Six Essays on Johnson/Index
- Academy in England, Johnson on proposed, 163–6.
- Actors and acting, 22, 93–4.
- Addison, 29, 33, 44–5, 137, 139, 149.
- Akenside, 155.
- All’s Well that Ends Well, 89.
- Anecdote, Johnson on, 38.
- Antiquary, qualifications of, 112–13.
- Athenae Oxonienses, 106, 113.
- Aubrey, John, 106–13, 116. 118.
- Authorship, Johnson on, 79, 137–42.
- Authorship, mediaeval, 99.
- Autobiography in Lives of the Poets, 134–7.
- Bad characters, Johnson’s liking for, 168.
- Bale, J., 100.
- Baretti, Joseph, 50.
- Bashfulness, Johnson on, 16.
- Beggars, Johnson and, 171.
- Beggar’s Opera, Gay’s, 144.
- Bentley, Richard, 142.
- Beyle, Henri (De Stendthal), 90.
- Biography, Early, 98; Evangelical, 106; Servile, 118, 143.
- Birmingham, History of, 72.
- Blackerby, Richard, 106.
- Blank verse, Johnson on, 153–6.
- Blount, Sir Thos. Pope, 105.
- Boccaccio, 156.
- Boileau, 159.
- Bolton, Edmund, 164.
- Books, the use of, 28, 31.
- Books quoted by Johnson, 94.
- Boots, Johnson’s, 94–5.
- Boswell, 9–12, 14, 18, 27, 35, 36–7, 38, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46–9, 51, 52–6, 60–3, 68, 72–4, 78, 80, 81, 88, 93, 94, 95–7, 128, 129, 131, 141, 174, 175.
- Boyse, Samuel, 121–6.
- Bunbury, Sir Charles, 59.
- Burke, 55, 63.
- Burney, Charles, 86.
- Burney, Frances, 44, 46–7, 68, 72, 168–71.
- Bustle, Johnson on, 69.
- Bute, Lord, 61.
- Cambridge University, 7, 152.
- Camden, Wm., 102.
- Campbell, Dr. Thomas, 60.
- Carew, quoted, 18.
- Carlyle, 66, 140.
- Cartwright, Edmund, 121 n.
- Cat, Johnson’s, 94.
- Cat, physiology of the, 58.
- Chandler, Mrs. Mary, 126.
- Chatham, Lord, 10.
- Chaucer, 126, 128; quoted, 99.
- Chesterfield, Lord, 76.
- Children, Johnson and, 66, 71, 171.
- Churchill on Johnson, 77.
- Cibber, Theophilus, 119–26.
- Clarke, Sam., 106.
- Classical doctrine of poetry, 147.
- Coleridge, 154.
- Commonplace, 13, 37.
- Congreve, 27, 87–8, 118.
- Conversation, Johnson’s, 45, 48, 51–2, 71, 96–7.
- Cook, Wm., Life of Johnson, 41; memory of Goldsmith, 65.
- Cooper, Mrs. Eliz., 118–19.
- Corneille, 88.
- Cowley, 105, 126, 128, 133, 137, 152, 153.
- Cowper, William, 145–7.
- Coxeter, Thos., 119.
- Criticism, breadth of Johnson’s, 157.
- Cumberland, Richard, 53, 61.
- Curll, Edmund, 117, 118.
- Cymbeline, 94.
- Dante, 176.
- Death, Johnson on, 48–9, 71.
- Denham, 157.
- Devotional poetry, Johnson on, 159–61; Dr. Watts on, 161–3.
- Dictionary, Johnson’s, 12, 31, 33, 34, 75–6, 82, 126.
- Dictionary of National Biography, 8.
- Dies Irae, 162.
- Dilly, Edward, 128.
- Donne, 103, 104, 176.
- Drayton, 102.
- Dryden, 8, 126, 131, 136–7, 138, 140–1, 149–50, 157, 164, 166–8.
- Eating, Johnson’s manner of, 52–53.
- Education, Johnson on, 69.
- Egotism, Johnson’s freedom from, 59–60.
- Emendation of Shakespeare, Johnson’s views on, 90–2.
- English character, 32, 35, 163.
- Essay on Man, Pope’s, 148.
- Essex Head Club, 41, 44.
- Exit Pistol, Johnson’s note on, 86.
- Farmer, Dr., 80.
- Faults of Shakespeare, 86–9.
- Fitzherbert, 58.
- Flint, Elizabeth, 169–71.
- Foote, 41, 92–3.
- Fox, Charles James, 20.
- Freedom, poetic, 157.
- Fuller, Thos., 100, 102, 105, 107.
- Garrick, David, 22, 80, 88, 93.
- Gay, 144, 148.
