100 different Foreign, Argentine, Australia, India, Victoria, Japan, etc., only 4¢, Blank Album with 600 spaces, 5¢. Send for the above and start collecting. Approval sheets. 50% com. Big list free. 1000 gummed hinges, die cut, 5¢.
STAMPS FREE A sheet of 50 Unused names of two Collectors and 2c. postage. 100 different stamps, 3c; 100 different U. S. stamps, 250; 21 Russian, including 1 Rouble, only 20c. 40 Japan Postage and Revenue, only 25c.
Toledo Stamp Co., Toledo O.,
FREE! One Foreign stamp catalogued at 5 cts. and our 60-page list to all collectors trying our 50% approval sheets: none better.
PERRIN & CO., 106 East 23rd St., NEW YORK, N. Y.
STAMPS 100 varieties, Peru, Cuba, Bolivia, Mexico, Argentine, Brazil, Costa Rica, Turkey, etc., and Album only 10¢; 1000 mixed, 20¢; 1000 hinges, 8¢; '65 diff. U.S. 25¢; 100 diff. U. S. 50¢;Agents wanted, 50%. New List Free.
C. A. Stegman, Dept. D. 5941 Cote Brillante av. St. Louis, Mo.
206 $3.25.
different stamps worth $3.00 for 19¢; 306 different for 32¢,; 1000 different, a grand collection, catalogued at $24.50, for
'JOSEPH F. NEGREEN, 128 E.23d St, New York City.
all different foreign stamps, 1000 hinges, and large 40-page album, 10c.; 3 Corea, 5c.; 10 U. S. Long Rev., 10c.; 40 var. U.S., 8c.; Russia, 10c.
Geo. M. Fisk, 20 Vermont Ave., Toledo, C.
100 Cuba, Java, etc., stamp dictionary and big illustrated list, 2¢. Agts., 50%. A. Ballard & Co., S43, A, Boston.
100 Honduras, etc., album and catalog, 2c. Agts., 50%. Hill Stamp Co., So. End, Boston, Mass.
FREE Lists free.
A set of 10 all diff. Canada postage and a set of large U.S. Rev. for names of 2 collectors and return postage.
KOLONA STAMP CO., Dept. N. Dayton, Ohio.
STAMPS Fine stamps on approval at 30% discount. Reference required if unknown to us.
HOLTON STAMP CO., Dept. D, Boston, Mass.
500 mixed, 10¢;50 all diff. 5¢;100 diff. Corea, Mexico, etc., 10¢;1000 hinges 8¢;40 diff. U.S. and Canada, 10¢. Agts. wanted, 50 per cent. List Free. Stamps bought.
UNION STAMP CO., St. Louis, Mo.
Varieties Uruguay Free with trial approval sheets 1000 Hinges, 6c. F. E. Thorp. Norwich, N. Y.
20 diff.
U. S. large cents, 1 half cent, 1 eagle cent, 1 Confed. bill—all for $1.00. Stamp and Coin lists free.
R. M. Langzettel, 92 Crown St., New Haven, Conn.
40 Varieties
U. S. envelopes, (cut square, 20c., St. Louis set 10c. Lists free. Chambers Stamp Co., 111 G Nassau Street, New York City
OLD COINSPaper Money, etc., for sale. 10 different for’n coins, each from a different country, 22. Curious Morocco east coin, dated 1290, price 12c. Confederate Money, 5 bills for 15c. Retail coin list free. Premium list 8c.
Thomas L. Elder.
Dept. N. 32 East 23d St. New York City
About Packets. Every stamp collector should send for out free illustrated price list of our “Queen City Series of Non-duplicate Packets.” Finest and cheapest packets ever offered. No Trash.
QUEEN CITY STAMP CO., 1 Sinton Building Cincinnati, O.
STAMPS 120 var. rare Zanzibar, Fiji, China, etc. 10c. 8 Samoa, 10c. Est. 1881. Importing Co., Salem, Mass.
Dainty Hand-made and Painted Baby Books,
$2.50 each, or 3 for $2.25 each, in boxes. Especially pretty for Christmas baby gifts. Postage paid. Address
Miss E. F. Washington, 214 S. 43rd St. Philadelphia, Pa.
No One Uses The Ink NWhen there’s a Dixon around
The thirteen year old girl who wrote the above is one of the prize winners in the Dixon advertisement contest. She is right, but what’s bad for the ink is good for the Dixon pencil—the one who uses it.
A guide of great value to all pencil users can be had for a postal addressed Dept. R
Joseph Dixon Crucible Company, Jersey City, N. J.
A Stamp
Collector’s paper for 6 weeks, 5c. Each subscriber who will ask for 30% approvals will receive all the following free: A pocket stamp album, an illustrated stamp catalogue, 100 mixed foreign stamps including Corea, China, Japan and Russia, and a book of general information “About Stamps.” For Cash Orders we offer: Popular stamp albums, 30c.,50c-and 75c. editions, holding from 3000 to, 6000 stamps; 546 varieties foreign stamps, $1.50: 1000 varieties, $3.25; 500 well-mixed, 150; 1000 best hinges, 10c.
C. H. MEKEEL STAMP CO. (Wellston Sts.), St: Louis, Mo.
4 Cayman; 6 Ceylon; 4 East Africa and Uganda; 4 Falkland; 5 Hong Kong; 6 Mauritius; 4 Nigeria; 4 Virgin Islands; 4 Malay; 3 Lagos, 10c; 5 Seychelles, 12c; 25 Pictorial, 60c. We will exchange for or buy your duplicates. Pocket album, cloth, 6c.
The Royal Postage Stamp Album
Send for illustrated booklet describing this beautiful album.
The Colonial Stamp Co.,953 East 53rd St., Chicago
Send for this
Print your own cards, circulars, &c. Press $5. Small newspaper press $10. Money saver. Print for others, big profits. Tyoe-setting easy, printed rules sent. Write to makers for catalog, presses, type, paper, &c.