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The Chaucer Series
Library editions, 14 vols., demy 8 vo., in uniform binding.
The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Edited from numerous manuscripts, with introductions and notes, by W. W. Skeat. In six volumes, with portrait and facsimiles. Each volume, 16 s.
Chaucerian and other pieces, being a supplement to the above. Edited from numerous manuscripts by W. W. Skeat. 18 s.
The Vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman, in three parallel texts, together with Richard the Redeless, by William Langland. Edited from numerous manuscripts, with preface, notes, and glossary, by W. W. Skeat. Two volumes. £1 11 s. 6 d.
The Complete Works of John Gower. Edited from the manuscripts, with introductions, notes, glossaries, and facsimiles, by G. C. Macaulay. Each volume 16 s. Vol. I: The French Works. Vols. II and III: The English Works. Vol. IV: The Latin Works.
King Horn, a romance of the thirteenth century. Edited from the manuscripts by Joseph Hall. 12 s. 6 d. Tudor and Stuart Library
Linen rag paper, printed with the types given to the University by Dr. Fell, 1660. 712 × 5, 712 × 512, 712 × 6. Each 5 s. net unless otherwise stated.
Wilson’s Arte of Rhetorique. Introduction by G. H. Mair.
Turbervile’s Booke of Hunting. 7 s. ed. net.
Howell’s Devises. Introduction by Walter Raleigh.
Minor Poems Of Drayton. Chosen and edited by Cyril Brett.
Knyvett’s Defence of the Realme. Intrn. by C. Hughes.
Shakespeare’s Merry Wives of Windsor; printed from the quarto of 1602. Introduction by W. W. Greg.
Shakespeare’s Sonnets. Introduction by W. H. Hadow.
Peacham’s Compleat Gentleman. Introd. by G. S. Gordon. 7 s. 6 d. n.
Browne’s Religio Medici & Digby’s Observations.
Traherne’s Poems of Felicity. Now first printed from a MS. in the British Museum. Edited by H. I. Bell.
Greville’s Life of Sir Philip Sidney. Intrn. by Nowell Smith.
Evelyn’s Sculptura. With an introduction by C. F. Bell. 7 s. 6 d. net.
Pepys’s Memoires of the Royal Navy. Intrn. by J. R. Tanner.
Uniform editions of the Dramatists
The Works Of Thomas Kyd. Edited, with facsimile letters and title-pages, by F. S. Boas. 8 vo. 15 s. net.
The Works of John Lyly. Edited by R. W. Bond. In three volumes 8 vo., with collotype and facsimile title-pages. 42 s. net.
The Plays and Poems of Robert Greene. Edited, with a collotype and seven facsimile title-pages, by J. Churton Collins. In two volumes 8 vo. 18s. net.
The Works of Christopher Marlowe. Edited, with textual notes, by C. F. Tucker Brooke. Crown 8 vo., with 11 facsimile title-pages. 5 s. net; India paper, 7 s. 6 d. net.
The Mediaeval Stage, from classical times through folk-play and minstrelsy to Elizabethan drama. By E. K. Chambers. With two illustrations. 8 vo. £1 5 s. net.
York Plays, performed by the Crafts or Mysteries of York, in the fourteenth to the sixteenth centuries. Edited, with introduction and glossary, by L. Toulmin Smith. 8 vo. £1 1 s.
The Pilgrimage to Parnassus, with the two parts of the Return from Parnassus, being three comedies performed in St, John’s College, Cambridge, A. D. 1597–1601. Edited by W. D. Macray. Medium 8 vo., 8 s. 6 d.
Plays from the Italian. Ed. R. W. Bond. Cr. 8 vo.[In the press.]
The Oxford Shakespeare. New large type edition. Mr. W. J. Craig’s Text, with portrait and glossary, in one volume. 1350 pages; cloth 3 s. 6 d., leather from 6 s. On Oxford India paper, cloth 7 s. 6 d., leather from 9 s.
The Shakespeare Apocrypha (being fourteen plays at some time attributed to Shakespeare, viz. Arden of Feversham, Locrine, Edward III., Mucedorus, Sir John Oldcastle, Thomas Lord Cromwell, The London Prodigal, The Puritan, A Yorkshire Tragedy, The Merry Devil of Edmonton, Fair Em, The Two Noble Kinsmen, The Birth of Merlin, Sir Thomas More). Edited, with critical introductions, apparatus, and bibliography, by C. F. Tucker Brooke. Crown 8 vo. 5 s. net; India paper, 7 s. 6 d. net. (Uniform with the India paper edition of the Oxford Shakespeare.)