- Gesticulation, Johnson on, 21–2.
- Ghost, The, Churchill’s, 77.
- Ghosts, Johnson on, 70.
- Gibbon, 138.
- Goldsmith, 61–6, 72, 73.
- ‘Good kissing carrion,’ 91.
- Grainger, Dr., 77.
- Gray, 30, 139–40.
- Great, the, and Johnson, 59.
- Greville, Sir Fulke, 101.
- Griffiths, Ralph, 119, 120–5 n.
- Gunpowder, Johnson on, 48.
- Hamlet, 80, 85, 91, 117.
- Hammond, James, 122 n., 151.
- Hanmer, Sir Thomas, 75.
- Hawkesworth, Life of Swift, 29.
- Hawkins, Sir John, 43, 53, 54, 63–5, 68, 78, 168.
- Hearne, Thos., 45, 114.
- Hector, Edmund, 79.
- Henry V., 86.
- Henry VIII., 90.
- Herbert, George, 103, 104.
- Hervey, Hon. Henry, 135–6.
- Heywood, Thomas, projected Lives of the Poets, 101–2.
- Hill, Dr. Birkbeck, 5, 59, 80.
- Hobbes, 107.
- Hooker, Richard, 103, 104.
- Hoole, John, 49.
- Horneck, The Misses, 62.
- Humour, Johnson’s, 68–70.
- Hunting, Johnson on, 67.
- Idler, The, 33, 40, 93.
- Indolence, Johnson on, 15.
- Inspiration, Johnson’s view of poetic, 158.
- Irene, Johnson’s, 140.
- Irish bulls, 65.
- Jacob, Giles, 117–18.
- Jenyns, Soame, 23–6.
- Jonson, Ben, 84, 109, 123.
- Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides, Boswell’s, 48, 53.
- Journey to the Western Islands, Johnson’s, 33, 61; quoted, 18.
- Kearsley, 41.
- Keats, 157.
- Kettell, Dr. Ralph, 110–11.
- Lamb, Charles, 66, 93.
- Langbaine, Gerard, 105, 118.
- Language of Shakespeare, Johnson and Coleridge on, 83–4.
- Leland, J., 100.
- Levett, Dr. Robert, Johnson’s elegy on, 152–3.
- Lichfield, 32, 39.
- Lives of Johnson, 40–4.
- Lives of the Poets, Johnson’s, 18, 26–31, 33. 119, 121 n., 126–7, 128–76.
- London, Johnson’s early life in, 30–1, 34, 135.
- Love, Johnson on, 67–8.
- Lycidas, 28–9, 151–3.
- Lyttelton, Lord, 140–1.
- Macaulay, 52, 53, 81, 164, 174.
- Macbeth, 75, 86, 90, 93.
- Malone, Edmund, 71–2, 82, 129, 143.
- Merton College, 114–15.
- Midsummer Night’s Dream, 22, 90.
- Milbourne, Rev. Mr., 157.
- Milton, 28–9, 105, 134–5, 140, 143–4, 154, 155, 158.
- Minor Poems of Milton, 143.
- Montagu, Mrs., 141, 169.
- Monthly Review, 120–5 n.
- More, Hannah, 44, 72.
- More, Sir Thomas, 94.
- Mourning Bride, Congreve’s, 87–8.
- Murphy, Arthur, Essay on Johnson, 43–4, 68.
- Mythology, Johnson on, 148–50.
- Nature, Return to, 156.
- Night Thoughts, Young’s, 155.
- Nut-brown Maid, The, 145–7.
- Oldys, Wm., 118–19.
- Oxford University, 113, 116.
- Pack-thread, 57.
- Paradise Lost, 143, 158.
- Pastoral poetry, 28, 150–3.
- Pepys, Samuel, 108.
- Pepys, William Weller, 141.
- Percy, Bishop, 44, 53, 60, 70.
- Petty, Sir William, 108.
- Phillips, Edward, 105, 143–4.
- Pinkethman, Mrs., 170.
- Pits, J., 100.
- Poetic temperament, Johnson’s apology for the, 172.
- Poetry, Johnson’s estimate of, 156–7.
- Politeness, Johnson’s claim to, 54–60.
- Pope, 23, 27, 75, 78, 91, 92, 118, 136, 138–9, 148, 149, 150, 156, 158.
- Poverty, Johnson on, 15, 51.
- Prayers, Milton’s omission of, 134–5.
- Prior, Matthew, 133, 145–7, 147–8.
- Proposals for an edition of Shakespeare, 76.
- Prose style, Johnson’s, 16–18, 147, 175–6.
- Prose and verse, 153–4.
- Prose and youth, 131–2.
- Prynne, Wm., 107.
