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Spirella Manual (1913)/Section 1

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Spirella Manual (1913)
The Spirella Proposition
166559Spirella Manual (1913) — The Spirella Proposition


The Spirella Proposition.

IN TAKING UP THE SPIRELLA WORK, co-worker, we want you to realize what the Spirella Proposition means to you and to us, what there is in it of advantage to you, wherein it differs from other propositions, why it is peculiarly a woman's work. The position you are about to as­sume is one of honor, of dignity, of permanency, of profit, of progress, and of fascination. It has for its ultimate aim the making of you into a Resi­dent Corsetiere, who in the privacy of your customer's home can, because of your knowledge of corsetry, give her a larger degree of CORSET SATIS­FACTION embodying Health, Comfort, Style and Economy, than she has heretofore known. To give this satisfaction to your customer requires knowledge on your part. The knowledge which you have, be it much or little, is sufficient to start with, but see to it that each day you add some­thing to that knowledge. The possession of this knowledge makes your vocation dignified, makes it honorable. Obtain that knowledge.

Little of Profit can come to you from corseting a customer once. Your whole aim, then, should be to give her such corset satisfaction as will bring her back to you for re-orders. Upon the number of re-orders you obtain depends the permanency of your work. We therefore emphasize the need of the utmost care in this work, the necessity of giving satisfac­tion to your customer. You would refuse to deal with that merchant who gives you unsatisfactory service. So in this work, unless you satisfy your customers they will not re-order.

It is a pleasure to state that at this writing the first Representative ever employed by The Spirella Company over eight years ago is still with us, that a majority of the first ten ladies who took up Spirella work are still engaged in it and are among the most successful and enthusiastic of our Corsetieres. Their experience is evidence of the permanency of the work.

The Spirella Proposition is peculiarly fitted for women. Corset fitting must be done by women. Man cannot enter this field, cannot take from woman the work of corset fitting. But to reach the heights you de­sire requires constant study, constant thought, constant effort upon your part. There is no easy path to success. Large achievements result only from large effort. Make up your mind, then, to give to this work the best there is in you in mental and physical effort. One fact is self-evident; you can get no more out of it than you put into it.

The profit you realize must depend upon yourself; it will be limited only by the amount of well directed, intelligent effort you put into it. Our records for six years prove that Spirella Workers have an average earning power of over $100.00 for every full month worked. The earnings of some are very, very large. The earnings of others are very small, but in every instance the profits measure the preparation made, the time given it, the real work put into it. A large percentage of Spirella Representa­tives achieve a high degree of success. Put yourself into the percentage of successful workers.

The Spirella Proposition calls for women of standing, of character, of integrity, of ability, of energy; women who desire to become stronger, to acquire more of the power to do. The high character of the work required in successful corsetry calls Spirella Representatives into homes where wealth and luxury abound, among women of culture, of good taste, and where a knowledge of the latest models prevails; it calls them into the homes of the great middle class, the best buyers of the country; it calls them into the homes where the purchasing power of pennies must be meas­ured. Because of the quality, of the value put into Spirella Corsets, the Spirella Corsetiere who thoroughly knows her work is as welcome in the homes where dollars are scarce as where dollars abound. Meeting all classes, as do our Corsetieres, the necessity of standing, of character, of integrity, of expert Corset knowledge needs no further comment.

Another thought: no vocation offers to energetic, capable, ambitious women to-day more of progress, more of profit, more of satisfaction than does the Spirella Proposition. It has brought health, happiness and prosperity to many a woman whose health has been broken by too close confinement in the office, in the school room, in the shop, or worn out by years of toil with the needle. It has brought comfort and the means of support to many mothers who have found themselves compelled to assume the position of bread-winners. It has furnished the opportunity for comfortable incomes to many young women in search of profitable employ­ment, and above all it has brought the highest degree of corset comfort, of corset satisfaction, of better health, of larger enjoyment of life to thou­sands and thousands of women who have, suffered from the tortures of the corset of other days, boned with stiff, unyielding stays. To-day over two million wearers testify to the merits of Spirella and to the value of the Spirella Proposition.