentio that comes a wooing, priami, is my man Tranio, regia, bearing my port, celsa senis that we might beguile the old Pantalowne.
Hort. Madam, my Instrument's in tune.
Bian. Let's heare, oh fie, the treble iarres.
Luc. Spit in the hole man, and tune againe.
Bian. Now let mee see if I can conster it. Hic ibat simois,I know you not, hic est sigeria tellus, I trust you not,hic staterat priami, take heede he heare vs not, regia presume not, Celsa senis, despaire not.
Hort. Madam, tis now in tune.
Luc. All but the base.
Hort. The base is right, 'tis the base knaue that iars.
Luc. How fiery and forward our Pedant is,Now for my life the knaue doth court my loue,Pedascule, Ile watch you better yet:In time I may beleeue, yet I mistrust.
Bian. Mistrust it not, for sure ÆacidesWas Aiax cald so from his grandfather.
Hort. I must beleeue my master, else I promise you,I should be arguing still vpon that doubt,But let it rest, now Litio to you:Good master take it not vnkindly prayThat I haue beene thus pleasant with you both.
Hort. You may go walk, and giue me leaue a while,My Lessons make no musicke in three parts.
Luc. Are you so formall sir, well I must waiteAnd watch withall, for but I be deceiu'd,Our fine Musitian groweth amorous.
Hor. Madam, before you touch the instrument,To learne the order of my fingering,I must begin with rudiments of Art,To teach you gamoth in a briefer sort,More pleasant, pithy, and effectuall,Then hath beene taught by any of my trade,And there it is in writing fairely drawne.
Bian. Why, I am past my gamouth long agoe.
Hor. Yet read the gamouth of Hortentio.
Bian. Gamouth I am, the ground of all accord:Are, to plead Hortensio's passion:Beeme, Bianca take him for thy LordCfavt, that loues with all affection:D sol re, one Cliffe, two notes haue I,Ela mi, show pitty or I die,Call you this gamouth? tut I like it not,Old fashions please me best, I am not so niceTo charge true rules for old inuentions.
Enter a Messenger.
Nicke. Mistresse, your father prayes you leaue your books,And helpe to dresse your sisters chamber vp,You know to morrow is the wedding day.
Bian. Farewell sweet masters both, I must be gone.
Luc. Faith Mistresse then I haue no cause to stay.
Hor. But I haue cause to pry into this pedant,Methinkes he lookes as though he were in loue:Yet if thy thoughts Bianca be so humbleTo cast thy wandring eyes on euery stale:Seize thee that List, if once I finde thee ranging,Exit.Hortensio will be quit with thee by changing.
Enter Baptista, Gremio, Tranio, Katherine, Bianca, and others, attendants.
Bap. Signior Lucentio, this is the pointed dayThat Katherine and Petruchio should be married,And yet we heare not of our sonne in Law:What will be said, what mockery will it be?To want the Bride-groome when the Priest attendsTo speake the ceremoniall rites of marriage?What saies Lucentio to this shame of ours?
Kate. No shame but mine, I must forsooth be forstTo giue my hand oppos'd against my heartVnto a mad-braine rudesby, full of spleene,Who woo'd in haste, and meanes to wed at leysure:I told you I, he was a franticke foole,Hiding his bitter iests in blunt behauiour,And to be noted for a merry man;Hee'll wooe a thousand, point the day of marriage,Make friends, inuite, and proclaime the banes,Yet neuer meanes to wed where he hath woo'd:Now must the world point at poore Katherine,And say, loe, there is mad Petruchio's wifeIf it would please him come and marry her.
Tra. Patience good Katherine and Baptista too,Vpon my life Petruchio meanes but well,What euer fortune stayes him from his word,Though he be blunt, I know him passing wise,Though he be merry, yet withall he's honest.
Kate. Would Katherine had neuer seen him though.Exit weeping.
Bap. Goe girle, I cannot blame thee now to weepe,For such an iniurie would vexe a very saint,Much more a shrew of impatient humour.
Enter Biondello.
