Six excellant (sic) new songs (1)/See the Ship
For other versions of this work, see See the Ship.
See the ship in the bay is riding,
Dearest Helen I go from thee,
Boldly go in thy love confiding,
O'er the deep and the trackless sea.
When thy lov d form no more is near me,
When thy sweet smile no longer I see,
This soothing thought shall at midnight cheer me.
My love is breathing a prayer for me.
Dearest Helen I go from thee,
Boldly go in thy love confiding,
O'er the deep and the trackless sea.
When thy lov d form no more is near me,
When thy sweet smile no longer I see,
This soothing thought shall at midnight cheer me.
My love is breathing a prayer for me.
When the thunder of war is roaring,
And the bullets around me fly,
When the rage of the tempest pouring,
Blends the billowy sea and sky.
Then shall my heart to fear a stranger,
Cherish its fondest hopes for the,
This dear reflection disarming danger,
My love is breathing a prayer for me.
This dear reflection disarming danger.
My love is breathing a prayer for me.
And the bullets around me fly,
When the rage of the tempest pouring,
Blends the billowy sea and sky.
Then shall my heart to fear a stranger,
Cherish its fondest hopes for the,
This dear reflection disarming danger,
My love is breathing a prayer for me.
This dear reflection disarming danger.
My love is breathing a prayer for me.