- Public opinion, 34–5, 137–40, 166.
- Publishers, rise of, 116–17.
- Pun, Johnson’s, 70.
- Puppets and Goldsmith, 63.
- Raleigh, Sir Walter, 94, 101.
- Raleigh, Walter, the younger, 108.
- Rambler, The, 12–17, 21, 33, 56, 175.
- Rasselas, 33, 67, 79, 129.
- Reading, Johnson’s manner of, 23.
- Reputation, Johnson on, 142.
- Revenge, Johnson on, 16.
- Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 44, 46, 52, 55, 60–1, 72, 73, 81.
- Richard II., 96.
- Richardson, Samuel, 13.
- Rogers, Samuel, 65.
- Roman History, Johnson on, 20.
- Romantic School, The, 21, 28, 84–5, 138.
- Ronsard, 176.
- Roscommon, Wentworth Dillon, Earl of, 164.
- Rossetti, D. G., quoted, 116, 147.
- Rousseau, 21, 34.
- Rowe, N., 75, 127, 150.
- Rudd, Mrs., 170.
- Samson Agonistes, 135.
- Sanderson, Dr. Robert, 103, 104.
- Satire, example of Johnson’s, 24–6.
- Savage, Life of, 18–20, 30, 72–3, 123, 138, 166, 171–3.
- Savile, Sir Henry, 107, 108, 153.
- Sayings, Johnson’s, quoted, 10, 20, 21, 23, 26, 29, 31, 36, 37, 38, 49, 50, 51, 54, 55–6, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 67, 69, 70, 71, 77, 79, 81, 82, 88, 92, 129, 133, 135–6, 140, 142.
- Scotland and the Scotch, 9, 10, 35, 60–1, 121–3.
- Scudery, 94.
- Seasons, The, Thomson’s, 155.
- Second-sight, Johnson on, 18.
- Selden, 109.
- Settle, Elkanah, 140–1.
- Seward, Miss Anna, 70.
- Shakespeare, 11, 31, 32, 67, 75–97, 98, 101, 102, 144, 163.
- Shaw, Rev. Wm., Life of Johnson, 41.
- Sheffield, John, D. of Buckinghamshire, 134.
- Shenstone, 151.
- Shiels, Robert, 120–3, 120 n.
- Ship and jail, Johnson on, 21.
- Sidney, Sir Philip, Life of, 101.
- Smith, Adam, 78.
- Smith, Edmund, 137.
- Somervile, Wm., 154.
- Spectator, Addison’s, 15, 33, 132–3.
- Spenser, 101.
- Sprat, Bp., 105.
- Stanley, Dame Venetia, 106.
- Steele, 172–3.
- Steevens, George, 80.
- Stephen, Sir James Fitzjames, 8.
- Stephen, Sir Leslie, 7–9.
- Suckling, 107.
- Surprises of Johnson’s talk, 21.
- Swift, 29–30, 44, 164.
- Taine on Johnson, 12–13.
- Tanner, Bp., 100.
- Tavern, Johnson’s delight in, 55–6.
- Tediousness, Johnson on, 133.
- Tempest, The, 90.
- Theobald, 75, 82, 92.
- Thomson, James, 155.
- Thrale, Mrs., 20, 27, 41–2, 43, 47, 49–51, 54, 56–8, 66–8, 69, 72, 73, 130, 131, 162, 170.
- Tombstones, described by Aubrey, 109–10.
- Tonson, Jacob, 117.
- Towers, Joseph, Life of Johnson, 42–3.
- Truth, Johnson’s regard for, 38, 52, 70, 82.
- Tyers, Life of Johnson, 40–1, 48.
- Unities, The dramatic, 90 n., 163.
- Vanity of Human Wishes, The, 67.
- Verbosity, Johnson’s, 147–8.
- Violence, Johnson’s, 54.
- Virgil, Dryden’s translation of, 157.
- Vivisection, Johnson on, 94.
- Waller, Edmund, 132, 148–9, 159.
- Walpole, Horace, 141.
- Walsh, Wm., 136.
- Walton, Izaak, 102–4.
- Warburton, 75, 76, 91, 92–3.
- Warton, Thomas, 77, 80.
- Watts, Dr. Isaac, 21–3, 161–3.
- Welsh character, 35.
- Wesley, John, 70.
- Whims, Johnson’s, 36–7.
- Widows, 134.
- Winstanley, Wm., 105.
- Wood, Anthony à, 106, 113–16, 118.
- Wordsworth, 147, 156.
- Worthies of England, Fuller’s, 102.
- Wotton, Sir Henry, 103.
- Writing, Johnson’s method of, 130.
- Young, Edward, 155.
- Young, Sir John, 109–10.