Bion. Master, master, newes, and such newes as youneuer heard of.
Bap. Is it new and olde too? how may that be?
Bion. Why, is it not newes to heard of Petruchio's comming?
Bap. Is he come?
Bion. Why no sir.
Bap. What then?
Bion. He is comming.
Bap. When will he be heere?
Bion. When he stands where I am, and sees you there.
Tra. But say, what to thine olde newes?
Bion. Why Petruchio is comming, in a new hat andan old ierkin, a paire of old breeches thrice turn'd; apaire of bootes that haue beene candle-cases, one buckled, another lac'd: an olde rusty sword tane out of theTowne Armory, with a broken hilt, and chapelesse: withtwo broken points: his horse hip'd with an olde mothy saddle, and stirrops of no kindred: besides possestwith the glanders, and like to mose in the chine, troubled with the Lampasse, infected with the fashions, fullof Windegalls, sped with Spauins, raied with the Yellowes, past cure of the Fiues, starke spoyl'd with theStaggers, begnawne with the Bots, Waid in the backe,and shoulder-shotten, neere leg'd before, and with ahalfe-chekt Bitte, & a headstall of sheepes leather, whichbeing restrain'd to keepe him from stumbling, hath beenoften burst, and now repaired with knots: one girth sixetimes peec'd, and a womans Crupper of velure, whichhath two letters for her name, fairely set down in studs,and heere and there peec'd with packthred.
Bap. Who comes with him?
Bion. Oh sir, his Lackey, for all the world Caparison'dlike the horse: with a linnen stock on one leg, anda kersey boot-hose on the other, gartred with a red andblew list; an old hat, & the humor of forty fancies pricktin't for a feather: a monster, a very monster in apparell,& not like a Christian foot-boy, or a gentlemans Lacky.
Tra. 'Tis some od humor pricks him to this fashion,Yet oftentimes he goes but meane apparel'd.
Bap. I am glad he's come, howsoere he comes.
Bion. Why sir, he comes not.
Bap. Didst thou not say hee comes?
Bion. Who, that Petruchio came?
Bap. I, that Petruchio came.
Bion. No sir, I say his horse comes with him on his backe.
Bap. Why that's all one.
Bion. Nay by S. Iamy, I hold you a penny, a horse anda man is more then one, and yet not many.
Enter Petruchio and Grumio.
Pet. Come, where be these gallants? who's at home?
Bap. You are welcome sir.
Petr. And yet I come not well.
Bap. And yet you halt not.
Tra. Not so well apparell'd as I wish you were.
Petr. Were it better I should rush in thus:But where is Kate? where is my louely Bride?How does my father? gentles methinkes you frowne,And wherefore gaze this goodly company,As if they saw some wondrous monument,Some Commet, or vnusuall prodigie?
Bap. Why sir, you know this is your wedding day:First were we sad, fearing you would not come,Now sadder that you come so vnprouided:Fie, doff this habit, shame to your estate,An eye-sore to our solemne festiuall.
Tra. And tell vs what occasion of importHath all so long detain'd you from your wife,And sent you hither so vnlike your selfe?
Petr. Tedious it were to tell, and harsh to heare,Sufficeth I am come to keepe my word,Though in some part inforced to digresse,Which at more leysure I will so excuse,As you shall well be satisfied with all.But where is Kate? I stay too long from her,The morning weares, 'tis time we were at Church.
Tra. See not your Bride in these vnreuerent robes,Goe to my chamber, put on clothes of mine.
Pet. Not I, beleeue me, thus Ile visit her.
Bap. But thus I trust you will not marry her.
Pet. Good sooth euen thus: therefore ha done with words,To me she's married, not vnto my cloathes:Could I repaire what she will weare in me,As I can change these poore accoutrements,'Twere well for Kate, and better for my selfe.But what a foole am I to chat with you,When I should bid good morrow to my Bride?Exit.And seale the title with a louely kisse.
Tra. He hath some meaning in his mad attire,We will perswade him be it possible,To put on better ere he goe to Church.
Bap. Exit.Ile after him, and see the euent of this.