Shakespeare’s Poems and Pericles. Collotype facsimile, with introductions by Sidney Lee, of the earliest editions of Pericles and the Poems. Five vols., not sold separately, (a) vellum with kid leather ties (the original bindings), £7 7 s. n.; (b) paper boards imitating vellum, £4 4 s. n. One vol. (c) calf, £4 14 s. 6 d. n.; (d) boards, £3 13 s. 6 d. n.
Select Plays of Shakespeare, in extra fcap 8 vo., stiff covers.
Edited by W. G. Clark and W. Aldis Wright.
Hamlet. 2 s. | Merchant of Venice 1 s. |
Macbeth. 1 s. 6 d. | Richard the Second. 1 s. 6 d. |
Edited by W. Aldis Wright.
As You Like It. 1 s. 6 d. | King John. 1 s. 6 d. |
Coriolanus. 2 s. 6 d. | King Lear. 1 s. 6 d. |
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Julies Caesar. 2 s. | Tempest. 1 s. 6 d. |
Twelfth Night. 1 s. 6 d.
Nine Plays of Shakespeare (Merchant of Venice, Midsummer Night’s Dream, As You Like It, Tempest, Richard II., Henry V., Julius Caesar, Hamlet, Macbeth). Edited, with introductions and notes, by G. S. Gordon. Crown 8 vo.[In preparation.
Richard II., Julius Caesar, Macbeth. With brief introductions and notes by G. S. Gordon. Crown 8 vo. 2 s. 6 d.
Midsummer Night’s Dream, As You Like It, Tempest. With brief introductions and notes by G. S. Gordon. Crown 8 vo. 2 s. 6 d.
Shakespeare’s England. Edited by Sidney Lee.[In the press.]
Shakespeare as a Dramatic Artist. By R. G. Moulton. Third edition. Crown 8 vo., 7 s. 6 d. Chapters on Macbeth. 9 d. net.
North’s Plutarch. Lives of Coriolanus, Caesar, Brutus, and Antonius. Edited by R. H. Carr. Crown 8 vo. 3 s. 6 d. Coriolanus and Julius Caesar, separately, 1 s. 6 d. each.
Miracle Plays, Moralities, and Interludes, being specimens of the pre-Elizabethan drama. Edited, with introduction, notes, and glossary, by A. W. Pollard. Fifth edition, 1909, with illustrations. Crown 8 vo. 7 s. 6 d.
Historians and Philosophers
Annotated editions
Three volumes, leather backs, demy 8 vo.
More’s Utopia. Edited by J. H. Lupton. 10 s. 6 d. net.
Bacon’s Essays. Edited by S. H. Reynolds. 10 s. 6 d. net.
Hooker’s Complete Works, with Walton’s Life. Arranged by J. Keble. 7th ed., revised by R. W. Church and F. Paget. 3 vols. medium 8 vo. 12 s. each. Vol. II contains Book V of the Ecclesiastical Polity.
- Introduction to Book V. By F. Paget. Ed. 2. Cr. 8 vo. 5 s. n.
Clarendon’s History. Re-edited from a fresh collation of the original MS. in the Bodleian Library, with marginal dates and occasional notes, by W. Dunn Macray. Six volumes, crown 8 vo. 36 s. net.
Hume’s Letters to Strahan. Ed. G. Birkbeck Hill. 8 vo. 12 s. 6 d.
Chesterfield’s Letters to his Godson. Edited from the Originals, with a Memoir of Lord Chesterfield, by the late Earl of Carnarvon. Ed. 2. With appendix and additional correspondence. Royal 8 vo. £1 1 s. net.
Older editions
Clarendon’s History and his Life, written by himself, in which is included a Continuation of his History of the Grand Rebellion. Imp. 8 vo. 10 s. 6 d. n.
Clarendon’s History, with the notes of Bishop Warburton. 1849. Seven volumes, medium 8 vo. 42 s. net.
Clarendon’s Life, including the Continuation. 1857. 2 vols. med. 8 vo. 12 s. n.
Butler’s Works. 1875. Two volumes, 8 vo. 5 s. 6 d. each.
Dr. Birkbeck Hill’s Johnson and Boswell
The set of thirteen uniform volumes, medium 8 vo., quarter-roan £7 net, cloth £6 net
Johnson’s Lives of the Poets. Edited by G. Birkbeck Hill, With a memoir of Dr. Birkbeck Hill, by his nephew Harold Spencer Scott, and a full index. Three vols. Quarter-roan, £2 2 s. net; cloth, £1 16 s. net.
- Letters. Two volumes. Quarter-roan, £1 4 s. net; cloth, £1 1 s. net.
- Miscellanies. Two volumes. Quarter-roan, £1 4 s. net; cloth, £1 1 s. net.
