Six Beautiful Songs/Gloomy Winter's Now Awa'
For other versions of this work, see Gloomy Winter's Now Awa' (Tannahill).
Gloomy Winter's now awa'.
Gloomy winter's now awa,Saft the westlin breezes blaw:'Mang the birks o' stanly shaw,The mavis sings fu cheery O;Sweet the craw-flowers early bell,Decks Gleniffers dewy dell;Blooming like thy bonny fel',My young, my artless dearie O.
Come my lassie let us strayO'er Glenkillochs sunny brae,Blythly spend the gouden day,Midst joys that never weary O.Tow'ring o'er the Newton woods,Lav'rocks fan the snaw white cloudSiller saughs wi' downy buds,Adorn the bank sae briery O;
Around the silvan fairy nooks,Feathery breckens fringe the rocksNeath the brae the burnie jouks;And ilka thing is cheery O.Trees may bud, and birds may singFlow'rs may bloom, and verdureJoy to me they canno bring,Unless wi' thee my dearie O.