Tra. But sir, Loue concerneth vs to addeHer fathers liking, which to bring to passeAs before imparted to your worship,I am to get a man what ere he be,It skills not much, weele fit him to our turne,And he shall be Vincentio of Pisa,And make assurance heere in PaduaOf greater summes then I haue promised,So shall you quietly enioy your hope,And marry sweet Bianca with consent.
Luc. Were it not that my fellow schoolemasterDoth watch Bianca's steps so narrowly:'Twere good me-thinkes to steale our marriage,Which once perform'd, let all the world say no,Ile keepe mine owne despite of all the world.
Tra. That by degrees we meane to looke into, And watch our vantage in this businesse,Wee'll ouer-reach the grey-beard Gremio,The narrow prying father Minola,The quaint Musician, amorous Litio,All for my Masters sake Lucentio.Enter Gremio.Signior Gremio, came you from the Church?
Gre. As willingly as ere I came from schoole.
Tra. And is the Bride & Bridegroom coming home?
Gre. A bridegroome say you? 'tis a groome indeed,A grumlling groome, and that the girle shall finde.
Tra. Curster then she, why 'tis impossible.
Gre. Why hee's a deuill, a deuill, a very fiend.
Tra. Why she's a deuill, a deuill, the deuils damme.
Gre. Tut, she's a Lambe, a Doue, a foole to him:Ile tell you sir Lucentio; when the PriestShould aske if Katherine should be his wife,I, by goggs woones quoth he, and swore so loud,That all amaz'd the Priest let fall the booke,And as he stoop'd againe to take it vp,This mad-brain'd bridegroome tooke him such a cuffe,That downe fell Priest and booke, and booke and Priest,Now take them vp quoth he, if any list.
Tra. What said the wench when he rose againe?
Gre. Trembled and shooke: for why, he stamp'd andswore, as if the Vicar meant to cozen him: but after many ceremonies done, hee calls for wine, a health quothhe, as if he had beene aboord carowsing to his Mates after a storme, quaft off the Muscadell, and threw the sopsall in the Sextons face: hauing no other reason, but thathis beard grew thinne and hungerly, and seem'd to askehim sops as hee was drinking: This done, hee tooke theBride about the necke, and kist her lips with such a clamorous smacke, that at the parting all the Church dideccho: and I seeing this, came thence for very shame, andafter mee I know the rout is comming, such a mad marryage neuer was before: harke, harke, I heare the minstrels Musicke
Enter Petruchio, Kate, Bianca, Hortensio, Baptista.
Petr. Gentlemen & friends, I thank you for your pains,I know you thinke to dine with me to day,And haue prepar'd great store of wedding cheere,But so it is, my haste doth call me hence,And therefore heere I meane to take my leaue.
Bap.Is't possible you will away to night?
Pet. I must away to day before night come,Make it no wonder: if you knew my businesse,You would intreat me rather goe then stay:And honest company, I thanke you all,That haue beheld me giue away my selfeTo this most patient, sweet, and vertuous wife,Dine with my father, drinke a health to me,For I must hence, and farewell to you all.
Tra. Let vs intreat you stay till after dinner.
Pet. It may not be.
Gra. Let me intreat you.
Pet. It cannot be.
Kat. Let me intreat you.
Pet. I am content.
Kat. Are you content to stay?
Pet. I am content you shall entreat me stay,But yet not stay, entreat me how you can.
Kat. Now if you loue me stay.
Pet. Grumio, my horse.
Gru. I sir, they be ready, the Oates haue eaten the horses.
Kate. Nay then,Doe what thou canst, I will not goe to day,No, nor to morrow, not till I please my selfe,The dore is open sir, there lies your way,You may be iogging whiles your bootes are greene:For me, Ile not be gone till I please my selfe,'Tis like you'll proue a iolly surly groome,That take it on you at the first so roundly.
Pet. O Kate content thee, prethee be not angry.
Kat. I will be angry, what hast thou to doe?Father, be quiet, he shall stay my leisure.
Gre. I marry sir, now it begins to worke.