Walpole’s Letters. Edited by Mrs. Paget Toynbee, with over 100 letters hitherto unpublished and 50 photogravure portraits of Walpole and his circle. 16 vols. Vol. XVI. contains Indexes, compiled at the Press, of Persons (revised by Andrew Clark), of Places, and of Subjects. In three styles: demy 8 vo., on hand-made paper, cloth, £16 net: crown 8 vo., £4 16 s. net; on Oxford India paper, in 8 double volumes, £6 16 s. net.
Literary Criticism
Keats’s Hyperion. A Facsimile of Keats’s Autograph manuscript: with the Fall of Hyperion, A Dream; with introductions and notes by Ernest de Sélincourt. £2 12 s. 6 d. net in boards and £3 13 s. 6 d. net in leather.
Shelley MSS. in the Bodleian; collated by C. D. Locock. 4 to. 7 s. 6 d. n.
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Eighteenth Century Literature: an Oxford Miscellany. Crown 8 vo. 4 s. net.
The Progress Of Poesy. By J. W. Mackail. 8 vo. 1 s. net.
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Swinburne. By J. W. Mackail. 8 vo. 1 s. net.
The Function Of Criticism. By D. Nichol Smith. 8 vo. 1 s. net.
The Centenary of Tennyson, 1909. By T. H. Warren. 8 vo. 1 s. net.
Essays and Studies by members of the English Association, 1910 (H. Bradley, R. Bridges, W. P. Ker, G. Neilson, G. Saintsbury, E. Sichel, C. E. Vaughan). Collected by A. C. Bradley. 8 vo.[Shortly.]
Six Essays On Johnson. By Walter Raleigh. 8 vo. 5 s. net. (The Leslie Stephen Lecture separately, 1 s. net.)
The French Renaissance in England. By Sidney Lee. 8 vo.[Shortly.]
Uniform Editions of Critical Works
Crown 8 vo. With Introductions and Notes
Elizabethan Critical Essays. By G. Gregory Smith. 2 vols. 12 s. net.
Seventeenth Century Critical Essays. By J. E. Spingarn. 3 vols. (Vol. III. contains the index.) Each 5 s. net.
Dryden’s Essays. By W. P. Ker. 2 vols. 8 s. net.
Coleridge’s Biographia Literaria and Aesthetical Essays. By J. Shawcross. 2 vols. 8 s. net. The Oxford English Texts
Library editions, 8 vo., uniformly bound in cloth, with paper labels. The texts carefully collated with the original editions.
The Shirburn Ballads, 1585–1616. Edited from the MS. by Andrew Clark. With thirty-nine illustrations from black-letter copies. 10 s. 6 d. net.
Spenser’s Poetical Works. Vol. I (Minor Poems) edited by E. de Sélincourt. [In the press.] Vols. II. and III. (The Faerie Queene) edited by J. C. Smith. 18 s. net.
Milton’s Poetical Works. Edited by H. C. Beeching; with two collotypes and nine facsimile title-pages. 7 s. 6 d. net.
Campion’s Works. Edited by Percival Vivian. 10 s. 6 d. net.
Donne’s Poetical Works. Edited by H. J. C. Grierson. [In preparation.]
Caroline Poets. Ed. by G. Saintsbury. Vol. I. (Chamberlayne, Benlowes, K. Philips, Hannay). 10 s. 6 d. net. Vol. II. (Marmion, Kynaston, Hall, Godolphin, Ayres, Chalkhill, Carey, Hammond, Bosworth). 10 s. 6 d. net.
Blake’s Poetical Works. A new and verbatim text from the MS. engraved and letterpress originals, with variorum readings and bibliographical notes and prefaces. By John Sampson. 10 s. 6 d. net.
Shelley’s Poetical Works, including materials never before printed in any edition of the Poems; edited, with textual notes and bibliographical list of editions, by Thomas Hutchinson. With portrait of Shelley and two other collotype illustrations. 7 s. 6 d. net.
Keats’s Poetical Works. Edited, with an introduction and textual notes, by H. Buxton Forman, C. B. With five illustrations. 7 s. 6 d. net.
Oxford Plain Texts
Fcap 8 vo. Cloth 4 d. each, paper covers 3 d. each (unless otherwise stated).
Spenser. Faerie Queene I. (160 pp.). 1 s. and 9 d.
Milton. Paradise Lost I. (24 pp.), II. (32 pp.), III. (24 pp.), IV. (32 pp.), V. (28 pp.), VI. (28 pp.). Comus (32 pp.). Minor Poems and Sonnets (32 pp.). Together, cloth, 6 d.
Dryden. Preface to Fables (32 pp.).
Pope. Essay on Criticism (32 pp.).
Gray. Elegy and Odes (32 pp.).
Cowper. Task, Book I (24 pp.).
