Stirring Science Stories/February 1941
Cosmic (Complete novel of the future) The Secret Sense by Isaac Asimov Also John L. Chapman, Hugh Raymond, At Your Newsstand January 1, 1941 |

$1260 to $2100 a Year
Get Ready Now.
City Mail Carriers, City Post Office Clerk
Clerks and carriers now get $1,700 the first year of regular employment and automatically increase $100 a year to 82.100. Open to men — women, 18 to 48.
Railway Postal Clerks
Railway Postal Clerks get $1,900 the first year of regular employment, being paid on the first and fifteenth of each month. ($79.17 each pay day.) Their pay is automatically increased yearly to $2,300 and $2,450 in larger organizations. Advance may be had to Chief Clerk at $2,700 a year. ($112.50 each pay day.) Open to men, 18 to 35.
Customs Inspector
Salary $2,100 to start Men 21 to 45, Work connected with examining baggage and merchandise entering the country from foreign parts covering boats, trains, roads, automobiles, etc.
Other Governmeht Jobs
Many other dependable government jobs are obtained through Civil Service examinations. Positions such as Rural Mail Carrier—Sub-Clerical positions—Assistant Meat Inspector—Assistant Statistical Clerk—Student Nurse—Immigration Patrol Inspector—Storekeeper-Gauger—Stenographer—Typist, Messenger, etc.
Get Ready at Once
Experience is often unnecessary. Let us show you how to get a government job.
Free List of Positions
Fill out the following coupon. Tear it off and mail it today—now, at once. This investment may result In your getting a big-paid government job.
★ |
Franklin Institute, Dept. L180, Rochester, N. Y. Gentlemen. Rush to me, free of charge, list of Government big pay jobs. Send me free 32 page book describing salaries, vacations, hours, work, and full particulars telling how to quality for one of these jobs.
★ |
Stirring Science-Fiction
Dead Center (Novelette) |
7 |
25 |
28 |
34 |
35 |
Citadel of Thought |
38 |
50 |
51 |
The Vortex (Department) |
67 |
Stirring Fantasy-Fiction
Thirteen O'Сlock (Novelette) |
70 |
88 |
Old Trinity Churchyard (Poem) |
92 |
Key to Cornwall |
93 |
101 |
109 |
118 |
Always Comes Evening (Poem) |
125 |
The Fantasy World (Department) |
126 |
Cover Illustration by Leo Morey
All characters mentioned in the stories contained herein are fictitious, and any similarity to actual persons living or dead is accidental.
Published bi-monthly by Albing Publications. Office of publication, 1 Appleton Street, Holyoke, Mass. Editorial and Executive Offices, 19 East 48th Street, New York, N. Y. Application for second class entry pending at the post office at Holyoke, Mass. Copyright, 1940, by Albing Publications. Manuscripts should be accompanied by self-addressed, stamped envelope, and are submitted at the author’s risk. . . Yearly Subscription, 90c; Single Copies, 15.
Printed in U. S. A.