Kat. Gentlemen, forward to the bridall dinner,I see a woman may be made a fooleIf she had not a spirit to resist.
Pet. They shall goe forward Kate at thy command,Obey the Bride you that attend on her.Goe to the feast, reuell and domineere,Carowse full measure to her maiden-head,Be madde and merry, or goe hang your selues:But for my bonny Kate, she must with me:Nay, looke not big, nor stampe, not stare, nor fret,I will be master of what is mine owne,Shee is my goods, my chattels, she is my house,My houshold-stuffe, my field, my barne,My horse, my oxe, my asse, my any thing,And heere she stands, touch her who euer dare,Ile bring mine action on the proudest heThat stops my way in Padua: GrumioDraw forth thy weapon, we are beset with theeues,Rescue thy Mistresse if thou be a man:Feare not sweet wench, they shall not touch thee Kate,Exeunt. P. Ka.Ile buckler thee against a Million.
Bap. Nay, let them goe, a couple of quiet ones.
Gre. Went they not quickly, I should die with laughing.
Tra. Of all mad matches neuer was the like.
Luc. Mistresse, what's your opinion of your sister?
Bian. That being mad her selfe, she's madly mated.
Gre. I warrant him Petruchio is Kated.
Bap. Neighbours and friends, though Bride & Bride-groom wantsFor to supply the places at the table,You know there wants no iunkets at the feast:Lucentio, you shall supply the Bridegroomes place,And let Bianca take her sisters roome.
Tra. Shall sweet Bianca practise how to bride it?
Bap. She shall Lucentio: come gentlemen lets goe. Exeunt. Enter Grumio.
Gru. Fie, fie on all tired Iades, on all mad Masters, &all foule waies: was euer man so beaten? was euer manso raide? was euer man so weary? I am sent before tomake a fire, and they are comming after to warme them:now were not I a little pot, & soone hot; my very lippesmight freeze to my teeth, my tongue to the roofe of mymouth, my heart in my belly, ere I should come by a fireto thaw me, but I with blowing the fire shall warme myselfe: for considering the weather, a taller man then Iwill take cold: Holla, hoa Curtis.
Enter Curtis.
Curt. Who is that calls so coldly?
Gru. A piece of Ice: if thou doubt it, thou maistslide from my shoulder to my heele, with no greater a run but my head and my necke. A fire good Curtis.
Cur. Is my master and his wife comming Grumio?
Gru. Oh I Curtis I, and therefore fire, fire, cast on no water.
Cur. Is she so hot a shrew as she's reported.
Gru. She was good Curtis before this frost: but thou know'st winter tames man, woman, and beast: for it hath tam'd my old master, and my new mistris, and my selfe fellow Curtis.
Gru. Away you three inch foole, I am no beast.
Gru. Am I but three inches? Why thy horne is a foot and so long am I at the least. But wilt thou make a fire, or shall I complaine on thee to our mistris, whose hand (she being now at hand) thou shalt soone feele, to thy cold comfort, for being slow in thy hot office.
Cur. I prethee good Grumio, tell me, how goes the world?
Gru. A cold world Curtis in euery office but thine, & therefore fire: do thy duty, and haue thy dutie, for my Master and mistris are almost frozen to death.
Cur. There's fire readie, and therefore good Grumio the newes.
Gru. Why Iacke boy, ho boy, and as much newes as wilt thou.
Cur. Come, you are so full of conicatching.
Gru. Why therefore fire, for I haue caught extreme cold. Where's the Cooke, is supper ready, the house trim'd, rushes strew'd, cobwebs swept, the seruingmen in their new fustian, the white stockings, and euery officer his wedding garment on? Be the Iackes faire within, the Gils faire without, the Carpets laide, and euerie thing in order?
Cur. All readie: and therefore I pray thee newes.
Gru. First know my horse is tired, my master & mistris falne out.
Cur. How?
Gru. Out of their saddles into the durt, and thereby hangs a tale.
Cur. Let's ha't good Grumio.
Gru. Lend thine eare.