Coleridge. Ancient Mariner and Christabel (48 pp.).
Byron. Childe Harold I. (32 pp.), II. (32 pp.), III. (32 pp.), IV. (48 pp.). Together, cloth, I.–IV., 1 s.; I.–II., 6 d.; II.–III., 6 d.; III.–IV., 6 d. Prisoner of Chillon, Mazeppa, &c. (48 pp.).
Wordsworth. Excursion, Book I. (32 pp.).
Keats. Isabella, Eve of St. Agnes (32 pp.).
Shelley. Adonais, Alastor, &c. (48 pp.).
De Quincey. Spanish Military Nun, Revolt of Tartars (144 pp.), 1 s. and 9 d.
Carlyle. Burns (64 pp.), 6 d. and 4 d. Scott (68 pp.), 6 d. and 4 d.
Macaulay. History of England, Chapter III. (144 pp.), 1 s. and 9 d. Lays (80 pp.), 8 d. and 6 d. Essays: Addison (90 pp.), 8 d. and 6 d. Bacon (140 pp.), 1 s. and 9 d. Byron (40 pp.), 4 d. and 3 d. Hastings (128 pp.), 1 s. and 9 d. Johnson (64 pp.), 6 d. and 4 d. Milton (60 pp.), 6 d. and 4 d.
Arnold. Balder Dead and Mycerinus (33 pp.). Sohrab and Rustum (32 pp.).
Uniform Volumes, fcap 8 vo., cloth, 2 s. 6 d. net; lambskin, 3 s. 6 d. net. Volume marked thus * may be had on Oxford India paper, 3 s. net.
Johnson on Shakespeare. Selected and edited by Walter Raleigh.
Selections from The Rambler. With introduction by W. Hale White.
Gray’s Poems (1768). Printed in type-facsimile.
Collins’s Poems. Edited by Christopher Stone. Illustrated.
*Blake’s Lyrical Poems. Text by John Sampson. With an introduction by Walter Raleigh.
*Poems and Extracts chosen by Wordsworth. With introduction by H. Littledale and preface by J. R. Rees.
*Wordsworth’s Guide to the Lakes. Fifth edition (1835). With introduction, etc, by E. de Sélincourt. With map and 8 illustrations.
Keats’s Poems (1820). Printed in type-facsimile.
*Wordsworth’s Literary Criticism. Introd. by Nowell Smith.
Coleridge’s Literary Criticism. With introduction by J. W. Mackail.
Shelley’s Literary Criticism. Edited by J. Shawcross.
De Quincey’s Literary Criticism. Edited by H. Darbishire.
Jeffrey’s Literary Criticism. Edited by D. Nichol Smith.
Shelley’s Prose in the Bodleian MSS. Edited by A. H. Koszul.
Mary Wollstonecraft’s Original Stories, with introduction by E. V. Lucas. With six illustrations by Blake.
Mrs. Inchbald’s Simple Story. With introduction by G. L. Strachey.
Galt’s Annals Of the Parish. Edited, with an introduction and glossary, by G. S. Gordon. With a frontispiece.
Cobbett’s Grammar of the English Language. With an introduction by H. L. Stephen.
Cobbett’s Advice to Young Men, and (incidentally) to Young Women in the Middle and Higher Ranks of Life.
Barrett’s Heroine. With an introduction by Walter Raleigh.
Selected Poems Of John Clare. Edited by Arthur Symons.
Trelawny’s Recollections of Shelley and Byron. With introduction by E. Dowden. Illustrated.
Peacock’s Memoirs of Shelley (with Shelley’s letters to Peacock). Edited by H. F. B. Brett-Smith. With two portraits.
The Hambledon Men; Nyren’s ‘Young Cricketer’s Tutor,’ with other matter from various sources. Ed. E. V. Lucas. With 22 illustrations.
Kinglake’s Eothen. With introduction by D. G. Hogarth. Illustrated.
Browning’s Men and Women (1855). Exact reprint.
Jowett’s Theological Essays. Ed. Lewis Campbell. Two volumes.
Selected Poems of William Barnes. Edited, with a preface and glossarial notes, by Thomas Hardy. With a portrait.
Selected Poems Of W. M. Praed. Edited by A. D. Godley.
Poems by Clough, including Ambarvalia and the first edition of the Bothie. Edited by H. S. Milford.
A Good Fight. By Charles Reade. (The first version of The Cloister and the Hearth.)
Lowell’s Fireside Travels, introduction by E. V. Lucas.
*Palgrave’s Treasury of Sacred Song.
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Echoes from the Oxford Magazine (1890).
A Hundred Verses from Old Japan (The Hyaku-Nin-Isshiu). Translated by W. N. Poster. With 100 reproductions of Japanese woodcuts.