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Shakespeare - First Folio facsimile (1910)/Twelfe Night/Act 3 Scene 3

From Wikisource

Scæna Tertia.

Enter Sebastian and Anthonio.
Seb. I would not by my will haue troubled you,But since you make your pleasure of your paines,I will no further chide you.
Ant. I could not stay behinde you: my desire(More sharpe then filed steele) did spurre me forth,And not all loue to see you (though so muchAs might haue drawne one to a longer voyage)But iealousie, what might befall your trauell,Being skillesse in these parts: which to a stranger,Vnguided, and vnfriended, often proueRough, and vnhospitable. My willing loue,The rather by these arguments of feareSet forth in your pursuite.
Seb. My kinde Anthonio,I can no other answer make, but thankes,And thankes: and euer oft good turnes,Are shuffel'd off with such vncurrant pay:But were my worth, as is my conscience firme, You should finde better dealing: what's to do?Shall we go see the reliques of this Towne?
Ant.To morrow sir, best first go see your Lodging?
Seb.I am not weary, and 'tis long to nightI pray you let vs satisfie our eyesWith the memorials, and the things of fameThat do renowne this City.
Ant.Would youl'd pardon me:I do not without danger walke these streetes.Once in a sea-fight 'gainst the Count his gallies,I did some seruice, of such note indeede,That were I tane heere, it would scarse be answer'd.
Seb.Belike you slew great number of his people.
Ant.Th' offence is not of such a bloody nature,Albeit the quality of the time, and quarrellMight well haue giuen vs bloody argument:It might haue since bene answer'd in repayingWhat we tooke from them, which for Traffiques sakeMost of our City did. Onely my selfe stood out,For which if I be lapsed in this placeI shall pay deere.
Seb.Do not then walke too open.
Ant.It doth not fit me: hold sir, here's my purse,In the South Suburbes at the ElephantIs best to lodge: I will bespeake our dyet,Whiles you beguile the time, and feed your knowledgeWith viewing of the Towne, there shall you haue me.
Seb.Why I your purse?
Ant.Haply your eye shall light vpon some toyYou haue desire to purchase: and your storeI thinke is not for idle Markets, sir.
Seb.Ile be your purse-bearer, and leaue youFor an houre.
Ant.To th' Elephant.
Seb.Exeunt.I do remember.