Cur. Heere.
Gru. There.
Cur. This 'tis to feele a tale, not to heare a tale.
Gru. And therefore 'tis cal'd a sensible tale: and this Cuffe was but to knocke at your eare, and beseech listning: now I begin, Inprimis wee came downe a fowle hill, my Master riding behinde my Mistris.
Cur. Both of one horse?
Gru. What's that to thee?
Cur. Why a horse.
Gru. Tell thou the tale: but hadst thou not crost me, thou shouldst haue heard how her horse fel, and she vnder her horse: thou shouldst haue heard in how miery a place, how she was bemoil'd, how hee left her with the horse vpon her, how he beat me because her horse stumbled, how she waded through the durt to plucke him off me: how he swore, how she prai'd, that neuer prai'd before: how I cried, how the horses ranne away, how her bridle was burst: how I lost my crupper, with manie things of worthy memorie, which now shall die in obliuion, and thou returne vnexperienc'd to thy graue.
Cur. By this reckning he is more shrew than she.
Gru. I, and that thou and the proudest of you all shall finde when he comes home. But what talke I of this? Call forth Nathaniel, Ioseph, Nicholas, Phillip, Walter, Sugersop and the rest: let their heads bee slickely comb'd, their blew coats brush'd, and their garters of an indifferent knit, let them curtsie with their left legges, and not presume to touch a haire of my Masters horse-taile, till they kisse their hands. Are they all readie?
Cur. They are.
Gru. Call them forth.
Cur. Do you heare ho? you must meete my maister to countenance my mistris.
Gru. Why she hath a face of her owne.
Cur. Who knowes not that?
Gru. Thou it seemes, that cals for company to countenance her.
Cur. I call them forth to credit her.
Enter foure or fiue seruingmen.
Gru. Why she comes to borrow nothing of them.
Nat. Welcome home Grumio.
Phil. How now Grumio.
Ios. What Grumio.
Nick. Fellow Grumio.
Nat. How now old lad.
Gru. Welcome you: how now you: what you: fellow you: and thus much for greeting. Now my spruce companions, is all readie, and all things neate?
Nat. All things is readie, how neere is our master?
Gre. E'ne at hand, alighted by this: and therefore be not———Cockes passion, silence, I heare my master.
Enter Petruchio and Kate.
Pet. Where be these knaues? What no man at dooreTo hold my stirrop, nor to take my horse?Where is Nathaniel, Gregory, Phillip.
All ser. Heere, heere sir, heere sir.
Pet. Heere sir, heere sir, heere sir, heere sir.You logger-headed and vnpollisht groomes:What? no attendance? no regard? no dutie?Where is the foolish knaue I sent before?
Gru. Heere sir, as foolish as I was before.
Pet. You pezant, swain, you horson malt-horse drudgDid I not bid thee meete me in the Parke,And bring along these rascal knaues with thee?
Grumio. Nathaniels coate sir was not fully made,And Gabrels pumpes were all vnpinkt i'th heele:There was no Linke to colour Peters hat,And Walters dagger was not come from sheathing:There were none fine, but Adam, Rafe, and Gregory,The rest were ragged, old, and beggerly,Yet as they are, heere are they come to meete you.
Pet. Ex. Ser.Go rascals, go, and fetch my supper in.Where is the life that late I led?Where are those? Sit downe Kate,And welcome. Soud, soud, soud, soud.Enter seruants with supper.Why when I say? Nay good sweete Kate be merrie.Off with my boots, you rogues: you villaines, when?It was the Friar of Orders gray,As he forth walked on his way.Out you rogue, you plucke my foote awrie,Take that, and mend the plucking of the other.Be merrie Kate: Some water heere: what hoa.Enter one with water.Where's my Spaniel Troilus? Sirra, get you hence,And bid my cozen Ferdinand come hither:One Kate that you must kisse, and be acquainted with.Where are my Slippers? Shall I haue some water?Come Kate and wash, & welcome heartily:you horson villaine, will you let it fall?
Kate. Patience I pray you, 'twas a fault vnwilling.
