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St. Nicholas/Volume 32/Number 2/Advertisements/Back/Grape-Nuts

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Too much STARCH (in form of white bread, underoooked potatoes, etc.), PASTE (half-cooked cereals, soggy vegetables, etc.), GREASE (over-fat meats, fried foods, etc,), COFFEE (with its dangerous Caffein, etc.), those elements that make up the diet cause nine-tenths of human ails, and only by change to proper food can these ails be cured. So long as the cause is there the effect will remain, although, of course, you may cover it with medicine for a time.

Cut out the pasty, soggy, greasy, starchy foods, and tea and coffee, and get back to a natural diet, don’t over-eat, be sure to chew your food thoroughly, some exercise, plenty fresh air, and soon all the joys of living will come back again, for you know there’s no feeling in all the world half so fascinating as the glow of returning health, strength and vigor.


Try this 10 days and note how much stronger you will feel in Body and Brain—keener, brighter and fit to keep up in the life race.
BREAKFAST of, say A Little Fruit, Saucer of GRAPE-NUTS and Cream,
A Little Toast, A Soft Cooked Egg or Two, A Cup of Postum

in place of tea or coffee, Surprising how fur you can go on this simple meal yet be strong and feel well fed, for the reason that all the food elements are there.

LUNCH on the same and no more till the evening meal.

Make DINNER the hearty meal: such meat as you prefer (some can't eat pork), good wholesome vegetables well cooked but not soggy, whole-wheat bread or toast, dessert from some one of the GRAPE-NUTS recipes (book in each pkg.).

This diet will put you on your feet again, and for a sound seientifie reason.

‘There is no charm like the glow of returning health; 10 days of the GRAPE-NUTS diet will prove it.

Get the little book, ”The Road to Wellville,” in each pkg.