Six Beautiful Songs/Gloomy Winter's Come Again
For other versions of this work, see Gloomy winter's come again.
Gloomy Winter's come again.
Gloomy winters come again,Heavy fa's the sleet and rain;Flecky snaw decks white the plain, and ilka thing looks dreary O.Hoary frost o'erspreads each dale,Glazing firm each chrystal rill,It minds me o' fickle fel, my fair, but faithless Mary O
Lanely I tread each tractless way,Where with thee Mary I did stray,my heart opprest with grief and wae, Thou art false and looks dreary O.The high clad hill o'ertap the clouds,The hare flees timerous thro' the woods,The trees forsaken by their buds, Emblems of me and mary O.
A' around deserted looks,Tangles fringe the barren rocks,And children by the ingle neucks Tell tales that make them eerie O.Storms may rage and tempests roar,Restless billows beat the shore,Joy on earth I'll ne'er hae more, But live and mourn my mary O.