Pet. A horson beetle-headed flap-ear'd knaue:Come Kate sit downe, I know you haue a stomacke,Will you giue thankes, sweete Kate, or else shall I?What's this, Mutton?
1.Ser. I.
Pet. Who brought it?
Peter. I.
Pet. 'Tis burnt, and so is all the meate:What dogges are these? Where is the rascall Cooke?How durst you villaines bring it from the dresserAnd serue it thus to me that loue it not?There, take it to you, trenchers, cups, and all:You heedlesse iolt-heads, and vnmanner'd slaues.What, do you grumble? Ile be with you straight.
Kate I pray you husband be not so disquiet,The meate was well, if you were so contented.
Pet. I tell thee Kate, 'twas burnt and dried away,And I expressely am forbid to touch it:For it engenders choller, planteth anger,And better 'twere that both of vs did fast,Since of our selues, our selues are chollericke,Then feede it with such ouer-rosted flesh:Be patient, to morrow't shalbe mended,And for this night we'l fast for companie.Exeunt.Come I wil bring thee to thy Bridall chamber.
Enter Seruants seuerally.
Nath. Peter didst euer see the like.
Peter. He kils her in her owne humor.
Grumio. Where is he?
Enter Curtis a Seruant.
Cur. In her chamber, making a sermon of continencie to her, and railes, and sweares, and rates, that shee(poore soule) knowes not which way to stand, to looke,to speake, and sits as one new risen from a dreame. Away, away, for he is comming hither.
Enter Petruchio.
Pet. Thus haue I politickely begun my reigne,And 'tis my hope to end successefully:My Faulcon now is sharpe, and passing emptie,And til she stoope, she must not be full gorg'd,For then she neuer lookes vpon her lure.Another way I haue to man my Haggard,To make her come, and know her Keepers call:That is, to watch her, as we watch these Kites,That baite, and beate, and will not be obedient:She eate no meate to day, nor none shall eate.Last night she slept not, nor to night she shall not:As with the meate, some vndeserued faultIle finde about the making of the bed,And heere Ile fling the pillow, there the boulster,This way the Couerlet, another way the sheets:I, and amid this hurlie I intend,That all is done in reuerend care of her,And in conclusion, she shal watch all night,And if she chance to nod, Ile raile and brawle,And with the clamor keepe her stil awake:This is a way to kil a Wife with kindnesse,And thus Ile curbe her mad and headstrong humor:He that knowes better how to tame a shrew,Exit.Now let him speake, 'tis charity to shew.
Enter Tranio and Hortensio.
Tra. Is't possible friend Lisio, that mistris BiancaDoth fancie any other but Lucentio,I tel you sir, she beares me faire in hand.
Luc. Sir, to satisfie you in what I haue said,Stand by, and marke the manner of his teaching.
Enter Bianca.
Hor. Now Mistris, profit you in what you reade?
Bian. What Master reade you first, resolue me that?
Hor. I reade, that I professe the Art to loue.
Bian. And may you proue sir Master of your Art.
Luc. While you sweet deere proue Mistresse of my heart.
Hor. Quicke proceeders marry, now tel me I pray,you that durst sweare that your Mistris BiancaLou'd me in the World so wel as Lucentio.
Tra. Oh despightful Loue, vnconstant womankind,I tel thee Lisio this is wonderfull.
Hor. Mistake no more, I am not Lisio,Nor a Musitian as I seeme to bee,But one that scorne to liue in this disguise,For such a one as leaues a Gentleman,And makes a God of such a Cullion;Know sir, that I am cal'd Hortensio.
Tra. Signior Hortensio, I haue often heardOf your entire affection to Bianca,And since mine eyes are witnesse of her lightnesse,I wil with you, if you be so contented,Forsweare Bianca, and her loue for euer.
Hor. See how they kisse and court: Signior Lucentio,Heere is my hand, and heere I firmly vowNeuer to woo her more, but do forsweare herAs one vnworthie all the former fauoursThat I haue fondly flatter'd them withall.
