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St. Nicholas/Volume 32/Number 2/Advertisements/Back/Folding Brownie

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Photographic Outfits

“Almost a Kodak.”


The New No. 2

Folding Brownie

More of a camera than has ever before been offered at the price. Good enough to satisfy grown people—simple enough for the children. A Christmas delight to either.

Has automatic shutter with iris diaphragm stops, meniscus lens, automatic focusing device, reversible finder, two tripod sockets. Uses daylight film cartridges for 6 exposures, 2¼ × 3¼ inches.

BROWNIES, $1, $2, $5. KODAKS, $5 to $97. DEVELOPING MACHINES, $2 to $10.


Catalogues free at the
dealers by mail.
Rochester, N. Y.