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Six excellant (sic) new songs (1)/March and On Wi' Charlie

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4632621Six excellant new songs — March and On Wi' CharlieAnonymous


Air—Whistle o'er the laveo't.

I've heard the muircock's early craw,I've seen the morning's rosy daw,But this is blithest o' them a',To march awa wi' Charlie.
Our Scottish flags like streamers waveIt's Charlie's sel that leads the braveWe winna flinch nor fear a grave,But stand or fa' wi' Charlie,
There's no a traitor in his clan,There's no a heart there's no a han',But when the notes o' weir is blawn,Will start and on wi’ Charlie.
It's wha dare now on Charlie frawn,Or tread the northern thistle down,Eor Scotland's right and Scotland's crown,We'll owre the hills wi' Charlie.