Tra. And heere I take the like vnfained oath,Neuer to marrie with her, though she would intreate,Fie on her, see how beastly she doth court him.
Hor. Would all the world but he had quite forswornFor me, that I may surely keepe mine oath.I wil be married to a wealthy Widdow,Ere three dayes passe, which hath as long lou'd me,As I haue lou'd this proud disdainful Haggard,And so farewel signior Lucentio,Kindnesse in women, not their beauteous lookesShal win my loue, and so I take my leaue,In resolution, as I swore before.
Tra. Mistris Bianca, blesse you with such grace,As longeth to a Louers blessed case:Nay, I haue tane you napping gentle Loue,And haue forsworne you with Hortensio.
Bian. Tranio you iest, but haue you both forsworne mee?
Tra. Mistris we haue.
Luc. Then we are rid of Lisio.
Tra. I'faith hee'l haue a lustie Widdow now,That shalbe woo'd, and wedded in a day.
Bian. God giue him ioy.
Tra. I, and hee'l tame her.
Bianca. He sayes so Tranio.
Tra. Faith he is gone vnto the taming schoole.
Bian. The taming schoole: what is there such a place?
Tra. I mistris, and Petruchio is the master,That teacheth trickes eleuen and twentie long,To tame a shrew, and charme her chattering tongue.
Enter Biondello.
Bion. Oh Master, master I haue watcht so long,That I am dogge-wearie, but at last I spiedAn ancient Angel comming downe the hill,Wil serue the turne.
Tra. What is he Biondello?
Bio. Master, a Marcantant, or a pedant, I know not what, but formall in apparrell,In gate and countenance surely like a Father.
Luc. And what of him Tranio?
Tra. If he be credulous, and trust my tale,Ile make him glad to seeme Vincentio,And giue assurance to Baptista Minola.As if he were the right Vincentio.
Par.Take me your loue, and then let me alone.
Enter a Pedant.
Ped. God saue you sir.
Tra. And you sir, you are welcome,Trauaile you farre on, or are you at the farthest?
Ped. Sir at the farthest for a weeke or two,But then vp farther, and as farre as Rome,And so to Tripolie, if God lend me life.
Tra. What Countreyman I pray?
Ped. Of Mantua.
Tra. Of Mantua Sir, marrie God forbid,And come to Padua carelesse of your life.
Ped. My life sir? how I pray? for that goes hard.
Tra. 'Tis death for any one in MantuaTo come to Padua, know you not the cause?Your ships are staid at Venice, and the DukeFor priuate quarrel 'twixt your Duke and him,Hath publish'd and proclaim'd it openly:'Tis meruaile, but that you are but newly come,You might haue heard it else proclaim'd about.
Ped. Alas sir, it is worse for me then so,For I haue bils for monie by exchangeFrom Florence, and must heere deliuer them.
Tra. Wel sir, to do you courtesie,This wil I do, and this I wil aduise you.First tell me, haue you euer beene at Pisa?
Ped. I sir, in Pisa haue I often bin,Pisa renowned for graue Citizens.
Tra. Among them know you one Vincentio?
Ped. I know him not, but I haue heard of him:A Merchant of incomparable wealth.
Tra. He is my father sir, and sooth to say,In count'nance somewhat doth resemble you.
Bion. As much as an apple doth an oyster, & all one.
Tra. To saue your life in this extremitie,This fauor wil I do you for his sake,And thinke it not the worst of all your fortunes,That you are like to Sir Vincentio.His name and credite shal you vndertake,And in my house you shal be friendly lodg'd,Looke that you take vpon you as you should,You vnderstand me sir: so shal you stayTil you haue done your businesse in the Citie:If this be court'sie sir, accept of it.
Ped. Oh sir I do, and wil repute you euerThe patron of my life and libertie.
Tra. Then go with me, to make the matter good,This by the way I let you vnderstand,My father is heere look'd for euerie day,To passe assurance of a dowre in marriage'Twixt me, and one Baptistas daughter heere:In all these circumstances Ile instruct you,Exeunt.Go with me to cloath you as becomes you.